Germany: Police Powerless Against Middle Eastern Crime Gangs

>Observers have surmised that the real reason for the judge's leniency was that he feared his family might be subjected to retribution from the clan.
>"In their concept of masculinity, only power and force matter; if someone is humane and civil, this is considered a weakness. In clan structures, in tribal culture everywhere in the world, ethics are confined to the clan itself. Everything outside the clan is enemy territory." — Ralph Ghadban, Lebanese-German political scientist and leading expert on Middle Eastern clans in Germany.
>"The state promotes organized crime with taxpayer money." — Tom Schreiber, a member of the Berlin House of Deputies.

RIP Germany

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u should have bombed more than Dresden.

>In clan structures, in tribal culture everywhere in the world, ethics are confined to the clan itself. Everything outside the clan is enemy territory."
This is the ideal which we will return to the Western world
Me against my brother, my brother and I against our cousin, all of us against the world
Universalism will die, peace on earth and brotherhood among men will die and multiculturalism will die

In their world, the strong abuse the weak, and the weak have to suck up to the strong.

So if you are nice/good to them, they will see it as signalling weakness.

>Middle Eastern clans in Germany


It's the Roman Empire all over again.

Poland you all need to be having 5 kids a piece then invade gemany after 25 years.

>assemble army
>put ghettos under military juristiction
If the police is incapable of doing its job, the army ought to be implemented instantly.

Just start driving vans into them, we've found they're effective.

>its ok if the slaughter/rape women and children, its their culture!

Duh. Except germany isn't broke yet.

Yeah, that's what the right has been saying all along. They should have never been let in because the only way to fight back against them is to cut down on individual rights hard, which the population opposes because they don't trust the government to not turn on them, too.

We should have nuked Berlin.

>So if you are nice/good to them, they will see it as signalling weakness.

That is a major point the Western left does not understand. They think that being friendly to these people will lead to gratitude or some shit like that.
It doesn't. These people see you as the enemy. If you fight back, you'd at least get the respect everyone normally pays to a worthy opponent.
If you try to appease them, then to them it looks like you willingly submit to their aggression. Which honestly, is kind of what is happening. You'll not only be their enemy from that point on, you'll also be an enemy that deserves no respect. And at that point you lost all your cards apart from hard violence.

We're not dead yet and they mostly kill each other. But thank you for making this thread. The exposure might force our great democrats' hands where our votes can not.

Still better than the USA

That's not setting a very high standard to be honest.

doesnt sound believable desu.

What town/city did it say this was? just berlin?

True, but the point stands that Americans are in no position to be saying "RIP Germany" when their own country is lost

calling for disposession, all of them are criminals. a mafia. the kebab connection.

America died long ago. The trouble is that we are so large much of the country can live in ignorance about how bad it really is.

You realise that was always the plan to begin with? This user here got told all about how the bomb on Hiroshima was originally meant for Berlin all the way back in grade school. Hence why "you must ignore that evil Nazi slander about how our government is foreign-controlled" - the brave leftists are just protecting us from the vile oppressor (who is however also totally a great liberator) after all. And this wasn't even the Communist part of the country then. How do you think a culture like ours even degrades so hard?

No, it's a rather common problem. Not to the point where it would lead to the collapse of society, but to the point where a lot of larger cities have to deal with it.

These clans basically operate on war conditions. It's not some kind of complex organized crime where they hide behind legal tricks and obfuscation to evade the law, it's simple "if you touch us we kill everyone you love and then you". You'd need the special forces to roll in and root them out. Normal police work doesn't do shit, because the legal framework cops have to follow makes it impossible for them to fight back against this.

>That is a major point the Western left does not understand. They think that being friendly to these people will lead to gratitude or some shit like that.

Which is why it is so hard to argue with lefties and christcucks. All simple arguments go against their fundamental worldview/belief system on how people fundamentally behave.

It's NOT POSSIBLE to progress towards the LEFTIST/CHRISTIAN UTOPIA, if people are not inherently good/reciprocal.

Which is why the cucks deny reality, because admitting to reality of human behavior equals admitting that Paradise can't exist.

