Non-Natives calling themselves "English" or "French" etc

>Be Greek who grew up in the UK
>People always ask me where I am from/who I am
>I say 'Greek'
>My Bulgarian, Italian and Polish friends will always say the same (that they are Italian or whatever, not English)
>See the same question asked of pakis, niggers
>They always respond 'English'
>Will get angry if they aren't seen as English

Why do people like pakis and niggers do this?

Has anyone else noticed this trend?

They're the most dysfunctional, violent and anti-English/White (see: Rotherham) of all the ethnic groups in Britain, but they'll always demand that they be seen as Britain.

Why is that?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because on some level they realize countries like Ghana and Pakistan are shitholes made up by white people with no culture or history to call their own.

Seriously. What is there to be proud of in being Pakistani?

Bump for quintessentially british

>Seriously. What is there to be proud of in being Pakistani?

I think it's playing both sides. They realize there is more 'prestige' in being English because Pakistan is pretty much hated by just about everyone (even Chinese people hate them and they're supposed to be their number 1 ally), but they also like to be able to play up their ethnically exclusive identity when it suits them.

they know their countries are shitholes. nothing to be proud of.

I noticed the same
Even before getting papers, people from shithole countries start to say they are Italians.
many albanianiggers go so far to change their names in Italians one.

Simply lack of belief in their own traditions and parent country,
I have cousins there, They know nothing about their own traditions or cultural heritage but hate it, they do.

That's a shame. Indians at least have more to proud of than paki-trash.

something i noticed in australia too - the arab men that talk with me in clubs pretend to be southern european (italian spanish and greek are the most common pretend nationalities) but they are clearly arab. they say this because they know being european is better than the shithole they came from.

I noticed this when I was on Mykonos once and used to call them out on it (speak to them in Greek).

Then tell the girls they were pretending to be Greek. Sometimes they'd say something like "oh I am Greek/Italian but can't speak it".

They'll beat their chest and act jingoistic as possible about how all European women love Arab/Muslim men, but when they are among actual European women, they insist they are Southern Europeans.

That's their real 'pride'....

Because Europeans are proud of their heritage.

Shitskins are not and they just want to abuse UK history.

It's varg fags with the WE WUZ GREEKZ AND SHIT

my parents are spanish so i know medium level spanish (just enough for a small conversation) and every time one of these arabs tells me they are spanish they can never speak single a word.
many of my female friends have also commented on this phenomenon so i know its not just me exaggerating.



England is dead. I just don't care anymore.


Mykonos isn't really a gay island, although there are gay beaches.

It's more like a party island for the wealthy.

I like this, where's it from?

Nice. I know a qt Catalonian girl though she's a bit of a lib.

It's weird cos I'm the opposite.
Since England became another Islamic state I now call myself a kiwi.
I renounced my ties to that fucking shithole.
All the best anglos fucking conquered bits of the world and stayed there.
I am proud of my Anglo Saxon heritage sure, but modern England has passed that torch onto aussie and nz.
Well except Auckland and Melbourne that is!

Because they want to claim English identity as their own and take over. They are parasites

no, it's gay.

Forgotten right now, think it was a channel 4 interview with people from the French identity group. I tried to meme the concept of 'paper' people but it didn't take hold.


pick one

NZ is an anglo state though so that seems fair enough.

Although I'd be more explicit about the anglo-ness if I were you.

That being said Winston 'Sink the Chink' Peters seems like a cool guy.


>Because they want to claim English identity as their own and take over. They are parasites
They want to subvert and pervert the meaning of English identity, bastardize it into another non-identity, like "pakistani" or "arab".

Interestingly I notice a similar phenomenon on Sup Forums and Sup Forums. People posting under western flags will have a dig at whites or whatever country it is they're nominally posting from, but when pressed to reveal their own ethnic group they avoid the question. Deep down they feel no real pride.

Interestingly I find the term "European" is actually more difficult for them to subvert since there hasn't been a wider effort to turn it into a civic non identity yet. When someone like sadiq khan calls himself a European it's seemingly more obviously absurd to normies than it is when he calls himself English.


Isn't NZ like 40% Pacific Islander?

