How would you respond in 140 or less?
140 Characters
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>it was a Jew
You're pretty much asking us for something snappy to say to a blue-checkmark liberal? No one cares dude, go fight your own arguments.
Come back to me when this is a weekly occurrence, and ill consider it.
I'm Adolf Hitler and I'm here to say
You're all fucking niggers that are about to be slayed
Relax, probably some troll account run by an autist
>repeated occurance
>once in a blue moon
Typical liberal to dance on the grave of dead muslims by politicizing such a horror.
Holy shit, what a wanker. These blue-ticked liberal fags need to take all their virtue signalling and pound sand
Acknowledge the logical fallacy.
Does a .45 to the chest count as less than 140 characters?
Twitter cultivates the shittiest libtards and the dumbest nazi larpers to create the worst social media platform ever created.
Jews aren't Christian m8
>implying that even needs 140 debunk
Just call him terrorist loving cuck, pedophilia enabler, and link him this comic.
Twitter, FB, et. media is the biggest mistake created. I liked it only to keep in touch w/ family and friends. But now I'm questioning if it's worth keeping even for those purposes. Since it's inception I've observed a more anti-social physical and virtual world. In the physical world people are glued to their devices and in the virtual world it is 95% keyboard warriors and divisive exchange.
Let's ban being white in Europe, great idea.
This ultra-right Europhobe needs to check his privilege and realize that whties are the race of peace, and therefore this perp wasn't a TRUE white man. But he was still forced to do what he did by poor socio-economic conditions and the fact that muslims imperialists keep bombing his country.
He's actually making an argument against muslim immigration. How can we bring those poor brown people into what would be a hostile environment of oppression by Christians?
I'd link to this and tell him it's a pity that he didn't feel this way after Muslims butchered people in New York, Paris, Berlin, Madrid, Nice, Manchester and London.
Also, this guy is constantly calling everyone right of communism a basement dweller... while doing nothing but tweeting nonstop during a workday.
Is it part of the leftist mental illness to lack any self-awareness? Is that why leftists constantly shill for the destruction of their own society?
Can we come up with a final solution to the nu-male problem already? Jesus fuck!
Like maybe we don't kill the ones who may still benefit from getting the man beaten into them.
I don't respond to people who take pictures of themselves in the mirror while looking at the smartphone they are using to do it.
>how is christianty incompatible with western society if it was a basis for creating said society?
ez response
>not knowing the difference between Jews and Christians
>expecting us to think for you
I'm not sure who's more retarded, you or the dumbass that made the tweet. Just tell him to not be retarded by assuming anyone that isn't a Muslim must be Christian.
White people and Christianity ARE western civilization. Take away either and you will see it begin to crumble. For the former, South Africa, and for the latter, Sweden.
Kinda funny how a white person doesnt know whats going on with his people.
White folks
Black folks
These seem to be labels that were thust upon us without our permission.
White pride wasnt an issue till the multi culturalists decided to use it as a scapegoat for feeling like victims.
Black folks probably the same damn thing except its pity instead of anger.
change that to include incidents from as early as 1980 and see how much more white extremists there are, way more than muslims
if you want to act like youre so smart at least do it with real facts
To be a leftist in the first place you need to excel at ignoring common sense and empathy. Their empathy extends only as far as their liberal identity politics allows it to, ie skin deep and nothing further.
His response: "Ummmm sorry dude but Christianity has NOTHING to do with the creation of our society."
I've seen this exact exchange countless times. If you're not prepared to take this faggot to task by demonstrating the influence of Christianity on Western Europe then don't bother, plus Twitter isn't the platform for that. Stick to snide one liners, ad hominem and bringing his sexuality into question. 140 word format is not the place for extensive debate.
He literally just took an anti-Muslim argument and swapped it with Christianity in to see how many people would unironically agree.
Pretty obvious.
>How would you respond in 140 or less?
