Thoughts on male/female equal rights. Why is it good or why is it wrong

Thoughts on male/female equal rights. Why is it good or why is it wrong.

Why shouldn't the genders have equal rights?


You can't treat women like they're objects. They've got equal rights to men and anyone that says otherwise is insane and/or misguided

>without women it would be white
she is funnily enough correct

Just to be clear, i don't think that males and females shouldn't have equal right. Just curious what people here think about this subject.

Cunts can't have rights. They're property, only people can have rights.
There's only one gender, cunts are property not people.

equality is a social construct. no person is equal to anyone else due to different biological differences. it's a pointless fight against nature.

Equality is a disease.

Men belong at work providing for me and my boyfriends kids.

Women belong at home, in the kitchen

It's good for women to have legal protection
But equal rights should come with equal responsibilities. This is not the case.
Women need more responsibilities. If they're said to not be children, then shouldn't be treated as such.

Also, no one should vote except people who pay more taxes than they take back. Leeches shouldn't get to vote for more leeching

Since you can't choose what you are born as, men and women should be equal and have the same freedoms. You shouldn't suffer diminished rights or be persecuted, for something you had no choice over.

In an ideal world though, men and women are equals in mind or at least responsibility, if not body. Time and time again though, for the duration of recorded history, women have demonstrated that they simply aren't or can't be on the same level as men. They're basically children when it comes to morals and responsibility, and concepts like honor and loyalty. They're herd mentality creatures through and through, and rarely operate on a level more than emotions and instincts.

Women only have value in society due to our species survival being dependent on them. Once artificial wombs are mass available women will literally have no chance.

That being said being a woman is playing life on easy mode

Male and female aren't equal by default, neither should the rights be. We need rights what works for society not what ppl wants morally.

Why would you give animals the same rights as people.

To keep female happy keep her barefoot and pregnant. People have forget this truth.

Equal rights under the law - good. Women are a part of the nation and should be treated as such.
Equal expectations, aiming for equal outcome - cancerous.

Women won't have sex with me so female rights is obviously wrong.

women are mentally massively underevolved creatures.

giving those - basically - animals with minds of 3yr old children ewho live almost exclusively parasitically, power over society, was the BIGGEST mistake in the history of mankind.

Imagine the amazing world we would live in if there was only 1 male per every 10 females and men held all positions of power. Every man would have his own harem, even the most beta loser would have all the sex he wanted. And lolis would be legal because no feminism to stop nature.

This is why I support the transfaggot agenda. The more faggots and trannies the more women for me. I want only 20% of men to be actual "men", to eliminate competition. It'd be better if 90% of men were just killed off but turning them into transfaggots is one of the next best options.

Can anyone provide me the pic showing that men do the harder works? Dustmen, miners...