I'm not complaining. I'd trade coconuts for Muslims and black cunts any day.

You aren't full Irish.

You are probably the child of some Irish whore and some British marine or free settler like the rest of us.

OP, that they say with this is :


/ UK / FRANCE / etc is Paki / Somali / etc now

not too hard to decrypt, desu

Yeah weirdly enough winnie is haaaated by the Maori here.

It's sad cos I'm a pasty bong. (good teeth though, thanks tararua!)
I went back to UK and was disgusted.
Doesn't help that I'm from Solihull and then Cowes on the Iow.

Yeah most of the shitty Maori are wannabe nogs. Full on nig culture.
Islanders are a mix of that and just plain overweight retards with a million noisy cunt kids.
The worst live in cities, and Gisborne.

More rural Maori are mostly okay, still all about gibs tho.

Anyone who wants to know about Maori just need to watch once were warriors, and hunt for the wilderpeople for examples of urban and rural Maori respectively.

I'd rather those dumb fucks just be the way they are, than live in a place where I'm liable to get my head sawed off then charged with hate speech for laughing about goat fucker jokes.

>Yeah weirdly enough winnie is haaaated by the Maori here.

That's a shame. Since his attitude is informed by history: He dislikes Chinese immigration because he knows it would be the end of Maori presence in NZ. Same way the Han essentially ethnically cleansed Austronesians in Taiwan.

Whites treat native minority groups far better than Chinese do, of that there's no dispute.

I also like Winston because he seems wise enough to recognize Chinese legal immigration is the real threat to westerners in Oceania. A classic cuckservative position is to fellate East Asians on account of their wealth, academic attainment and law-abidingness. Without realizing that all of that plus their unbreakable ethnocentrism makes them a far more potent threat. The Chinese today dominate Southeast Asia for example, and they're essentially an extension of the PRC in those nations - a fifth column, if you will.

Absolutely man.
You are bang on saying what I have long been telling people.
I do think that China is probably a greater existential threat to Western life than Islam is.
They already own our dairy and meat, and tourist industries.
They have entirely Chinese holiday accommodation in Queenstown, and tour companies that are also Chinese.
I have a job in a bank, setting up companies, the home lending is almost always rolled into trusts and look through companies, that on paper appear kiwi, as directors have citizenship, but shareholding is craftily set up to funnel ALL profits out to the PRC.
It's absurd.
I'm seen as a racist xenophobe for pointing that out, but I tell the people who say so, at least I can point it out. If it was China I'd be shot.
And we want those people owning us?

Right. Chinese are exceptionally intelligent (in b4 some idiot tries to kid himself they aren't) and that's exactly why we should be wary of them. It's not as if Arabs reconciled themselves to white suzerainty of their lands in the 20th century by saying "oh well, they're smarter than us so we should accept it". Being ruled by ones own people, with ones own people occupying all relevant professional classes (lawyers, doctors, accountants, engineers etc) is what is important. Even if there's less marginal efficiency than there would be were they staffed with people with a slightly higher average IQ.

The PRC's plan is to basically onshore any value-add industry or service, from automobile manufacturing to web services software, and to basically treat the rest of the entire world as a giant resource farm. Only it's worse than it seems, because not only will they treat everyone else as a resource farm, but they'll leverage their economic power to ensure that these same resources (mines, oil & gas etc) are prized away from domestic ownership and are placed into Chinese hands, either through their state-owned enterprises or overseas Chinese. These primary industries will then be staffed with foreign-born or overseas Chinese workers. So virtually every single stage of the value-add process, even digging the ore out of the ground, is going to Chinese.

Alongside this, they're going to exercise economic influence through things like FDI to ensure that they have unfettered access to every overseas market and that all tariff barriers are eventually destroyed.

You may be interested in doing a bit of reading about the Malay PM who instituted the Bumiputera laws (that favor ethnic Malay over ethnic Chinese). It's interesting because he didn't pretend that Malays were somehow better than the "duplicitous Chinese". He admitted Chinese were smarter and that, left to their own devices in a free market, would completely dominate the Malaysian state at every level.

