Due to the recent "right wing terrorist attack". Our internet is definitely getting monitored now in the name of preventing right wing radicals.
Goodbye Britposter
what the hell is wrong with the anglos?
They're dirt stupid and safety minded. They need to be protected from themselves and favor legislation that prevents them from going on cutlery sprees.
Bongs were some of the best posters here, I'll miss them
Well if it stops a lot of the hatespeech so pervasive on the internet, then I for one am all for it.
DEUS VAN, I will be sad to see you guys go
They read 1984 by George Orwell and thought it was a good idea
>They need to be protected from themselves
You cant even cross the street legally lol
you brought it on yourself
Blockbox/Blackarch Linux with inbuilt VMware exit node.
Good luck with that shit Theresa you dumb bitch.
Learn how the internet works, you dumb cunt.
Protip, your ISP controls your internet.
They can just fucking disable every route to Tor nodes transparently.
What, you think they can only block DNS? They control every fucking packet coming to your computer.
They can replace every fucking image with goatse if they wanted to.
is this real?
slide thread by the kike shills
notice the complete lack of source
smell my cock madam May
Uk hasn t left the EU yet and it s already going full retard
there already are all-Muslim schools in the UK
Take Peter Hitchens' advice: Emigrate before its too late.
Dear Britbros,
You'll are missed and you'll always be missed.
Sincerely, former colony.
>Shills for the IRA
this is ancient news
why do you keep reposting this bait
sage this shit
>oh no an inbred German family won't rule over the UK anymore by the virtue of being born
It's win/win, if she stifles free speech even more, while muslims and their allies are allowed to literally get away with rape and murder, then she will just cause more people to finally snap, until not even the government can control us. Or she backs off and people become redpilled more slowly, either way the islamification of the UK is coming to an end. The muslim council of Britain is already bleating about "islamophobia", funny how there's no word for muslims who hate and attack us, and people are just sick of it all.
well, with the van man attack more people are likely to support the idea or have it enforced sooner
All politicians supporting this nonsensical idea should be hanged from a lamppost until dead.
Even then...
What the Tories are proposing is fucking retarded (because they don't understand the Internet at all). They are not going to block SSL, they won't be banning secure online shopping, they won't be holding all foreigners' iPhones at the airports (because they can't decrypt them), they won't do any of this shit.
Here's a sample of the stupid shit that would have to take place for her "plan" to work:
This, then, is what Theresa May is proposing:
* All Britons' communications must be easy for criminals, voyeurs and foreign spies to intercept
* Any firms within reach of the UK government must be banned from producing secure software
* All major code repositories, such as Github and Sourceforge, must be blocked
* Search engines must not answer queries about web-pages that carry secure software
* Virtually all academic security work in the UK must cease -- security research must only take place in proprietary research environments where there is no onus to publish one's findings, such as industry R&D and the security services
* All packets in and out of the country, and within the country, must be subject to Chinese-style deep-packet inspection and any packets that appear to originate from secure software must be dropped
* Existing walled gardens (like Ios and games consoles) must be ordered to ban their users from installing secure software
* Anyone visiting the country from abroad must have their smartphones held at the border until they leave
* Proprietary operating system vendors (Microsoft and Apple) must be ordered to redesign their operating systems as walled gardens that only allow users to run software from an app store, which will not sell or give secure software to Britons
* Free/open source operating systems -- that power the energy, banking, ecommerce, and infrastructure sectors -- must be banned outright
Has Corbyn sided with the UK once in any international dispute?
Of course they won't. But they will certainly fucking try. That's the scary part.
The worst part is they will waste a cool several million of the taxpayers money TRYING to.
They've thrown out so much shit to get votes that I wonder if anyone will even remember them in a months time.
All because "mummy may" is a control freak.
Her lack of children made her that way.
She is a hyper control freak, even more than the typical parent.
Look at her reaction to failing to get majority, she threw the most public hissy-fit you can.
Now there are a bunch of people in her own party trying to get her booted out for being a failure.