There was a community organization that used to deal with problems like this in the US.

They seem to lack the normal understanding that if you are raised around weak people you will learn to exploit them. Even a child figures this out in a child and parent relationship. Liberals are straight up retarded.

>Police Powerless Against [...] Crime Gangs

Looks like you need some help.

Yeah, they never engage these problems on a logical level, just on an emotional one.

Logically they are fully aware that people like that exist - after all, most of them hate "the rich" and think they are the most terrible people ever who'd sacrifice whole nations for another penny on their bank account.
But they only ever engage this topic on an emotional level, and there they have been taught that all people are equal and have an inherent desire to be good that is only temporarily clouded by external influences.

It's like when you tell your child that the Easter bunny hides colored eggs for them around the garden. Mentally, they should already be kind of capable of figuring out on their own that this must be bullshit. But emotionally they feel that their parents would never lie to them so they never even question it.

Yeah, because he's doing so well keeping them in check in his own country, right?

>Nobody ever listened.
And nobody ever will
Can't save those who don't want to be saved.

My mental and emotional state has gone downhill since taking the red pill, I feel enslaved to this system that's trying to kill us, this isn't freedom at all.

they are not really a problem. the problem are corrupt politicians (mostly left and green) who gladly take their bribes to keep the police on a leash. dont think for a moment they could get away with that shit if they hadn't protection from far up.

the only real way out is to kill off your empathy for people who don't want it.
you can still carve out a good life for yourself and your family, and most likely there'll never be a full takeover of the country so even if the worst case happens, your family will always be able to live a decent life if they are just smart enough to stay away from the places populated with lemmings.

if you try to help people who don't want to be helped as a one-man-army it will mentally break you. you can still stand at their side if they eventually wake up, but you cannot force them to wake up.

The police in the western world today has been reduced to a hollowed out shell, no pride, credibility or real action left in it.

The rampant left have demonised it for generations, to the point that the police cannot even make simple arrests due to the fear of backlash from the leftist society (which pretty much is the mainstream)

I mean, imagine someone in, say, Germany, were to shoot a rapefugee "youth" when it was committing a crime, leftist spokespersons, media, international press and panels would claw at the policeman so hard, he wouldn't get anything but slurs coming at his way for the rest of his life, shopkeepers in his local town would treat him like a literal nazi who just came back from ded camps, his children would be shunned in school etc.

And when shit hits the fan, for real, and all the angry wolves from the left, that once shunned and demonised the police, will howl at the gates of police offices, cry and plea, like a 12th century peasant hopelessly banging at the doors of the church, the only safety he can think of, while the barbarians slaughter everyone in their way

And all what the police will be able to do is say

>"we can't guarantee anything or necessarily help, but feel free to enter"
or not, depends, revenge is a dish best served cold, and everyone now pleading and licking their boots in a sudden change of heart, would feel it the most

Yes, they come from a honor based culture, not a law based one like our countries. In their culture you only get respect if you can enforce it with violence, the weak deserves nothing. Cohesion never extends past your family/tribe/clan.

Law based cultures, where the use of force is delegated to the king or state who is expected to follow the rules in return is much more efficient but highly degenerative. We've collectively devolved into pussies unable to defend ourselves against invaders, and we've got our head so far up our collective ass we even believe everyone wants to be us.

They see us as weak, old, rich and ripe for conquest. So far, you can't really fault their logic. What's rustling is knowing how shit arabs really are, this all thing could be over in a few weeks if we grew a pair and removed kebab by deporting them.

Imagine how nice things would be without kebabs and nigs ruining everything. We'd have plenty of jobs, cheaper houses, safe streets, better service and plenty of time and resources to consider going to space again. Paying the nigger/kebab tax is killing us.

You're exaggerating. We did have police officers shooting illegals and while they did face backlash from some lefty politicians, the overwhelming part of society was in support of them. Really hurt the Green party when they made such a retard-tier statement, too.

It's not so much society as a whole, it's shit like the antifa that will specifically go after them and is immune to the law because there are too many children of politicians in it for the law to have any interest in cracking down on them.

