What will he be remembered for?
What will he be remembered for?
Other urls found in this thread:
Submission to Jews.
The last sane president.
How he dindu nuffin
Being black. It's the only reason people kept him in. He was mediocre as fuck.
>What will he be remembered for?
Being half-black.
This is the sole reason he got elected in the first place.
He was a mediocre president at best.
last black president
>If I had a son, he'd look like Trayvon.
I guarantee that will probably be his single most famous line 10+ years from now.
Surveillance state
Enjoying killing innocent people with drones.
>What will he be remembered for?
Kangz an Prez an Shieet
first lady had her own sausage
The man who enabled race war.
>What will he be remembered for?
>What will he be remembered for?
King of beta-america.
Being the first Black president, nothing else really
I liked him tho, he was your most charismatic president since Billy
For being the nigger-in-chief.
Best president in the history of this glorious nation, followed by and preceded by the two worst presidents.
>if if if if if if if if if if if if
>okie doke
>kebab spring
you're the definition of a troll. congrats.
Being black and a total pussy faggot, and racking up the highest debt of any president. He also brought us a LOT closer to tyranny. What a shitshow.
being the last nigger president
being black
to pull an obama = not knowing who or what you're dealing with, but poke it with a stick anyway
>make a joke
>gets anally raped
black jesus who didnt drone nuthin
>someone said something that goes against my echo chamber! le trole! xD
Not going away and shutting the fuck up.
being black
Beaners hate blacks so he will be the first and the last one
being black.
He skated by on a lot of scandals that almost any other president wouldn't have. His admin actually did that which only Nixon threatened to do and was vilified over. Also supposedly took race relations back 30yrs. Made a huge mess with Obamacare. Most historians will gloss over all these failures and just remember him for being black.
>What will he be remembered for?
being a nigger.
Being black and having the band shut him up as he was toasting the queen.
being the antichrist
a nigger with a suit. nothing more, nothing less
Destabilizing the middle east in favor for Israel and starting the refugee crisis in Europe.
He'll be remembered as the first nigger president and nothing more
Security state, failed and toothless health-care bill, foreign policy that destroyed Europe as a direct policy, and environmental protectionism + clean energy subsidies.
Basically a worse Carter.
The first monkey in the white house
this probably
Fake and gay
golf probably
Being a retarded nigger.
being le epin reddit president that drops the mic and goes camping with bear grylls
for people thanking him
Ushering in the Tribble.
being black
Drones and spying on allies.
Birth certificate
His based brother.
First Chimp President
Bombing brown people with robots.
Trying to sabotage his successor.
the first undisputed sign of the wests fall looking back in 500 years