Possible idea on motive for attack on finsbury park mosque

Is it possible the guy who did it was a father of one of the children killed in the Manchester bombings?
>fathers day
>child killed by Islamic terrorists
>drink self into stupor
>take vengeance on Muslims


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Motivation... he's just had enough of Muslims and their shit.

nah thats asking alot for the cucked parents of those who died.

dude was probably poor, old, and had nothing else going on.

this is literally what happened
look it up he is a father of one of the victims


I'm fed up with Muslims and their shit but I'm not going to run them over with a truck, if they killed my child though, and I was alone on Father's Day, well I can understand it a bit more


Maybe its because mosques and desert niggers don't belong in Europe? I really don't care why, to be honest.


White people can't be terrorists against colonialists in their own lands, it doesn't work that way sweetheart.
He is a brave indigenous person fighting against colonialism and imperialism. If Muslims didn't want this to happen they shouldn't have built mosques in Holy Christian lands.

Everyone has a breaking point mate

Ok but why do guys sympathize with this father becoming a terrorist, but not support a Syrian father who's children died in a gas attack taking up arms?

Sup Forums shitposter

Inb4 he is OP from yesterdays thread who said pics wilk be out soon but never delivered.

Mk ultra



> false flag

You don't understand what colonialism is

>Implying the gas attacks aren't a jewish conspiracy to fuck their rivals

because terrorists are always childless younglings. they didnt have kids and they arent avenging anyone. they are just stupid and promised the world

>having empathy for subhuman animals

Are you a fucking idiot?

Says the descendant of the euro who didn't colonialize the new world
Says the german who is getting colonialized by arab and african muslims this very day

lmfao this is why Sup Forumstards never can win a debate in real life. When we're talking about white terrorists its all "we have to be understanding about his predicaments" "he was just misunderstood" "you don't know what its like to be in his shoes". Then as soon as someone poses the hypothetical about the reverse situation your arguments shatter and you have to resort to "THEY ARE SUBHUMAN I DONT CARE!11!!!!".

Maybe. But maybe we should just ask him?

He's defending his country from foreign invaders, not blowing himself in a crowd of non-combatants

its truth though LMAO fag

Lmao that nigger thinks this place is for real debates. Do you think I come here to write actual arguments?
There are better places for that like 9fag or twitter.




I'm not German, I'm English. Don't make assumptions just because you've never left your backwater state

Because Islam need to be stopped, and the gas attacks were done by the rebels paid by your fucking kikes. Contain your kikeproblem ffs.

Have to agree with you. I doubt anyones a father yet and couldnt imagine the sort of shit that drives a man insane when the birth of his creation is taken from him. Hes probably well aware that the only thing people will do in honor of the victims is the same thing they always do. Light a building, pray for the victims and change their facebook avatar with an watermark of whatever flag fell victim. I suppose he was tired of everyone around him getting on their knees and while singing kumbaya and sucking the dicks another million muslims.

>muslim sins through life and reads in a magic book that if he blows himself up he'll get 72 virgins so he blows himself up
>father of victim of said attack enacts revenge on community who's destroyed the west
yep these two are certainly the same.

nice assumption there
i didnt expect better from a shit brown part and parcel though

Says the descendant of the euro who didn't colonialize the new world
Says the german brit who is getting colonialized by arab and african muslims this very day

>I'm fed up
>but I'm not going to do anything
Then you aren't fed up.

I voted Trump, I voted for muslims to not enter this country. Would you like me to rent a van or something?

terrorists are actively trying to enlist children and youngers, to be used as their cannonfodder or personal literal blow-up dolls.
This nigga rented a van and went to the local mosque

You assuming we think shitskins are people


Is american education really that bad? You clearly have no understanding of history

Fuck off leaf, we're still your colonial masters

Because Syria is a shit hole

It's absolutely obvious why this happened.

You can only PUSH a people SO FAR before there are repercussions.

I commend the driver.

If us white folk should have to live in fear that some hairy, hateful fucking 3rd world barbarian might come up and kill us with a truck or with a bomb or a knife while we're walking down the street...

Well, those fucking dumb, inbred sandniggers oughta feel the same fear.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

And those fucking Muslims in England have the GAUL to call for "solidarity". They should KNOW why that happened. But, of course, I'm talking about people have that been inbreeding for the last 1500 years. Maybe they really don't know why.

They didn't release his name yet so maybe.

the muslims started the fire

but as we see now...the fire rises!

Yeah but nobody died in the Manchester bombing

You know the Muslim extremists probably rationalise their actions with "they're not humans, I'm defending our country" etc too

Much like sandy hook and other false flags

Gasattacks was done by the fucking terrorists. Muh Assad gasattack!

>trivialising the decision to suicide
Read a wide range of philosophy from the Greeks to the modern day. You are uneducated

>I commend the driver.
Same. Terrorism works, like it or not. Islamic influence is growing by leaps and bounds because of it.