The same here in Germany
Arabs/Turks always roleplays Mediterraneans in bars or discos
Call themselves Diego, Gianno or Giorgio in social network

>>Be Greek who grew up in the UK
>>People always ask me where I am from/who I am
>>I say 'Greek'

HURR MUH ANCESTRY. Kinda funny seeing bongs get upset over this, but I agree, its bullshit.
It reminds me of "the new irish" meme they are pushing

Also user:

Worth reading if you haven't.

>Townsend had asserted in chapter one that the cause of China's present misery lies in the fundamental defects that exist in the ethnic characteristics of the Chinese people[8] and in chapters three and four he explains what he believes these defects are. Townsend states that dishonesty is "the most prominent characteristic in the Chinese mentality as opposed to our own".[9] Townsend gives many examples of him being lied to by Chinese employees, coolies, shopkeepers, and government officials, and notes that many other consuls were driven out of the service by this relentless and "aimless lying, with each lie merely a pretext for another".[10] The other highly salient trait of the Chinese is their "indifference to fellow suffering".[11] Through a large number of personal and second-hand anecdotes, Townsend argues that the Chinese may be the only people in the world who are completely unable to comprehend the basic human impulses of sympathy or gratitude toward other people. Because the Chinese feel no empathy toward others, they behave in an unbelievably sadistic and cruel fashion toward one another, and they view altruistic foreigners as targets to be mercilessly taken advantage of.[12] Other traits Townsend identifies as being typically Chinese are cowardice, lust for money, lack of a sense of personal hygiene, lack of critical thinking skills, insincerity, and obsession with hollow rites.[13]

It's not really about muh ancestry. I'm not just English. English is an ethnic group that I don't belong to. To me identity is just race, it's just very basic, simple and self-explanatory.

Some nigger made a fuss when they refused to call him "Irish"

These subhumans think they are europeans after they aquire citizenship and it's all because of european lefties who enable them

>when american pre 65 used to just mean European
Fight hard for your country's identity

Muh ancestry is a thing bongs get pissy about whenever an American says their ethnic group is of European origin.
It wasnt directed at you, but instead was directed at the situation. People being born in bongistan of non-bongistani origins, by the bongs own bant-definition are bongs themselves. Its just funny to see them all getting bent out of shape from all of the foreigners that are now "british", and the same goes for germans and french.

Thanks bro.
I'm gonna go to bed, but i'ma read that.
Personally I think we are too far gone, but I have my five acres, self suffiency and plan to just sit back and let the world become basically command and conquer generals
Once again, thanks for the info.
You are one of the few people that I've seen express what I have suspected, so eloquently.

>Once again, thanks for the info.

You're welcome. I'm glad to hear you have your shit sorted out, unfortunately I'm still in the belly of the beast (Londonistan).

Take care.

What are you supposed to say if you're of mixed descent with one white english parent? Nationalism is a troll made up by the rich, nature doesn't draw borders.

>What are you supposed to say if you're of mixed descent with one white english parent?

Call yourself Anglo-Whatever, a literal description of your race.

I find that mixed kids with white fathers tend to identify more with their white side.

Mulattards are almost overwhelmingly anti-white, on account of weak-willed, self-hating white mothers and absent black fathers though.

>nature doesn't draw borders.

Wander into the territory of a lion pride while saying that.

>Nationalism is a troll made up by the rich
>corporate elites overwhelmingly support mass immigration

Likewise, stay safe man!
Remember, it's not too hard to emigrate to NZ, and as long as you are happy to go rural, you can still buy a small holding for a quarter of what you'd buy a family home in the city for.

Nations were literally made up by the rich though, you may have your own community but the arbitrary limits of a nation never existed until the RICH coined the concept.

If your idea of nation is "people who are like me", then why not just extend nation onto 4 blocks of the world where people "look the same" instead of tiny countries? Language is not a natural construct either, but another legitimizing instrument of "nation".

>literally what are native north americans
They didn't even have a concept of 'rich' in the way we think of it prior to colonial contact, but they still had tribal governments, territorial boundries, and notional coalitions.

Get fucked commie.

Don't let him change the subject.

If the rich support nationalism, why do the wealthy corporate elites in the west almost all support mass immigration?

