The narrative right now seems bleak for our fight against Islam, but hold your horses
We're yet to hear the vanman's side of the story and, provided the media and police don't cover it up, it's VERY possible he had reasons relating to Finsbury's history of being an "extremism hotspot"
Keep feelers out for this sort of info
Finsbury might yet work to our advantage
Other urls found in this thread:
.... his side of the story was to kill muslims with a van
No good reasons for randomly killing people with a van.
The reasons are important, burger
I'm certain it's no accident that this was in Finsbury
>1 dead
Fucking brits cant even do this properly..
I hope this guy is a parent of one of the Manchester victims. That would really turn this whole situation up another few notches.
The person who died may not have been hit by the van. If this is the case then he failed.
Holy shit is it fucking reddit hour?
First off, I didn't say it was a good reason.
Second, it's a counter-narrative to "indiscriminate killing of just random muslims"
Fuck off Achmed
he was dead before the van did anything, he is an old bloke who was getting CPR and the van driver took the opportunity when he saw a gathering of muzzies around the body.
>No good reasons
He probably thought the Muzzies were going to behead that old bloke and was just trying to help. He dindu nuffin.
i say you britfags just go to the site and taunt and provoke the muslims into snackbaring, do shit like stealing any memorial items the same way the refugees stole the toys and stuff from the ariana grande bombing memorial
The German media is really fucking glad about this attack to be sure. Finally they have a new topic to talk about apart from the failed anti-terror march organized by Muslims, where no one showed up.
time to bust out your WE ARE ALL MUSLIM! signs for the marches
Kek may know the Truth
if Sevens his daughter was killed
and this was for revenge
You could really tell how much it hurt them to report about the failed demo. They really didn't want to because it absolutely killed their myth about the silent majority of peaceful Muslims, but they also had nothing else to report and they needed to write SOMETHING to keep generating clicks and sales.
>The narrative right now seems bleak for our fight against Islam
that's not what i see in daily mail top rated comments. it ranges from #notallbritish to #theyhaditcoming
>his side of the story was to kill muslims with a van
>The reasons are important
Kys immediatly sub human scum.
sorry to hear about your future week of listening to anti-white tirades on the news networks about islamophobia and increasing refugees
Why are you faggots so adamant to fit everything with your narrative? Pathetic mental gymnastics, that's all this is.
We've passed the point of worrying about fucking narrative tennis and one-upmanship with shitty liberals on twitter. It's straight out war now!
I never thought I'd say this, but... I'm glad it happened.
The "muslims" need to know we aren't just gonna sit around and watch our kids get blown up and do nothing. Every time an attack happens we should drive a van into a mosque.
Enough is enough. They want a civil war? They got one.
>No good reasons for randomly killing people with a van.
Fuck off Brit cuck. You have no say after letting so many niggers in
(((they))) will probably be knocking your door down at any moment.
thats what the full on terrorists want. the ultimate problem here is that islam is incompatible with the west
What the fuck are you talking about
Because one less chance for the liberals to virtue signal is one more chance that more reasonable people will realise what the true problem is
explain this juxtaposition please
It's entirely possible this was just an accident, May has already walked it back to being a "possible" terrorist incident. The fact he didn't kill anyone suggests he was trying his best not to. A crowd of Muslims was likely *in the road* clustered around the collapsed old guy at the bus stop. Early reports claimed he'd been drinking, also although (muslim) witnesses said he mounted the pavement they also lied massively about how long it took the police to turn up. Or perhaps he really did mount the pavement, but as part of a swerve trying to miss others.
But nope, he's white so he's instantly condemned without trial by the (((media))) as a terrorist.
One is a city with 40% of the UK's muslims and the other has no muslims
Dude, shits war now.
Besides, the cops here have better things to do
Right, this is also a possibility.
I hope this shit gets cleared up before TYT broadcast their anti-white shit tonight
(and yes they are actually an important effect on lib opinion)
Finsbury Park is a shithole
stabbings all the time around Seven Sisters Road
mostly Somali gangs
Its just part and parcel of living in a big city.
They should be defeating his hatred with love.
Intentionally deceptive statistics lmao. Typical. I guess that in order to fight stupid you yourself have to become an idiot.
If they want Muslims to get btfo then they're going the right way about it. We can't take anymore. We literally did nothing to these cunts.
to be fair i bee waiting for a father,brother,Uncle.Boyfriend of one the like raped 5000 British girls in the uk to do this for long time.