>funny how there's no word for muslims who hate and attack us
It's called Terrorism senpai.
You’re fucked in both ways.
Corbyn is a literal idiot brainwashed with backward economic principles from venezuela tier countries.
May is a neocon of the worst species.
its not us is it you cunt, we have no control.
>shitskins slaughter whites en mass constantly
>this is bloody great
>part and parcel revenge attack finally happens
>bloody hell lock it all down China style
You're fucking pathetic Britain and you don't even have the guns to liberate yourselves from blatant tyranny running a white genocide campaign under your noses.
she's even worse than US moral right reagan tier neo-cons
I don't know how it's possible
All you had to do was elect the Lib Dems you idiot!
she's not conservative enough to even be a neocon
she just hates freedom unless it's to do something retarded like fox hunting
Just change your flag.
wait if that means ancap will stop posting I'm all for it, go for it mummy
hipefully this election was a rude awakening for her
the universe handed her the election, and she just had to support the most retarded possible shit
Fucking hell, I hate to spout memes but this is getting a reality now:
Well they better start fucking trying to lock me up now then mate. Because no horse-faced cunt and her legislation's gonny stop me from getting my daily dose of internet cancer
>>bloody hell lock it all down China style
Actually this was the Tory plan since at least 2010 when they tried to initiate the "Snooper's Charter" but were blocked by the Lib Dems. They managed to get it through after winning in 2015 (it went into effect some time in 2016).
Learn how a subnet works and learn how a non watched VPN works.
Retard, now keep your trap shut or I'll strangle you with an ethernet cable.
>You'll are missed
t. Viper
This is now a nasheed thread
Islam shall conquer the dirty eternal anglo
you'll cowards don't even poo in loo
kek, stop spouting shit you don't understand.
ISPs have 100% control of anything that goes through their routers.
They can drop your connection harder than what gravity did to Therasa Mays face.
WE SOLD CHINA blocking software, cunt.
what will you gain from the white people being gone? Another eternal battlefield to chimp out over which sect of sunni is true Islam?
Holy fuck, Europe, not even us leafs are that cucked, and that is something
You can't block an army of autists from the internet, m8. Just SSH tunnel out of the great firewall and you're done.
nasheeds are the best music to fuck to praise Allah
They'll fucking drop that harder than Hildawgs approval rating.
You think SSH runs on magic?
EVERY SINGLE REQUEST you make goes through their systems.
100% of your connection.
This isn't fucking ARPANET.
The Internet is 100% centralized.
You never connect directly to anything else, it all goes through ISPs. It always has.
yes you can. China does.
fuck the englsih and their desire for a nanny state. England will cause the downfall of the internet.
fucking fight for your freedom
They can't block the entire web, baka's. If you have some cheap ass vps overseas you can just tunnel to it, or setup your own openvpn node. Wrap dat shit in a layer of ssl and you're done.
Have some imagination for fucks sake.
Funny how it's only been one article owned by labour that's been reporting this for the past 3 weeks
You still have to pay for one. Id rather just let the internet be the way it has always been.
But the fucking English man!
Will my porn be censored ?
cuckservative mindset.
They think saying stuff like this is good but Trump saying he wants to ban Muslims will cause them to lose.
>They can't block the entire web, baka's
You're arguing with May here.
She legit doesn't care for the net.
She'd legit try to make a British Internet that only has text and every website requires registration with the government, and any changes as well need to be told to them or you face a fine and prison time.
And only those that have a company with a certain amount of wealth are free of this limitation.
Why? Because May is a dumb cunt.
May even said the last terrorist attack at Manchester was low tech and never relied on the net.
She just wants CONTROL.
And she will do fucking anything to get that control.
bye bye british posters
we'll miss the bants
What happened to the 'Fuck Argentina' edition? Butthurt mods?
>nth for Are Kate
You'd need a license to browse the internet.
>You still have to pay for one.
They can't stop cryptocurrency.
>Id rather just let the internet be the way it has always been.