>keeping them in check

hurrdurr usa is the worst!!!!
t. every germonkey&sven

Our institutions and people to some extent, are terminally demoralized by decades of leftist kikery. Growing a spine and doing the right thing isn't just frowned upon, it will get you destitute.

The problem is too many people are still doing ok to take a chance. In France it was people over 55 that massively voted against the far right, they didn't want to risk their pensions even if it will kill us. The idea of what makes a nation has been stretched so thin it doesn't mean anything, when push comes the shove, nobody will fight to save it. We have been totally atomized, we've devolved to cliques LARPing as patriotards, constitutionalists, republicans or democrats when ethnicity, age and class are the real dividers.

I fucking hate Gemany but it also pisses me off how the Germans are powerless against this :(

Just console yourself with the fact that for now, it is mostly affecting the people who are in support of this.
Won't stay like that for eternity, but lets hope that the country wakes up before it spreads to the less degenerate places.

>In France it was people over 55 that massively voted against the far right, they didn't want to risk their pensions even if it will kill us.

Baby boomers strike again.

How do the governments of Germany and Sweden think their majority female police forces are going to be able to cope when the Muslims become the demographic majority? are these governments genuinely as retarded as they make out or are they serving some kind of greater agenda with this madness?

shut up kike shill

Just as any asian nation out there.
Ruskie and Chinks think the same way if you are nice to them.
You gotta hit them hard and fast and than smile telling them you are their friend. If you hit your friends what you do to your enemies?
Only logical way of dealing with asian hordes.

It's the reason why every successful society eventually collapses. It accumulates wealth, which lowers the birthrate and leads to an aging population. Said aging population is then less willing to make large changes since they have so much to lose, which makes them incapable of reacting to any external threat.

It is young people who drive your country forward, because it is young people who are willing to take risks, since they don't have much to lose yet. Wealthy old people just want to maintain the status quo, since they are already doing well.

They ultimately don't care, they'll cover it up, they'll lock up anyone that tells the truth and the cucks won't care if they can cash in their home equity.

The methods of urban police contribute to this. It's generally not possible for German (or American) police to infiltrate operatives into these clans, so they rely on informants. These informants have to know criminals, which means they usually are criminals, and so routinely commit habitual petty crimes -- murder is generally off limits but think fraud, robbery, smuggling, etc -- for which they essentially have immunity from arrest/prosecution because of the information they have on "big fish" like terrorists.

Basically, the proceeds of systematic crimes of the type I mentioned above are literally the "fee" that police informants collect from the rubes under official protection. This is also why so many Muslims with extensive criminal history are "known" to authorities and yet weren't arrested.

they mostly cripple themselves because of political correctness, but they are also naive and stupid

I'm returning to the fatherland to remove kebab

Sure. Good luck never getting elected and never changing anything. Democracy cna't be fixed, it needs to die.

we need all the help we can get
and positive pressure on the government/society

>peace on earth and brotherhood among men will die and multiculturalism will die
Something that never has been alive cannot die.

Germany is increasing its police force again and giving them more tools to deal with this shit. First states allow them to employ profiling again for example (it's just called differently).

It's not enough though. That will help them to catch a lot of small fries, they collected dozens of wanted criminals every time they did it in the past before big political events.
But it will leave the more severe problems untouched. Because it's not a problem to prove that these clans are involved in crime, everyone fucking knows it and they have more than enough material on them. The problem is that the only way to deal with them is to go in and either shoot them up or deport all of them. And that's something our government shies away from.

Brutality is the central Asian way.

The East Asians have Rén.


cucks will never admit it even though they're humiliated on a daily basis like this


>because the legal framework cops have to follow makes it impossible for them to fight back against this.
this is the part i find unbelievable. Seams so surreal. I guess europe will need to become more of a police state? who would have guessed eh?

it is really sad to see germany always working against their own interests. In this case integrating a bunch of unwanted guests while paying the cost

Germany has been taken over ny Neocommunists ( Merkel et al are marxists-leninists; Mind u, Merkel was the leader of propaganda for the youth programs of the merxist-leninist soviet East-Germany.




Total cencorshit in Germany.