Rich doesn't only mean wealth of material, but power and status. If most people in the world spoke the same language then there would be NO need for nations except for very LARGE "nations" based on race.

Because the capitalists of today are different from the rich and powerful who created nations in the past. What's hard to understand you moron?

You tell me where national borders came from? The average person right? Lol.

Euro's have a sense of self decency.

Arguably yes, the average person was a foot man in the numerous conflicts and migrations which led to the borders we see today. Also look at natural borders like the Pyrenees for instance.

This is the twofaced behaviour of muslims, to your face nice nice, internally they are like that

>we are going to take you over we are going to cut your throats who will kick us out

Then when someone says "kick them out"
they go

>oh you so racist you so islamophobic you so this and that, such a nazi for trying to kick us out we are just one people we are british just like you m8.

Just understand whenever you see them raging about islamophobia or racism etc. that's the kind of bullshit that is behind it.. They do it as a defense mechanism to avoid being kicked out.

>doesn't only mean wealth of material, but power and status.

This is circular reasoning, and an unintentional tautology. No shit the leadership caste had more power and status. How else do you expect to lead a nation?

>You tell me where national borders came from?

War and treaties concluded upon the cessation of hostilities mostly. The geopolitical map of most of Europe was formed in the Carolingian Age, where what was yours was what you could conquer and hold.

Fuck off back to /leftypol/.

>Also look at natural borders like the Pyrenees for instance.

Also the various Swiss cantons.

There are borders that tend not to coincide with ethnicity, and interestingly enough those are home to the most dysfunctional polities:

Some systems scientists analyzed the degree to which peace is guaranteed by having borders drawn around actual ethnic groups rather than arbitrarily.

Nations aren't in the interest of the normal person, they were duped into thinking it had legitimacy and power. Nationalism is on the same tier of irrationality as religion.

Literally everything you said is a concession to my original statement.

>call yourself paki,nigger,indian etc
>call yourself english/french/german/american

damned if we do, damned if we dont

>Nations aren't in the interest of the normal person

see the link here:

Borders coinciding with ethnic boundaries lead to peace, borders that do not coincide with ethnic boundaries lead to conflict.

Nations are in the interest of the average person because they are inherently more peaceful.


I don't think anyone on Sup Forums actually believes in this anymore. Assimilation from the European perspective seems to involve the host obliging the guest's wishes anyway, rather than vice versa.

Assimilation with demographically significant numbers of racial aliens is impossible because they can set up their own self-sustaining communities anyway.

>Nations aren't in the interest of the normal person

Agreed. Multiracial socialist utopias are however.

What are these ethnic boundaries though? Are you different biologically to a german or frenchman?

The only way your concept of nationalism can hold water is if you push the goal post back to have RACIAL nationalism. Where "nations" can govern entire continents - but then it ceases to be nationalism as we know it now. Just globalism under a different moniker.

>Why is that?
Do you honestly think they themselves consider themselves british? OFCOURSE NOT.. they are using the same tricks that the commie left have developed, which is shout racism or whateverphobia etc. and other things if someone is on to your nefarious plans or has a problem with your behaviour etc. And then a lot of people shut up.

Muslims use this tremendously. You see it all the time that's why the overreaction, they utilize it to avoid islam or muslims being critiqued or asked questions about. Even islamophobia you know who invented that? muslim brotherhood, you know why they invented it? Because they saw how effectively the fags were using the term "homophobia" to shut up people who reject gays prancing around in front of them. so they just added islam to ophobia.. and VOILA.. now instead of defending faggotry they defend islamophobia in the same way, they just piggyback on whatever the commie left is doing and use them as useful idiots. This is why the massive overreaction whenever you get close to actual issues they start yelling that type of shit. But internally they're like
>yeah fuck you kuffar we're going to fuck you up islam will dominate islam in the UK
It's purpousful deception they don't give a shit about "racism", they are massively racist against europeans, they call themselves british to camouflage them as you when they get called out for their various threats. Same way they use nazi or whatever, they just use the same tricks the commie left develops, the purpose isn't if these things fit, it's just to label you as bad somehow and shut you up. In reality muslims are much closer to being actual nazi's than the average european. They volunteered to fight alongside hitler because kuffar european fighting kuffar european + jew hatred.. what's there to dislike from a muslim perspective. And you see muslims praise hitler many times.. and then the same cunts turn around and call you a nazi or a racist or islamophobe. Deception.

