>Chinese anti-crime video says NZ becoming a 'criminal paradise'

>Government considers another referendum on anti-smacking law

>Turkish government destroys iconic Anzac monument at Gallipoli

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Still the greatest country on earth

Australia's lesser known autistic cousin.

That's the best part about it. Australia our boat shield

Enrol to vote! Update your voting details! Make sure your friends, family, and your significant other are voting!

More like the most cucked nation on earth. More cucked than Brazil


I would actually be impressed if this somehow came into being though state funding

Yeah some of our laws are pretty limp dick, but we are still much more free than Aus, and the states in a lot of ways. I've pulled all the emmisions bullshit off of my z and it's completely legal.


Will National likely win again? Is there a chance they will have to join forces with NZ First? How are the polls looking?

The greens and labour could vote national and end the act party in epson

Who is /nzpol/ voting for? I voted for Key last time but all of my irl Sup Forums mates say I should vote for Winston this time.

I like some of his rhetoric but I've always hated that he never answers any questions he's asked, and he doesn't appear to have any actual policy

You savages need to learn onsen culture when you come here. Otherwise you are pretty cool. Slightly quieter australians.

New Zealand filmmaker Ray Waru discusses his discover of World War II top secret Project Seal to produce a doomsday tsunami bomb.

What's wrong with semour? He seems like a good populist libertarian with more focus on getting rid of laws than making them. I would vote for act but it would be a waste of a vote

...and it wouldn't be in my best interest because I still have 5k on my student loan (no pun intended)
>tfw feggits trying to ban guns in schools

What does NZ think of Australia?

Get back to scrubbing that deck able seaman

I'm definitely not a paid government worker. Larping as one? Possibly.

>National joining forces with NZ First

save us godfather winston

the west island is pretty good but too hot, solve that and you can join NZ

He's pro tax cuts, but he's also pro immigration. Something that most of /nzpol/ is against.

They're not very subtle about the voter demographic they're trying to appeal to.

reminder if you dont live here ur a egg

Too hot, all the food sucks, cops are faggots, apex gang, body armour is an illegal import, you go to prison for speeding, and the accent is really annoying.
Other than that wicked sense of humour and I don't mind gaming with Aussies. Aus/NZ comp scene used to be one of the strongest in the world

>too hot


nzfirst and national would never happen?

pls install the regional flags addon from Sup Forums, ive only collected 3 other nz regions aaaaa

>living in the middle of nowhere near a shitty polluted lake

You're an egg.

Wtf are the regional flags? The only nz flags I know are the normal one, the old one and the Maori one that's all over south Auckland

Aucklander here btw

my lakes dirtier, Canterbury wins again

you can set your location and post with more flags, theres a load of people who have the extension tho ive only seen 3 other nzers

Daily reminder that voting National is a waste of time

Sweet as bro

404'ed you cunt

works for me m8

Check again faggot


>thats a nice flag pole pakeha
>be a shame if something happened to it

Hello, imperial brothers. How is it down there?

shiddy senpai, at least in auckland

When will nzf release their 2017 policies list?

Fuck me. This is sad. I thought New Zealand was safe. Better than Pakis.

my outdated autistic map of white people by district
>tfw less than 50% in Wairoa

Nothing personal, kid

Maori don't really count though mate. South Island should break away from the union desu and we take our water and wine with us.

this is what will happen m8

I have no problem with this

who's ready to be a minority

Outdated but effective propaganda.

>Dunedin the most white city

I'm a 3x national voter, last vote was for winnie, how can i help?

New Zealand is accepting "LGBT refugees"

Is Winnie going to shut the pedos down?

Voted in two elections, both times for NZFirst . My dad was a staunch national voter, loved Mouldoon, switch to NZF when Winnie left.

Will vote NZf this year. Get ready for the surge boys. He wont win, but the
More seats we give nzf, the more of a voice they have to tell the chinks to fuck off

is this 2006 census

/nzpol/ Discord: 7YXMQb

How does he plan to fix the Auckland housing crisis? Not "hur he will b& the chinks" but what actual laws will be put in place?

National doesn't give a fuck and are hoping it will go away, and labour thinks that taxes will fix it. The way I see it kiwi mum and dad investors are as bad as he chinks buying up as much property as they can afford and charging as much rent as they can get away with. I've heard enough ads on news talk zb about buying houses and rent paying off the morgadge and shit.

Even my parents were considering getting an investment property just because they can.

I hate to be so anti capitalist but young people need a chance to compete with boomers with massive buying power

Also stopping the chinks will be nearly impossible because they all buy houses through fronts (ie all the chinks at UoA) who are """"""""""New Zealanders""""""""" not foreign buyers cus they have a study visa so they don't show up in the stats

>mfw i live in west auckland

fucking hate studying for exams

I just want a comfy night job

Vote Green

Holy fuck Winston is rising.

kia ora,

maozzie here. Going back home to vote for Winitana.

SfH, mein niggers.
>Non-residents who are not New Zealand citizens would be ineligible for home ownership except if a genuine need

This is the big one for me but a lot of the points make sense

Gas yourself

literally a green's policy

>except if a geniune need

So "oppressed" faggots and trannies from 3rd world shitholes then