We're dying; We're getting killed :'c

Communists have taken over xC

This is not even a joke or hyperboly.

But noone speaks about this ...

I'm so angry and sad about this.
What do ... WHAT DOOOO ?! T_T

I live in Jew York City and the cops are the biggest gang here. I can't imagine that happening here or "no go zones".

Goddammit Germany.

Save your smugness for someone who actually advocated for this shit.
I have always been aware of the fact that letting them in is a fatal mistake, because it means that our society will irrevocably change because it will be incapable of dealing with these people once they are in the country.

Sadly, no one wanted to listen to me.

Turns out the Duterte method is the most successful one, but it can be made even more efficient. Germany won't use it, because it already played this card in 1942.

yeah but strong means a different thing to them



There is no such thing as Christian utopia. Leftism needs an utopia in this world because it is a heresy which rejects the idea of the next world (because its heresiarchs know deep down that in the next world they are bound for the lake of fire).

>Which is why the cucks deny reality, because admitting to reality of human behavior

The most basic assumption of Christianity is admitting to "reality of human behavior".

>equals admitting that Paradise can't exist.

Modern Western Civilization can't exist too, I guess, and all the differences between it and the invaders must be just denial of reality, from your viewpoint.

I keep telling you guys that germany is the place where shit will be going down
Sweden may be fucked up but least there's just a vague sense of white guilt propelling the bad decisions, Germany will never live down the nazi guilt so there's no telling how far they'll go

>Turns out the Duterte method is the most successful one

Of course it is. Any kind of authority is ultimately based on the threat of violence if you just break it down far enough.
Which also means that your authority evaporates if you make it obvious that you aren't willing to make this ultimate threat real and actually use violence.

It's why the US threw two nuclear bombs on Japan. Because they needed to show the world that they didn't only have these weapons, they were also fully willing to use them.
Every threat has to be made real at least once just to show people that you are serious about it

>country claims to have one of Europe's finest police officers
>police officers pussy out against refugee criminals

So are you telling me subhumans only understand and respect violence?

Does every commie poster do nothing but taking stinking shits on every thread of Sup Forums? Go make a commie general board; go back to your containment board/

We all know how this will end... lel

>implying holohoax is real

This needs spreading far and wide, forcing down the throats of white leftists especially, we have got to wake the fuck up.


implying you would brag about it instead of avoiding the repercussions.

It doesn't really matter if it was real or not because it's so deeply ingrained by now that even direct proof that it didn't happen would change anything about people's opinion.

Just read it myself...
Fuck it exasperates me... But I fucking think the krauts deserve everything coming to them for being so fucking cucked
I dream of the day were my people rise; probably will never come

cool src

I honestly feel sorry for the police most, being held back because of PC culture and politics

I wish them the best and all libtards rot in hell

>the cops are the biggest gang
Nigger like typing detected

What did they mean by this? Is Germany the USA of today? Is Angela Merkel the chancellor of the (((New World Order)))?
Only 70 years too late, Germany.

If even we start to talk about it as something that actually happened, will there be anyone left to tell the truth to the future generations? Do not accept their lies.

The fact is, the historical version of the holocaust is so deeply ingrained in Western society that proof to the contrary would ever be accepted in a society that already doesn't give a shit about it anymore anyway. It is wasted effort to try and figure out if it was real or not, because even if it wasn't, the best possible thing you could hope for is to change some lines in history books when already no one cares anymore.

Questioning even just the number of victims in holocaust regardless of whether you agree it happened or not makes you a criminal in many European countries.
It is also used as a weapon to demonize nationalism and to strengthen the insult "nazi" which in turn is used to shut up those who criticize mass immigration, multiculturalism and globalization.
In my opinion that is enough proof to say many people still care.

i want to go back

>InNaumburg, police confiscated the driver's license of Ahmed A., a 21-year-old member of a Syrian clan, during a traffic stop. Almost immediately, police weresurroundedby a mob of other clan members. The police retreated. The mob then marched to the police station, which they proceeded to ransack.

