>Salam alaikum kuffar! Due to recent troublesome events the jizya will be doubled for the month ending in June.
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Salam alaikum kuffar! Due to recent troublesome events the jizya will be doubled for the month ending in June
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That's a Sihk, not a shit.
That's a Sikh dumbfuck
That fella is Sikh as shit
>naziboo can't tell a sikh from a muzzie
incidentally, i'm sympathetic to anyone who's skeptical about sikhs and hasn't met one. i just met one recently and they're like muslims from an alternate universe where islam is civilized.
That's a Sikh. You can tell because he looks manly and not like a woman with a beard.
Dumbass wehraboo
by saging and reporting your shitpost slide thread
why are sikhs so liked?
Because they haven't blown up
All you people falling for this obvious bait are the real idiots
that's a sikh btw
pic related
Many alrady have pointed it out, but that is not a muzzie, but a Sikh. Sikhs are cool.
they mind their own business
Hello sirs it appear due to a mistake by computer that a picture of what appears to be a gentleman of Sikh faith has been confused for a gentleman of Muslim faith.
I look forward to your response in due time.
sikhs are bro tier
Because they hate mudshits even more than we do, and for good reason.
>Based Sikh in a nazi suit
But... the Canadian posters told me you guys were bro tier.
Yeah too bad they don't want to obey the law like normal people and hide behind their "religion".
Fuck them just because they're not as bad as mudshits doesn't mean they're good.
Those are RAF pilots
top kek, didn't even see that
Why do they have the reich eagle on their breast pocket then dumbass
sikhs are bro tier
bros are sikh tier
Its not the reich eagle, but its similar because all these emblems are masonic in origin. Nazis were just rogue masons. Top nazis were knights of malta, hence the maltese cross.
>Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.
Sup Forums.org/rules#global7
sikhs are bro tier
tier are sikhs bro
fucking kangaroos
I wonder if there is a way to set up an insta-ban for any shitposter who starts a thread using that fucking picture.
Hello newfags
That Sikh breh. Nowhere near the same level of sheer cuntery as Muslims, but no, they are not "based" either like some white cucks will claim. They are still smelly invading bastards and most of them hate whitey while living in white nations just like other assorted shitskins do.
Hello faggotfag
Come on, Mr. Singh, I know that sikhs aren't muslim, I'm just trying to grab a pack of camels.
Learn to differentiate between your sand niggers.
a bot makes this exact silde thread every other day
the sikhs I've talked to actually don't HATE muslims as much as you'd think because their religion really is unironically a religion of peace.
regardless they keep to themselves and don't make other people miserable. good people
Would you say they are bro tier?
Because they drink mango lassi
OMG I get that shit every week at the Indian place, so good.
it's a meme u dip
Why are you calling me a kuffar and demanding jizya as a sikh?