Same. Unfortunately plans are being made and being put in place to lock up the internet. Better be prepared than suddenly find yourself locked out.
how exactly is that gonna stop them running people over and blowing up/stabbing?
why does she look like merkel?
where do they get these depressing, disgusting, spoiled cows?
>That fucking nose
Please tell me I'm just seeing things.
I'm beginning to think it's the Anglos who are the problem... Not the Jews... The Jews want globalism so that the world can come together in unity and share a common goal; to explore the stars! But the Anglos would have us stay separated so they enjoy dominion over the less fortunate since their conquest involving gunpowder when everyone else had sticks and swords.
Anglos are the divide and conquerors. Jews are here to save us all and bring us all together in unity... So that we may one day become an interplanetary species inhabiting the far ends of the galaxies...
Can you Anglos please stop fucking up our progress as a species?
Thank you!
>trying to regulate the internet in the western world
Because regulating the internet of people who have had the luxury of using it freely without regulation for decades isn't going to backfire in any way shape or form, is it?
londistan will go full 1984 before any other city
>The Jews want globalism so that the world can come together in unity and share a common goal; to build a Intergalactic Bank on Mars!
FTFY :^)
Well done for proving him correct.
Yeah just like they said they would block sites like this and all internet porn for last 10 years
It wont happen
Seriously though
Full white genocide, turning us all into debt slaves etc and people remain sheep
Try and control or take away the internet, which is the main thing that keeps us docile, people will die
If we want to get off this fucking rock we need to leave the stupid nationalistic mentality. Countries need to go the way of the dodo, just like city states did thousands of years ago.
>the independent
>the independent
>the independent
>the independent
retarded europoors baka
That shit was planned long before today's glorious event you mongtard
real network engineer here, anything coming off of gpon can be monitored easily because it won't take a shitload of devices because you won't hit layer 3 for quite some time also pretty sure you're on Calix gear since you're euro.
>the independent
>the independent
>the independent
>the independent
>the independent
>the independent
Will white (((extremists))) get dubbed as ordinary whites who got (((radicalised))) and will they get sent to leisure centres in the country side...to be (((de radicalised))) ..,like the Muslims get?
Will Nazis be demonised as irredeemable and sent straight to the slammer for at least 15 years, for online hate speech?
>I do wonder what scenario will get the longest odds?
go fuck yourself communist ass hole.
It's really fuckin' impressive ain't it? She somehow manages to combine the worst of every UK party but got 47% of the vote because brexit and muh independant womun and muh family voting.
I wish our voting system was different so I actually got to pick.
you were gonna go full 1984 some day
the technical capability's been there for 15 years
Britain is now like what Northern Ireland was like in the Troubles . Tit-for-tat violence, white Britons are unlikely to be a suicide bomber but vehicle and knife attack? Anyone can do it. They don't need to be a bomb expert to kill. ISIS love this they are the only winners here.
The internet police used to be a funny joke on the internet.
But not in a Theresa May government.
You keep saying communist, but I dont think you know what that world means.
My tax dollars at work...
how about we nuke UK, Australia and Canada
and then Israel anyway just in case
No, she literally wants to create a new internet.
She has already mentioned other countries coming together to create a new internet that is heavily regulated.
This is not just a UK thing. She wants the world.
Why don't you guyz make a diy isp?
Shit economy in real terms..means less money and less work=more frustration, more free time but no expendable income to go out and enjoy life.
If (((they))) want a subservient slave race then they are going about it the wrong way.
I can only see Sup Forums and if not Sup Forums other anti social think tanks emerging and and flourishing under current circumstances.
>the western population, both right and left, is waking up to what wage slavery and a debt based economy really is and exactly (((who))) is behind it all.
1984 has been here for years..rather than seeing its final form we are seeing its destruction.
>The goyim now know.
>if not Sup Forums other anti social think tanks emerging
why do you think this place is still going?
they're afraid of shutting us down because we'll fly to a thousand deep holes across the internet and far beyond
this is a containment board but wew lad bigger than any of us suspect i think