>Ahmed A., a serial offender whose asylum application was rejected but who remains in Germany,said: "Lock me up. I have nothing to lose. I am going to put a bullet in the head of every single police officer. I will make your life feel like hell. Then I'll just be a cop killer." He alsowarnedthe police officer who seized his license: "I will destroy his life. I know exactly where he lives." He then explained what he would do to the officer's wife and daughter. Ahmed A. was allowed to walk free; police said there were insufficient grounds for his arrest.

>police said there were insufficient grounds for his arrest.

Haha haha what the fuck is wrong with your country?

Dude, I live where it happened.

The Germans didn't hide the shootings and the deliberate ghetto starvations. Finishing off with more efficient and less visible gas chambers was just a logical step from previous actions.

I speak about it since a long time with people of the french far right, they fear that our society will completely islamized, but it won't (for various reasons) what will happen though is tribalization of society and that's what will decide if whites survive or not, because the maghrebi, the blacks, the gypsies, the jews, the turks, the kurds, etc... will have no problem to adapt.

If we can't tribalize like the jews did (basically using nepotism and endogamy extremely agressively) then we are fucked and will be absorbed by those populations.

I think you misunderstood what my point was.

My point was that as long as people still care, you will never change their opinion on it.
Only if they stop caring you'll be able to, but at that point it only matters from a historical perspective anymore because it lost its political pull.

There are hundreds of battles to be fought, you need to pick the ones here you actually have a decent chance of achieving something because you'll never have enough time to fight all of them.

One day

Just as the God of Israel saved his people from the Egyptian captivity the God of the Aryans will here the cry of his people in Germany and will delivery them from their enemies. Anglos will be punished though. For betraying their kin they will be cut of from the Folk


Is your dumb Kraut ass serious? You're a fucking disgrace to your ancestors. Kill yourself. It won't be too long before your boyfriend gets gang raped by sand niggers.

I don't get it, can they not sue the government?

Goatfuckers really wanna die don't they mmnmmmmm please try this in the US

Okay Krauts listren up you motherfuckers.
>Focus your EU gibs on Baltics
>Rebuild old german architecture
>Rebuild infrastructure
>Germany colapses and move here
>Vote against EU
>Take right wing stands
>Recounqer Germany from here
We get benefits and you get a chance of saving deutchland.

>In their concept of masculinity

>Me against my brother, my brother and I against our cousin, all of us against the world
Muslim detected. This is exactly a muslim creed the "all of us against the world" is muslims vs everyone else.
>This is the ideal which we will return to the Western world
It was never a western ideal, infact modern or advanced societies cannot function with that ideal because such societies rely on a lot of trust and cooperation aswell as lower tendency to commit crime, which your people demonstrate constantly in your original nations that you completey lack.
Please change your behaviour or fuck off back to the middle east.

Muslims are like someone who think they have this incredible gift that they "must" share with everyone else, but unfortunately the "incredible gift" consists of turning everything they touch into crap or diminished version of what they were before.

I'm sure there will be an outright racewar in the not too distant future. I give it 5 more years at max. People are getting so redpilled around here that even the most leftist people are stating to hate. The politicians are pretty much the only ones still popagating the whole islam is part of europe narative. I know people from the antifa that got hate muslims with a passion, I've seen a very leftist friend getting redpilled into oblivion after working at a refugee camp and having to clean literal shit out of their clothes while watching them chimp out on each other.
The narative is falling, people are arming themselves and if there isn't a big change soon, blood will be shed.

Very well done piefkes,
We may also have here criminal mudslimes in our country but we can keep them in check, you subhumans on the other hand ...

Arab and other shitskin clans have been out of control especiially in the ruhrpott and berlin since the mid 90s btw.

This is not news. But Berlin is gonna fall to that Leb clan there, they are over 1000 members and steadily growing. its a fucking army, thank god they are all dumb as rocks since they married their first cousin and their parents were cousins too.

"Hey, Hadji, 1+1!" "eeeeh, murruk ich ficke dich inshallah"

I seriously dont get how the DRK and other people can still do the fugee nanny job. By now it is apparent to anyone that those are not immigrants but an invasive force.

Fucking DRK cleans, cooks etc for them. How can they do that?