Considering that not even he stuck to the 140 character limit I won't either.
My reply would be that this is what I have been predicting all along. Peaceful coexistence between Muslims and any other culture is not possible (sometimes not even between Muslims and other Muslims).
The only solution to that is to keep the culture separated. Since the UK is a majority British country, it's obviously the Muslims that have to leave.
Discussion over.
He's clearly just Caucaphobic.
"Actually, everytime you say white people, it is the jews."
>Islam kills hundreds of people every year and actively tries to destroy western society
>''We need to be more multi cultural stop being so islamophobic''
>''Also christianity is the real evil here and not compatible with western values''
I hope this guy gets blown up by his ''peaceful'' muslim friends.
This is this first of many attacks
Filthily sandniggers need to go back
You're right, there would be more 'christian' acts, of course there would be more Muslim attacks as well, especially hijackings.
does this count?
post pics please
All social platforms that provide you with a soapbox, i.e. publically accessible content rather than just direct messages, turn into absolute fucking cancer. No exceptions.
I cannot wait for them to die. Luckily, Twitter never caught on that much in my country (apart from the media, who fucking loves it because they can now "do their job" by F5'ing some hashtag and screencapping literally whos) and Facebook is used for almost nothing but advertising by now. Those platforms already crossed their peak over here.
>My reply would be that this is what I have been predicting all along. Peaceful coexistence between Muslims and any other culture is not possible (sometimes not even between Muslims and other Muslims).
Sometimes? They've been having sectarian wars for over a thousand years. It's not uncommon for Muslims to burn down each other's mosques among other things. Surely you're familiar with Shia and Sunni in-fighting.
UK is a white Christian country, not a Muslim one.
were talking about terrorist attacks in the western world, right? the first muslim terrorist attack in the western world was in 2001
like i said get your facts straight or dont post at all, its cringe inducing how edgy this board is lol
white people are western society dumb fuck. /ourguy/ attacked muzzies, while the muzzies attack everyone. Its a hate crime not a cultural incompatibility
>if you include the time from before mass immigration, you will see less Islamic attacks
No shit, you mouthbreather. And "white extremists" also includes the commies who were in favour of mass immigration all the way and continue to defend islamic terrorists.
I swear, leftists are legit retarded.
>Surely you're familiar with Shia and Sunni in-fighting.
That's exactly what I've been referring to actually.
I would just reply...
Let him be confused by the attempt at greentexting
Wow, nice screenshot of twitter taken from your phone and posted here.
You know how I know you're a Muslim?
>the first muslim terrorist attack in the western world was in 2001
Yeah, OK, this is just a troll. Back to plebbit with you.
Yep, not even Muslims like other Muslims, lol.
Retards shouldn't be reasoned with or interacted with, they should be beaten. He's white, so just play the Jew's game and say he called you a faggot or something. You'll probably get a medal and a gofundme payout of more than your yearly salary. Use the media coverage to drop lowkey redpills.
Change it to include incidents from 680 AD and see how much more Muslim extremists there are, way more than whites if you want to act like you're so smart at least do it with real facts.
>there were no muslim immigrants in 1980
hahaha if you really think this youre probably like 16 years old or something
I'd link him to a description of all the terrorist activities at that mosque.
>C-change the data to support my opinion, drumpftards
Right now Islamic terror is the problem and you know it.
I read an initial report and it sounded like an old man collapsed in the road, mob formed around him and along came the van and struck people in the road. Simple car accident, nothing more. The (((media))) are spinning a traffic accident as "white terrorism".
This is honestly the best thing that could happen to Muslims/non-whites. With the way all of the ADD and cucked natives are, we'll immediately forget all of the other attacks (Manchester, London, the entire Rotherham scandal [which we barely seemed to give a shit about to begin with], the other attacks in Europe like the Bataclan shooting, Brussels, German truck attack, Paris truck attack, etc, etc, etc.) and go into full "SEE!? WHITE PEOPLE DO IT TOO!" mode.