Mother fucker, you think Muslims can rationalize?

RAHOWA is starting

>I'm defending my shit country and religion from an obviously superior one
Really lathers your loins

Because the people who got run over were all terrorised lmao. Eye for an eye doesn't work when you attack some completely random people who had nothing to do with it

>Runs over Muslim
Nothing personal, kid

Maybe he is just a hero

Stop defending your shitskin invaders Nigel

im from quebec no one gives a shit about you
your victoria day here is celebrating how we separated from you cucks for best

Is it happening lads?

Wow you are a parki or a cuck. I don't now what's worse

Sucks for Sweden. They are getting attacked, but not colonialists. Sad!

Any way we can send him stuff while he's in prison? We should get him thank you a card or something

Because pol is not a place for nuanced thought and perspective

>attack some completely random people who had nothing to do with anything
attack some completely random people who had nothing to do with it
eye for an eye dumb slime

Lurk more faggot. Lots of us support Assad fighting the Israeli puppet ISIS. They should be free to live their lives in Syria. Also:
>implying a child dying in gas attack in a country at war has anything to do with shitskins bringing terrorism to peaceful western countries
Both are sad but it's more egregious and out of place when it happens in a country where that's not the norm. We're trying to prevent it from becoming the norm!

When our countries are free of Muslims trying to implement sharia law and kill children, then maybe I'll give a shit that it happens there too.

they have, he was Welsh, i don't know why he drove to London though. his name was Rob Paulson
was on some american news, not yet in the british news

In my top 3 comedies

I'll chip in for a thank you card. Or a get well card. It's the thought that counts.

You're stupid.

Muslims have been running over people with trucks.

Now it's their turn to get ran over.

It's basic, simple shit, but you're obviously a shill, so I have already lost by responding to you.

I bet you have a tiny cock, too.



Oh, jesus. A quebecois having the audacity to call anyone else a cuck.

I actually do. Most terrorists turn up to be 20 something young retards though

You are misreading his argument.
A devoted religious ideologue who acts on his desire to spread that ideology through terror, is not the same as a man avenging his slaughtered child.

i dont hide behind another flag while watching my country burn

False flag, to portrait muslims as victims

No motive

No motive

>you must live your entire life in the country you were born

his name was Robert Paulson
his name was Robert Paulson
his name was Robert Paulson
his name was Robert Paulson
his name was Robert Paulson
his name was Robert Paulson
his name was Robert Paulson
his name was Robert Paulson
his name was Robert Paulson
his name was Robert Paulson
his name was Robert Paulson
his name was Robert Paulson
his name was Robert Paulson
his name was Robert Paulson
his name was Robert Paulson
his name was Robert Paulson
his name was Robert Paulson
his name was Robert Paulson

Hey, I guess not all Canadians are libtard cucks.

>Is it possible the guy who did it was a father of one of the children killed in the Manchester bombings?
>>fathers day
>>child killed by Islamic terrorists
>>drink self into stupor
>>take vengeance on Muslims



youre still literaly hiding behind another flag while youre country burns to the ground
i dont have to live here forever but its the best


Ok well make sure if you leave not to post on Sup Forums in case some retarded american accuses you of hiding behind another flag

Not until it's confirmed unless you want to look like a fucking retard.

why not
i want to see the MSM aggressively dispprove the meme

>Not until it's confirmed unless you want to look like a fucking retard.

There's no need to "confirm" it, the left didn't have to "confirm" their claims that 500 people died in a fire last week: once the rumor is out there it will be difficult to quell.

Really? I missed the attack on the military airfield, and the one on the munitions factory. Islam commands convert, die, or live as a slave, they are not seeking revenge they are trying to break our will to resist. Stop apologising they won't spare you.

You might want to look up that mosque m8, it wasn't a random selection

>t. never been to a pride parade

Yeah Finsbury Park mosque is pretty infamous for being a breeding ground for terrorists

can we do a blindfolded Christian gives hug?


This will be the happening of the year thus far if OP's prophecy is fulfilled.

No one died at manchester.

Hoax psyop

You're forgetting that about 95% of the time the reason is literally no more intricate or detailed than the fact that they simply are subhuman retards due to 50 generations of inbreeding. When it's a white terrorist it usually is actually motivated by something sympathetic and justifiable, whereas your average Akbar can't even count to 10 let alone feel emotion or make rational logical decisions.

We should all chip in and transfer some funds to him, 5€ from everyone as a thank you. Lets make this hero rich, lets make him saint of western world!

That Syrian father KILLED an innocent Somali Grandchild of an elderly man belonging to a persecuted sect living on the edge of Mogadishu collecting refuse to survive.


Sarin attacks are just part and parcel of living in an ISIS-controlled area, the Syrians should just learn to live with them.