They aren't, northern europeans can assimilate perfectly into other european nations. You need to change the definition of nation for it to make sense.

No one believed in assimilation, my parents are atheists, 3 generation college, dad is a doctor, not muslim, never broke a law, I'm working on my masters but I'm still mr sandnigger son of sandnigger.

If I may, I think the biggest problem was that they did not see the future, `these gastarbeiters would just come, work for 5 years and go away` or `these sandniggers would bow down their head, clean our toilets and return back to their low grade houses`.

I'm not saying pick up a sandnigger and go bleach his hair blonde and name him hans, but assimilation works bothways. They really should have a quite strict and active assimilation policy, but in reality it was apathy, pure apathy at best which turned into anger after immigrants began to chimpout.

I know I will never be accepted, no amount of my education, my wealth, my law abiding status etc will change that fact. I accepted it and move on, I don't demand europeans to accept me either, hell I can say people hate me more when they see we are not toilet cleaners but upper-middle class .

>Are you different biologically to a german or frenchman?

I'm Greek so yes.

And Germans and Frenchmen are genetically distant, not as distant as a Sub-Saharan Africa vs a Norwegian or something, but they're still distinct groups on ethnic clustering analysis.

Distant enough that assimilation between these groups is impossible? So what's with white nationalism? What's with Americans feeling a yearning for europe and identifying with the continent so much?

You mean the elites you dumb nigger. And yes it's true, nations are made up hy the ruling class. But that doesn't mean they don't have history or aren't "real".
But being proud of someone else's accomplishments that you have nothing to do with is kind of stupid.

>I know I will never be accepted, no amount of my education, my wealth, my law abiding status etc will change that fact.

My question is why do you care? Deep deep down inside no Anglo-Saxon will see me as a real Englishman, and rightfully so.

I just find it bizarre the only people who are saddled with the expectation that they treat complete racial aliens as brothers are Whites. You'd never demand this sort of nonsense of a Japanese or Chinese.

It's almost like on some level non-whites subconsciously believe white people are morally superior and expect higher levels of moral conduct from them than they do anyone else, including their own people.

You're the one that chooses to interpret not being seen as a native as a veiled barb/insult. Instead of just being comfortable in your own skin (like European immigrants are).

Because their native birth is nothing to be proud of, obviously

>Nations aren't in the interest of the normal person
Yes they are, what a load of bullshit. Only migrants peddle this notion because they want access to places that they know they should not be at because they failed in their own nations. And migrants have conflict of interest and quite frankly their oppinions are thusly COMPLETELY IRELLEVANT because of this.

Nations keep good people in and bad people out. It allows you to protect your investment in time and effort such as farming or cultivating the land and building infrastructure and many other such things. Not to mention your ethnicity culture and values and all these kinds of things, that can differ massively from other nations on the planet. There are some that are similar, hence the division into continents etc. But evne nations fairly close to eachother can differ massively. Nations are VERY necessary to make sure that nobody comes in you don't want. Same as you don't want just anybody living in your small city or whatever. You want someone that fits in or wants to fit in, or they can fuck off so they don't ruin the situation in your city/village.. A nation is just a larger extension of that.

>You mean the elites you dumb nigger.

Do the semantics matter? You still discerned my allusion.

Malaka mou akribos to idio skeftomouna 'xtes. I live here in germany, i can vote here in germany i work and pay taxes here in germany and yet i am not a german, of course i'm not, i am greek. And yes i never once in my life said that i am german or implied that i wanted to be seen as german. Not out of disrespect but why would i? I am greek. But like you said, other minorities such as africans and muslims, really, REALLY wnat to be seen as germans and or europeans in general.

It's just saying "rich" makes you sound like a dumb commie hippie, that's all.

There are serious problems with ETHNIC french and ETHNIC germans migrating into Britain? Probably not, well we have to redraw those borders again! Such nebulous concepts sure are legitimate!

