Germany is the only major advanced economy which will drop below 60%

I checked the stats, the only other countries which have low debt to GDP ratios are small, rich countries such as Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Australia etc.

You all know that America's massive debt level in combination with rising interest rates means America will have to introduce austerity and hiked taxes soon, right?

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Gonna open anpother credit card for importing more muslims?

That's very interesting. How does Germany's debt to GDP ratio compare to other muslim countries?

>How does Germany's debt to GDP ratio compare to other muslim countries?
Pretty well, really.

How does America's debt to GDP ratio compare to other non-white countries?

>german outlook

>10 million more syrians

have fun with that.

Pretty easy to have a low debt/gdp ratio when you've got an entire continent as your colonies. Colonies are good captive markets to sell your shit to.


>>german outlook
million more syrians

Interestingly enough, in 2017 Canada took in more "refugees" than Germany. How does it feel to be officially Muslimed by your own government via plane loads?

At least here in Germany we were just swamped because of the evil Greeks opening the floodgate, not flying them in.

>Pretty easy to have a low debt/gdp ratio when you've got an entire continent as your colonies. Colonies are good captive markets to sell your shit to.
Explain then why we have no trade surplus with the Eurozone. Our trade surplus is exclusively due to sales to countries outside of the Eurozone.

>Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Australia etc.
those nordic master race feels

> export based economy
> nuffin will happen if the people we sell our shit to run out of credit
I'm afraid I have bad news for you.

We got ours down from 120% to 78.6% in a couple of years. Its really not that hard to do.

Not when Trump bans your cars from being sold in the States faggot.

Post a real source krautfag

Think your playing with terms there ahk med

krauts are retarded, the moment euro will crack down they will bankrupt in a couple of years (plus they're full of shitskins) SAD!

Why does anyone care about debt?

We have lots and lots of debt and no one cares. It has no effect

>"We must take care. There may be another war. The Germans will try again, given another chance. A Kraut is a Kraut is a Kraut. And the only good Kraut is a dead Kraut."

All of the debt is externalized in the form of Reserve Currency and Petro Dollars, Hanz.

Most of all debt that is owed by the private family is sitting overseas in the coffers of people trading on the SWIFT system. When the day comes that people do not want to do business internationally with the US dollar is the day that the US will see massive inflation.

Until that day comes, we're sailing in the wind.

>cracking down

Stop reading zerohedge

Gas yourself kraut. Luckly there will be no more germarns left in acentury.

America spending levels are no sustainable. Yes, it's simple: We must cut spending or increase taxes. This is one reason why Trump's agenda will likely fail. His tax plan's implementation is contingent upon healthcare form. Healthcare reform is supposed to reduce government spending, which then can be turned into tax cuts. Well, healthcare reform likely isn't going to happen. Moreover, Trump wants to introduce major infrastructure spending. How? On top of that, Baby Boomers will soon be asking for their gibs en mass, military spending increases every year, and the welfare state continues to expand.

Learn some economics faggot. The system isnt designed to stay in the long run (and i dont see any serious reforms proposal)

Is it the same kraut that keeps posting these threads?

The EU exists so Germany can loot and rape the economy of Europe

It would be a surprise if they did have any debt that was unrelated to importing shitskins

Private debt matters, public debt doesn't matter

But the reason Germany has such low debt is because they have a huge trade surplus with EU countries that have had their Industry dismantled and sent to Germany

No, it exists such that poor economies allowed to enter the zone keep the Euro artificially low such that Germany can best benefit from selling their high-quality machinery on the international market at lower prices. If the EU were filled with only strong economies, Germany would not be doing as well as they're doing now.

They don't sell their equipment in Deutschmarks.

canada is huge, we can let the syrians rot in the yukon.

your 2 million+ syrians will be breeding soon. are you ready for the war, hans?

Technically it is designed for the long run

The only problem is all the countries in Europe need to have their populations in order to survive

But Germany keeps importing more shitskins so they are helping kill the EU as fast as possible

Yeah tough shit the whole EU is your income sourve you parasite.

Inb4 any east european country is a parasite

You should take a look at the EU projects in eastern Europe
ALL of them benefit germany and Germany ALONE

Germany has a huge trade surplus. It is draining jobs out of the rest of Europe and impoverishing them. Germans sell far more than just machinery.

What is worse is that those countries can't stimulate their economies with government spending if they gave adopted the Euro.

