>multiculturalism doesn't work
>is literally on a Laotian carpet critique forum filled with cultures worldwide
Check and mate racists
Multiculturalism doesn't work
Other urls found in this thread:
How will Sup Forums ever recover?
>multiculturalism doesn't work
only autistic and ugly beta faggot neets who live in their mother's basement and can't get themselves even a 1/10 black woman complain about multiculturalism or race-mixing.
ignore those lowlives. facts have proven that coutries/societies benefit from multiculturalism.
Appreciating rugs and degrading one's society are vastly different.
>Before niggers
Low crime rating and good life
>After niggers
Lots of crime and general well being has gone down, girls can no longer go safe outside because niggers rape
Fuck you faggot.
text on a screen = culture?
>is on a forum filled with cultures worldwide
>and everybody is bitter and hates each other
Because roaches are welcome here.
Because we don't shit on mudslimes and niggers at every chance.
Because leafs, like yourself, are people.
Fuck off with your multiculturalism.
admins for god's sake remove those retarded flags so we would have less shitposts like this
if we were all in the same room we would immediately start to kill each other
You do realise that we don't live together?
According to Robert Putnam, multiculturism does not only lead to lower trust in society, but also:
>Lower confidence in local government, local leaders and the local news media.
>Lower political efficacy – that is, confidence in one's own influence.
>Lower frequency of registering to vote, but more interest and knowledge about politics and more participation in protest marches and social reform groups.
>Higher political advocacy, but lower expectations that it will bring about a desirable result.
>Less expectation that others will cooperate to solve dilemmas of collective action (e.g., voluntary conservation to ease a water or energy shortage).
>Less likelihood of working on a community project.
>Less likelihood of giving to charity or volunteering.
>Fewer close friends and confidants.
>Less happiness and lower perceived quality of life.
>More time spent watching television and more agreement that "television is my most important form of entertainment".
It's a fair point.
I dislike these globalist social media sites myself and really I'm only using the enemies own weapon against them. I don't give a shit about Twitter or Sup Forums, they could burn down and I wouldn't care about it, I only care for my ideology.
>multiculturalism has never been tried
>if it doesn't work, it's not real multiculturalism
Wrong. Multiculturalism is objectively bad, and racemixing is a form of dysgenics.
Your crude, low-information non-argument has been defeated effortlessly. Go pick your teeth up out of the street and then go back to Neogaf.
>this site
That might apply to racists and bigots but overall he's clearly incorrect. Canada has thrived because it's multicultural.
Russia, China and Japan have the right idea.
Russia has their own versions of Facebook/Google and Japanese sites like 2chan block non japanese IPs.
Sup Forums is a globalist site, it is part of the problem but can be used against the problem.
>oh you like honey? Let me fill your house with bees!
Once heard Canada don't lock their doors, like us here in Scandi countries. Is this still true?
Being on the same sight doesn't equal living in the same country. I can appreciate other cultures as long as they stay in their respective regions/nations. And because i don't live in a first world shithole, i can do that because multiculturalism isn't being pushed here. So i can live in my country and enjoy my own culture and if i want to as you western mongoloids say get "culturally enriched" i go TO different nations all around the globe and experience their culture without having to lose mine in the process. Simple!
>Infighting in the Board
>Muh Multicuck works
Yeah. Pretty much. If you have to lock your doors it means you own too much shit.
>Canada has thrived
Indian/Chinese restaurants don't count
We're part of the G7 & G8.
>facts have proven that coutries/societies benefit from multiculturalism.
Take a look at Brazil, you fucking nigger.
i like white multiculturalism
>Compares leeching of a society to discussing its product.
Nigga, I'm all for multi-culti if it meant that black people stay in Africa and their highest interaction with normal people were discussions about how nice white people in USA have it.
is this brazil? looks hardcore
If it doesn't work it can't be true multiculturalism Hans. Not that difficult now is it?
this Sichuanese wheelbarrow technique forum has members separated by thousands of miles.
Provide proof race is the cause and not systemic poverty.
This place would be infinitely better if we purged it of most "cultures" desu.
>implying the people of this site could make a functioning society
I love all cultures, separate and vibrant. I can still talk to you folks on the internet without you destroying my culture.
Can I log out of London pls?