All Muslim/non-white on white native attacks are a chance to explain that it's not all Muslims and that we must stay vigilant and love diversity. All white on Muslim/non-white attacks are a chance to prove how racist and intolerant white people are and why "we" need diversity and ultimately white genocide.
As for responding to this guy, why bother? You're never going to un-cuck these people. When his idyllic >90% white neighbourhood experiences the joys of multiculturalism and cultural enrichment, he'll probably change his mind. Before that happens he'll always be a virtue-signalling good goy.
Tell him
It's just part and parcel of living in a big city. If we blame whites for this they may be radicalised.
im not hiding anything, loving how you think youre the savior of the free world lol "hurr i got him boys!"
tell me about a single terrorist attack by muslims in the western world before 2001
you really cant
how is that relevant to the modern age we live in?
no lad, change the data to be representative
the guy that posted the original pic changed the data to support HIS opinion
Twitter is for degenerates. I don't use that shit neither will i think about a response for it.
Those tweets make me feel so good.
Look, Achmed, mass immigration started in earnest in the mid-70's, so in 1980 the amount of migrants wouldn't have been very large. I mean, do you REALLY believe the 5% Islamic population we have today migrated overnight in 1980?
Your entire argument is that a small population commits less attacks than a large population, and then you argue that therefore the large population is as peaceful as the small one. It's idiocy. Yeah, no fucking shit that if you cast a wide enough net, you find statistics that support your point. Of course, if we broaden the net all the way to the birth of islam, you'll find that Islam has always committed tons of terror attacks against non-Muslims. But we'll cleanly call the conquest of Spain a "military campaign", instead of what it really was: Terrorism against white Christian Europeans.
In short, fuck off you communist cherrypicker. We're not all as daft as you.
I've seen this Mike snowflake on Twitter before. He's always responding to Trump with lots of tweets talking rubbish.
>Notice me Donald, please notice me
Fucking hell are the Left really this retarded?
>inb4 the killer claims to be a Shia convert to fuck with lefties in his testimony
>tell me about a single terrorist attack by muslims in the western world before 2001
>you really cant
Hahaha, Jesus Christ. Like I said in my other post, we're not all as daft as you.
OK, I'll humour you: Lockerbie.
You utter fucking retard.
>43% of brits islamophobic
>1 attack 1 death
>5% of """"brits"""" muslim
>dozens of attacks 100+ dead
Islamophobia is a religion of peace.
Those tweets are brilliant. We need to get #NotAllWhite or some Islamophobia of Peace type # trending.
i have no idea why Sup Forums wants to ban a group of anti-semitic fascists from entering the uk
first of all, immigration was at an all time high in 1990's, but i dont see how that matters. you cant take a piece of history thats only in favor of one of the subjects and then act like its all facts. for instance lets say you have 2 bananas, one is a week old and the other is fresh. can you compare how they taste? no because its not representative.
second of all you say that a small population commits more attacks than a large population, again a comparison of shit. why would a white person attack his own people? remember were talking about attacks in the WESTERN WORLD here. do you really want to know how many muslims were killed by whites in the middle east?
and its not only against muslims too, lets not forget what happened to the jews.
third of all, yes you are daft
hahaha please stop replying to me
yeah, how many muslims were killed by brits in the middle east? oh you dont know that because its not in your favor or you dont care about others, right? super edgy bro
Immigration is at its all-time high NOW.
>hahaha please stop replying to me
Proven wrong and BTFO. Kill yourself Mehmet.