Germany is emptying out the labour forces of Europe and leaving a hollow husk. Then they are replacing the native white populations with Africans and Arabs

Eurozone is a non oprtima currency area and in eu system there are no:
1) fiscal redistribution
2) mobility of factor of production

So its not designed to work in the long run but only "until some major event happened and everyting came down".

>Only frances population is increasing, and will alledgedly "even" out when it reaches 100%.
>Its only because of shitskins and niggers make up more than half of their country by that point.

There is no hope.

So this is what Kallergi meant when saying that our economic strength must be controlled to make Europe African. I'm somewhat scared at how nobody in the general population seems to be even the least bit aware of this. This place; two years on here and I'm respecting Hitler.

where are you quoting your information from?


from economics book

man, you should leave the union then, get rid of the EU tax on outside trade

Nice bait

First major Western European to fall below 60% white also.

>until some major event happened and everyting came down
Yeah, there has been several in the passing years according to doomsday faggots and EUR still didn't crash. The opposite actually and now it's on it's way up. Again, stop reading zerohedge.

These event in the past were used to as a bait to give more powers (of integration) in the EU system. Now we cant integrate any further due to german constitution. And as it is now the eurozone system cant run properly (he didnt even have a fislac system that can work properly). Sorry eufaggots, your superstate dream will come to an end.

trying too hard there

that is the plan, import enough primitive people, crash everything, watch the world burn.

good goyim

work more

>Italian education

Well lots of people understood this at the time, even in the Anglo world.

Germany was the only major country where economists, politicians, media, academics, generals, etc had a chance to take over the government and fight to oppose international capitalism/communism

I wish America and the UK had joined Hitler, but unfortunately Huey Long was killed by a kike and Mosley never came to power

'this will be the end of the euro zone’ says Increasingly nervous PIGS for seventh time this year

cheap euro, cheap for countries to buy. If you didn't have the shitty med countries dragging the euro into the gutter, your exports would be fucked muhammed

How fortunate for the mudslimes who will inherit all this wealth eh?

The only problem is at which price this was bought.

feel free to enlight yourself using wikipedia (but i think you're too stupid to understand economics...seriously you fall for the german MSM "muh germany are stronk") but whatever give a try!

What is the fucking point, the housing market is screwed and young people can't buy houses to settle down and have kids anymore, so they import a bunch of sand dwellers to replace us. Wow the economy sure is doing YOU a lot of good.


>Using eternal anglo propaganda terms

Again luckly there will be no more germans in a century.

France is already 33% nonwhite by accounting for people who are in danger of sickle-cell disease alone. and that extra 8% to reach is easy if you start to include arabs to the mix.

France will, if not already is below 60%

Not as long as the IMF keeps pumping in dat muulaaaa

>Europe’s richest nation – Germany – is being urged by the International Monetary Fund to spend more to boost its growth potential and that of the entire eurozone.

>In a just released report the IMF revealed its wish list for Berlin which includes investing billions in new and upgraded infrastructure including improved internet access.

>In addition it would like the government to spend more on childcare and refugee integration.

>Income tax cuts are also suggested, along with employers raising wages to help lift
(((eurozone inflation))) leading to the European Central Bank being able to wind down its stimulus efforts

cause they don'y spend shit on military. good luck trying to defend yourself when Putin comes knockin.

All Europe needs to learn from Germans.
They will guide us to prosperity.

Fuck off you spic

small correction
> they guide you to debts

They dont really have to. By the time russians reach germany, they either have to tear through most of eastern europe, or through southern-EU if they come from the black-sea route.

They are surrounded on all sides by nations that, if themselves attacked, will trigger an automatic stalemate to any conflict.

To their west, they have the biggest army of France as their puppet, more or less. The second biggest, the bongs, arent interested in anything other than their own butthole anymore.

The only way for russia to attack germany is nuking it, and against that having a few extra diveristy hires in the Bundeswehr wont do much.

Other than to be a puppet for jewish wars, germany has no reason at all to be armed.

Macron is driving for common budget and debt. Those eurocrats are doing what ever it takes to preserve this europrison.

Your economy only looks good on paper and you use the EU outlying nations to offload your debt so that you look like you're in the green when in fact your ass is so far backed up it's ridiculous
When your economy collapses in the next two years(bubbles are hard to predict) remember this thread


t. country in debt with a housing and a stock market bubble (tech stock is overpriced as fuck)
Sad thing is im posting with geographic location and I STILL get this gay flag...
>muh ebil pootin
Get lost faggot

>what is dugout
>what is shack
>what is makeshift camp

Russia claims its debt to gdp is 20%.