Elite are normally rich - in fact the inverse is an oxymoron I'm sure.

Depends on what you mean by `care' I don't care about BNP members accept me as their equals, what gets me, if you call this care, is the damned if we do damned if we don't attitude. If I callmyself a sanniggeristani I get looks, If I calmyself an euroepan I get looks. I dont expect to be treated as brother I personally feel I'm a little bit of both but thats me.

Tbqh I think your camaderie is also bullshit, most `western nationalist` see anyone east of austira as basically subhuman, and you are a christian t*rk at the most. I laughed how after post prexit my `europe for whites` only hungarian friend got butthurt seeing all those polish vermin posts.

European camaderie is a lie, the moment islamic threat/phobia is gone they will turn on each other. They are turning on themselves even now.

Do all whites treat each other like brothers? Really dude?

>There are serious problems with ETHNIC french and ETHNIC germans migrating into Britain? Probably not, well we have to redraw those borders again! Such nebulous concepts sure are legitimate!
>european immigrants to other european countries doesn't pose THAT big of an issue.
European have similar cultures and behaviour that have a long history of relations with eachother, so they know how to behave and not to do fucked up shit or feel entitled when they live in another european country or try to impose a german culture on the UK for instance.. but still are quite different..

Has nothing to do with borders not being fucking necessary, do you really think a swede wants to live in france you stupid jihadikike

to add, your average jap or chinese don't bitch and moan when you don't assimilate. The average european does, theres the difference

of course not, its the typical eastern european/balkan attitude they think they share camaderie with west, while western europeans look down upon them

Your heritage is Greek but your nationality is English. I am half roach and half wop but when questioned on nationality I am Aussie much to disdain of Whities

Because they know they dun goof'd- they know they are the problem and if they identified with their origin, you guys might be more inclined to deport them all.

I agree that European ethnicities are largely interchangeable, and when given the right conditions, ie United States can work together and blend no problem. The problem in Europe that there's too much legacy and thus its pretty much impossible to not have borders.

Not to mention that ruling classes of western nations are insane and now are wiling to accept fucking Somalis as legitimate Europeans. They treat 3rd world ears better than their fellow Europeans like eastern European in particular.

> do you really think a swede wants to live in france you stupid jihadikike

Why not? You just affirmed my statement above about redrawing ephemeral borders to encompass entire racial groups rather than arbitrary plots of land.

The grand irony of this is that most hardcore "nationalists" that are known online ARE living in other European countries instead of their own "native" land.

Because Greeks, Italians, etc. have culture and heritage to be proud of, pakis and niggers don't

The solution is to stay in your shitty country, Achmed. Or die when we finally get fed up of you, makes no difference to me.

The same ruling classes who drew up the borders without your consent now allow people that you don't like through the borders, without your consent. It almost seems like you're complete cucks to your rulers.

I get called racist all the time for saying black and asian people aren't english. how can i think they're english when i don't think i'm english?

they know as well as we do that they're inferior. also, they're manipulative pieces of shit.

Thinking about doing a phd In USA actually, you can lift your blue collar ass and try to stop me.

>Tbqh I think your camaderie is also bullshit, most `western nationalist` see anyone east of austira as basically subhuman

LOL at this butthurt and pathetic attempt at d&c, now we know who is constantly posting the "so and so aren't white" shit.

Anyway why would we hate him? He seems like an educated guy who doesn't insist on calling himself English as you do. That's the distinction we're talking about here. He actually has some measure of pride. You have so little that you won't even tell us where you're actually from you fucking coward.

I'd put money on Indian given the elitism.

Western European protestant nation citizens certainly are cucks.

integrate or fuck off

There are levels, some accept Romanians as white, some don't
Some accept atheist/assimilated turks/arabs/pakis in the okay category, I know plenty of conservatives who say I'm okay because I'm an atheist and upper middle class, some don't and will never

You might accept him good for you, but I know plenty who will never.

I never said I called myself English, read my post here , I was born here but I'm also aware of my heritage, If anything I would call myself a little bit of both, which I do believe is true

No shit, under feudal rule for nay 2 millennia does that to you - no wonder they're superstitious enough to believe in nationalism.