Yeah, and this site is not exactly what you'd call a functioning society, so...thanks for check mating yourself there.
Sup Forumsirgin crossposters need to fuck out of here, literally cancer.
>Using Sup Forums as an example of working multiculturalism
>Not realizing we all fucking hate each other
>Not realising this is essentially the forum version of a biker war
>Being this new
>Being this obvious bait
>6/10, I replied
That's an interesting way of going about bumping the thread aussie
could you ever imagine all of us being forced to work together?
Good job, unholy faggot.
You've just proven that multiculti could only work online, it's just that you're too fucking stupid to realize it.
That's because of natural resources, being part of the Commonwealth and being America's bitch.
You nigger do realize that we all adhere, or try to, or at least pretend to belong to the same culture, this board's culture. And since all you see is text we can somewhat manage it.
There is no other culture for it to be multy kulty.
No, unless you're in a rural area or a white neighbourhood
Mahmoud, you don't lock your door because you'll cry to the government and they'll throw more money at you.
Multiculturalism is death to a country. Also, most studies prove that multiculturalism lowers trust, community involvement and make kids feel less safe. It a total fail.
And look at what this fucking place looks like. It's nothing but shitflinging and fighting.
But at least I can just click the red cross and it's completely gone from my life,
We all hate each other and are only United by most posters being vaguely of European descent and annoyed with SJW culture
At the end of the day you're still the one who's reading this s3wCFkP9 and by doing this you have already accepted that something horrible will happen to you this year.
why is this pig doing a psyop on my brain to no longer find blonde girls attractive?
Autism is not a culture you flaming faggot.
Cuckanada is an overstreached fag hole. That country works because it sells all its shit to the US and has a clit for a military, while we swing the big dick. And they have a shit ton more Asians than niggers and beaners.
Don't worry user, just find a cute little mommy-gf to impregnate and it will all be good.
Remember: No niggers.
Why ppl post this piggy face all the time?
We are using English and are having fun with internet culture which doesn't differ by much in most of the world.
Except in China. They have their own memes due to censorship by their government preventing them from swearing on the net.
We ain't livin together nigga
All of you belong in an oven!
Chang here, multiculturalism doesn't work. Canada is basically made up of almost segregated areas where different ethnic groups live in their closed communities, and the white people who attempt to accommodate them to their finest. White people are extremely cucked here, but as someone else said, white neighborhoods are extremely safe, when I lived in R.Hill we used to keep our front doors open with just a thin screen door covering the entrance. Doesn't happen in any other ethnic neighborhood since the crime rate skyrockets once you exit a predominantly white area, unless you live in a ghetto where you have jack shit to lose.
The way I see it, most of the ethnic groups here are far more racist against each other than the whites, who literally make things worse for themselves. It makes me sad to see safe white communities being taken over by low income housing, crack towers, and shitskins.
>multiculturalism doesn't work
>is literally on a Laotian carpet critique forum filled with cultures worldwide
>Check and mate racists
Woah, i hate multiculturalism now.
Thanks for woke me, OP.
Lol you should see how western countries treat countries with Islamic flags
>Checks out
>filled with cultures worldwide
filled with WHITE cultures
I just wanted to post my Pepe
If we were the same continent, we'd likely kill eachother.
Tbh, If I had a chance half of you would be dead already.
Ethnic cleansing right now!
Kek, I always hated the smug af look on this sluts face
>implying this place is a harmonious utopia
This desu senpai
Who wants to bake with aunti Adi?
This isn't a representation of multiculturalism and if it were it would undoubtedly show that it doesn't work
What if race itself is more likely to lead to systemic poverty? What if one's biology itself influences their environment? What if the interaction between nature and nurture is recursive and not as simple as man in a Tabula Rasa
>Check and mate racists
Zero inductive/deductive reasoning.
>desu senpai
I really hope your post didn't get filtered
I wouldnt call the site multi cultural, in fact its the exact opposite as people that dont conform to board culture are ridiculed and excluded. i.e posting about an anime that Sup Forums hates or being a liberal on Sup Forums
Pretty much everyone who posts on this site submits to American hegemony in someway.
this isn't multiculturalism, though.
>everyone congregating here have a common culture of anti globalism
Really activates my almonds