Australia isn't rich.

Still believing that Rinehart & Rogoff paper that gor BTFO by an Excel error?

The kraut emerges. Hardly ever see you guys anymore.

Also Japan has a Zombie economy of permanent bailouts and were already perma-austerity.

The U.S. debt to GDP is 100%, but U.S. debt essentially doesn't exist because of their military power.

It's just a fact of life. They can keep borrowing and they will never have to pay it back and there is fuck all anyone can do about it.

>Don't have kids for 60 years

Shh, Wall Street wants their 3% groaf per year, forevar.
you fuckers are as rich as goymany on a per capita basis, your GDP is comparable to that of Russia too.
Russia indeed has low debt.

Because everyone else isn't the USA.

Collecting a debt from the U.S. is like sending a nebbish 5'2 jewish guy with a calculator to collect gambling debts from the mob.

There's a reason you outspend the rest of the planet ten fold on military budgets every year.

We also will have a d/gdp below 60% in 2 years you retard. Only we didn't decide to have NOOO childeren anymore. We''ll still have a population in 30 years, you won't.
>what is an artificially low currency?

>implying common debt will ever happens

Look all the northern europe propaganda is "eu problems are beacause southern ppl are lazy!we must endure to convince them out of lazyness and then we will be great again!". Now imagine what is the political cost of proposing an eu debt and eu budget: "hey guys we're joking! actually we're already great BECAUSE south europe keep our currency low...but we have to help them now or everything will crush into ashes!".

Cant wait for the day everything will came down, it will be glorious.

>thinks that national denbts work just like personal denbts
>hasn't heard of revolving credit
>hasn't heard of sectoral balances

this is only gonna come true if we can keep going as we have been doing economically.

But that's not what everyone else wants:

>Australia isn't rich
You are rich

Feels good to be a german

t. commie

If you want people to buy your shit, you're going to have to extend them credit. There's no getting around that.

nice try achmed
pay reparations for invading us

Germans are just manlet tier Dutchmen

how are things going with the silly threats from EU Poland?

>one of the richest countries in Europe
>Net EU recipient to the tune of €1.27 billion
>€2100 a head

Even Poland only gets €295 per person, Hungary €450. Why the fuck does Luxembourg get so much?

I love watching Eurofags beef it out.

what EU threats ?

that if you don't take in immigrants they will fuck your economy up

probably green energy and a big infrastructure project, that 1.2b seems like the price you would pay for some railway or some shit.

Are the Dutch truly the best of the white race?
>Lowest debt to gdp
>Low crime even though muds
>no terror attacks even though muds
>Tallest people on the planet
>Hapiest childeren on the planet
>Both Catholics and Protestants live together in a small country
>Growing economy
>high birth rate


But do they still have coffeehouses?

Luxemburg is where the EU parlament is and has a lot of eu related istitutions and organizations. I bet we all are paying for it.

tell me your secret

i think i should use differeant form of sentence and greentext this ;]

but if we are serious then it looks like this:
some of retards are trembling because EU
most of us don't give a shit/is pissed off but most of these guys are too busy earning for living to really look at this problem
politicians look for votes so they are slightly on against migrants

>"small rich countries"


First of all the wealth these countries have is due to different reasons.

For example, we (Germany) don't have a lot of natural resources we can sell.

Australia does.

Our economy thrives because we can produce goods and services and sell them abroad.

Because of this there are two things that can royally fuck us up:

>1. foreign countries run out of credit/money to buy our stuff

>2. The european economy becomes strong, which makes the euro more expensive, which disincentives the purchase of our "expensive" goods.

Especially #2 is tricky.

A strong euro would mean more wealth in the german citizens pocket, but would also mean less jobs.

Meanwhile a weak euro would mean more jobs, but less money in our citizens pocket.

Here's where the burgers come in:

They have, even with the fed being somewhat secretive control over their currency.

If their economy worked the same way germany's did, they could act in their own interest. Purchase debt when required, raise/lower interest rates etc.

That is a fucking huge advantage to have.

In Europe the ECB is in charge.

And they have to act "in the interest of the eurozone". So when the german economy doesn't align with the rest of europe, guess who has to take a beating? We do.

And we have the high-explosive mix of politicians in charge who would like nothing better than to destroy our economy.

Nice colour ID btw

No we are poor and we need gibs for programs. Pls gib submarines on discount like France did. We need them to........reasons.......

We're beefing at each other since 2500 years. You're only luckly enogh that in this timeline you can watch us to do it live.