You're an australian citizen but not an australian..
I'm so tired of this fucking bullshit where if a somali moves to the UK and has a baby that child is now apparently quintessentially british. Or even if the somali just moves and lives there a while.. "hey i am british m8" No you're fucking not, you're have a british passport, you're a british citizen but you're not of british ancestry.

A skeletal analysis can tell extremely easy that the kid is a fucking somali and not a european or a british person.

This is the annoying part of this crap, they talk about home grown terrorism, it's bullshit, those people aren't fucking home grown, they come from middle east and live maybe 1 or 2 generations there, and then all of a sudden.. WOAH IT'S FUCKING MAGIC they're european and "Quintessentially british" now... Man i never knew that biology worked like that, it's amazing, all it takes is a passport i guess. And then you morph and have exactly same physical traits and behaviour and intelligence as an average european.

>Because they know they dun goof'd- they know they are the problem and if they identified with their origin, you guys might be more inclined to deport them all.

Do you think they wake up in the morning and look in the mirror and say
>yes i'm of british ancestry
You think they don't know? OFCOURSE THEY DO.. they use it like a chameleon whenever someone points out they're a problem after they made some threats or whatever..
>haha kuffar fuck you we are taking over..
>b..but.. hey m8 i'm british same rights as you m8 you can't kick me out
yeah only problem is those rights were never made with people like you in mind!

No matter where I end up in the world. I will always have Denmark as my fatherland and Danish my mother tounge

There been huge debates here on """Danishness"""
And it's fucking stupid and anti European tradition to assimilate your heritage. Not unEuropean to assimilate yourself but disguising where you are from and trying to claim a thousand year old identity for political gain


>Why not? You just affirmed my statement above about redrawing ephemeral borders to encompass entire racial groups rather than arbitrary plots of land.

The ephemeral divisions are called CONTINENTS you twit. Based on how compatible ethnic groups are etc.

But borders are highly necessary even inside those continents between those groups since eventhough a german CAN live in britain doesn't mean he wants to live in the way british people do.

It's literally like arguing with a retard that is claiming walls or doors aren't necessary to have in a house because there's people sort of similar to you that live down the street.

It's no wonder you can't go back to your homeland and do that because your race is a bunch of stupid niggers LOL. Day of the rope approaches, brown paki cunt.

What? Do you even know history? Western nations were the first to get rid of feudalism and that's why industrial revolution started. And they enjoyed the greatest freedoms, unlike the theocratic Islamic shithole you come from. The problem is that all the wealth generated by freedom was later used by the elites to do some terrible shit. Mostly to their fellow Europeans actually, but some to some 3rd world dindus, and now everybodys guilty and thus must die, that's the logic.

My country is a disgrace to me, but you are a disgrace to your country

>but your nationality is English

Your species is dog but your nationality is horse. You were born in these stables you see.

Anyway shouldn't you be LARPing as a central asian nomad in /tr/ on Sup Forums?

Of course not literally, but on an implicit level they absolutely do recognize they are the same group, which is why self-segregation among white english is so pronounced: Housing demographics, schools etc. The statistics for which all bear out what I'm talking about: That the English prefer other English first and foremost, even for friendship and dating.

Western European whites have become so adept at hiding their ethnocentrism that even they don't recognize it anymore.

You let us worry about that. I'm not base enough that I'm going to respond in kind to your attempts at insulting me, particularly as you don't seem to have the guts to actually fess up to where your real point of origin. Indian or whatever, you should be proud of who you are.

Same bro. Never met a Greek who says "I'm just as English/German/French etc as the natives". Respect the host and their laws? Absolutely. But not seek to take their identity for your own. We already have our own.

>If anything I would call myself a little bit of both, which I do believe is true

And you see the problem herein right? You have dual loyalties as well as a supposed dual identity. Mixed loyalties are cancer for a nation. It's why America is grappling with a seemingly endless wave of Chinese-American espionage that the FBI are seemingly incapable of managing.

There's no easy answer to this problem, but the solution is ultimately less diversity - not more. Racial conflict is, after all, a function of racial diversity at the most basic level.

Please do Mehmet. You sand apes ruined germany