Bible right again

Bible right again

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Praise God!



godcucks need to be exterminated

sub-IQ vermin!


CONVERT ME, Sup Forums. Give it your best shot.


The bible is a collection of allegories, usually not to be taken literally. The idea of sin is kind of a placeholder for explaining cause and effect. (As in the case of OP, sleeping around as a woman ruins your value/gets you knocked up/AIDS riddled.) The wrath of god is pretty much "Hey, the rules of nature/society are going to kick your ass if you do this, so don't."

There, I tried.

The Bible doesn't say God buried dinosuar bones. Also the Bible says that hell is in the heart of the earth so it's a sphere

cool beans

Comvert or burn heathen the day if judgement draws near


>falling for the atheism jew
>calling others cucks
KYS Sven

it's time to grow up kids

So, what? bible: 1%
Science 95%
To be determined: 4%

But I am grown up

maybe physically but not mentally