>proven wrong
how is a political attack by a dictator (ie a leader of a country) the same as a terrorist attack commited in the name of a religion? thats like saying that trump bombing isis is the white mans terrorist attack
>tell me about a single terrorist attack by muslims in the western world before 2001
Are you fucking retarded? How about the previous attempt to blow up the Twin Towers in the 90s for starters
>muslims killed in the middle east
If I find shit in my dining table etc, etc, etc
>waaah brits fucking killed us in the middle east once so now we should get to ruin western society
maybe if you stone-age beard fucking camel faggots werent so busy murdering each other over tribal spats, and took some time to reflect and set up a stable form of government as europeans did HUNDREDS of years prior, you could have prevented the british from treating you like the savages you are
Christianity IS Western Society and there's a reason you didn't type "Middle Eastern Society"
But Abdul Islamophobes were AGAINST our wars in the middle east. Islamophobes literally don't give a shit what happens over there and every drone stroke is just a waste of munitions.
Neoliberals bombed your uncle mate.
But west is based on christian ethics.
I agree, ban all abrahamic religions.
okay kid ill let you have this one, but thats all youre getting
sorry i dont understand you
maybe if the western world wouldnt invade and mingle, in fact the western world has done everything it can to keep other nations down like slavery to crusades and even mass genocides
and yet it happened
pic related, someone that frequents pol and what i imagine most of you look like
>ban on white people entering UK
well that's exactly what every left winger advocates for
natives are not allowed to exist in the UK anymore, it's exclusively for every fucking shitskin to come and take over as they will!
>how many muslims were killed by brits in the middle east? etc etc.
The Islamic Conquest of India was the deadliest genocide in human history but no one ever mentions it and nobody has used it as justification to bomb concerts full of children. Strange that.
Part and parcel, my dude.
>maybe if the western world wouldnt invade and mingle
ahmed are you even fucking trying?
of course, im not exactly surprised that you either have no fucking idea about islamic/european history, or that you are just lying about it
get. glassed.
>that pic
Kanker "muziek"
It was a political attack by Muslims, which is what you asked for.
Also, the French terrorist attacks by Algerians during the war of independence.
Also, ALL THE FUCKING atrocities committed in Europe by Muslims throughout history. We are morons to allow them in now, considering our history with them.
So Whites are okay with letting kebabs in who have the chance of being a jihadist whereas they're opposed to more of their own kind immigrating into the country?
You Whites are such cucks. Unbelievable.
-Poo in loo
Lefties are living proof that you be well educated yet also thoroughly retarded
You are proven wrong at every sentence you write.
Mudslimes have been attacking us for 1300 years.
Learn history you fucking moronic cuck
>you cant take a piece of history thats only in favor of one of the subjects and then act like its all facts
But... that's literally what you're doing.
> for instance lets say you have 2 bananas, one is a week old and the other is fresh. can you compare how they taste?
Haha, oh fuck, when people start rolling out shitty analogies like this, you know they have lost the argument.
>do you really want to know how many muslims were killed by whites in the middle east?
Now the monkey comes out of the sleeve! Your English is too bad for you to actually be Dutch. You are an immigrant, aren't you? You don't even regularly visit this site if you are shilling for the Jews, of all people. Is that what you muslims think? That all white people love Jews unconditionally? I can definitely say I've seen it all, now: A Muslims shilling for the Jews omn Sup Forums. This is fucking laughable.
Islam does not belong in Europe. I'm more than happy to let you be backwards in the desert, but mass immigration was a crime against the West. The fact that you constantly pretend to be an oppressed minority while being the greatest purveyor of crime and terrorism in the world says it all. Go and leave our racist country if you hate the West so much.
user, you compare PIRATES to a fucking government
how daft are you?
in a time where crusades were very normal, and murdering was too. please lets keep it modern era only, like slavery holocaust terrorist attacks, none of that medievil shit from when guns werent even a thing please
Yes it happened, but we didn't do it. Can I blame Syrian sunni goatfuckers for Assad's """crimes""""? Can I blame Israeli muslims for Israel's settlements?
What links me to those neoliberals? I marched against the Iraq war. If you're calling for all out race war then that's another issue.
kekkyl and hyde
And they're winning this time!