But now it could also be father,brother,uncle.Boyfriend of one the dead in Uk.
this will only get worse and was to be excpected;
if you daughter was raped and abused or killed im guessing you might want revenge.
exactly. sadly now that they are already embedded in our countries, i dont really think anything can be done. at best we can stop the flow coming in, keeping the problem from exacerbating itself. but i think we have now forever relegated ourselves to a certain risk degree of terror attacks
i just hate this modern SJW attitude that islam is something happy to be celebrated
This looks like another hoax, to whip up trouble. I can't call it yet, but the two bridge attacks and Manchester were fake as fuck. Grenfell Tower had crisis actors all over it also. I don't think anybody died in any of these incidents.
They are going all out with their propaganda bullshit.
So vanman was privy to sensitive intel?
>a lefty white and a muslim kidnap drunk mentally ill man at knifepoint
>bundle him into van
>go to place they were a dead muslim old guy was on the floor
>bundle him out the van
>call the police
>"he hit us with the van and shouted"
>"yeah but them two guys who ran away..."
>"SSHHHH Imran, you saw nothing" (in Arabic)
How the fuck is that intentionally deceptive?
London's population is 12.4% Muslim
That's is MASSIVE, especially in the UK which is still largely homogeneous
What if he lost a family member in Manchester or London?
Could he just have been pissed up and fallen asleep?
dumb frogposter
Not sensitive, common place.
There are countless mosques in this country that host extremist preachers and hand out anti UK leaflets. The mosque of Salman Abedi was one of them and the area around Finsbury is no exception.
Its way more than that pal. Everyone here still goes by the 2011 census. Wait until the next one, it'll make your jaw drop
didnt reports say it was a DUI and alcohol was a factor?
The obvious indicator will be if there's a set of skid marks indicating hard braking prior to the collision point. If we had actual journalists, that would have been established prior to vilifying the guy.
I haven't been to London since the end of 2015 but yeah even then it seemed like more, and that was in Kensington
i looked through the victims from manchester and none of them seemed like they were related to him, maybe it was just a mentally unhinged guy who watches too much infowars
finally, a white male did something harmfull. See, not all terrorists are muslims you white racist scum.
Hey you guise, the BBC just told me his motivation, apparently he wanted to divide our society, exactly the same motivation as the previous extremist attacks, so turns out he was just another extremist same as the previous ones, same goal & everything, so it's important not to let these extremists win, we need to stand together in unity & further embrace solidarity with multiculturalism.
Odd though, because I initially thought it was a revenge attack against muslims, for all the people they've slaughtered recently, seems I was wrong, I'm sure the BBC knows best.
Read your post again. You were being deceitful.
I actually thought it might have been related to the recent Islam-inspired attacks as well, but I guess the BBC cleared that up for me haha
Well I'm glad that we know what the motive was now, to divide our society, and now we can take steps to stamp out extremism in all its forms.
Because I said one had "no muslims"? Fair enough, Tokyo does have some Muslims.
You laugh, but this is the consequence of these attacks, which may or may not be false flags. Divide and conquer, as always. Sup Forums being played like a fiddle, as always.
Percentage is the key word. You're either acting stupid or being subconsciously deceptive. Brain on autopilot. Just like those regressive liberals and SJWs.
It's not going to be a victim of the Arena bombing which was at the other end of the England.
Too far apart. Unlikely anyway.
The guy shouted 'kill all Muslims" if the witnesses are to be believed.
And then the soldiers of Allah took to the streets - there were crowds of them covering the streets and all the reporters were talking about how there was an an aggressive atmosphere towards them from the swarm.
May is on telly talking about cracking down on free speech and thought crime.
Even though both terms are made up nonsense and even though they are totally different the narrative is islamiphobia is racism.
On-line Safe spaces are to blame says mental May.
Fuck it though. Everyone should be able to see you reap what you sow.
I'm a Buddhist all of a sudden so telling me it wasn't karma is a hate crime.
I'll break this down for you because you're clearly not a very clever person.
The UK has a relatively large number of Muslims. Therefore, one city housing 40% of its Muslim population would equal a large number of Muslims.
Japan has a relatively small number of Muslims. Therefore, any percentage (even 100% of Japan's Muslim population) living there would equal a small number of Muslims.
The Finsbury mosque is a hot spot for radicalization. Zero fucks given.
LOL, we just need to unite(tm) and fight the Jews(c)
Exactly. Indiscriminately killing is evil.
>But nope, he's white so he's instantly condemned without trial by the (((media))) as a terrorist.
But this is exactly what happens to Muslims.
>media is biased against me!
>no! media is biased against ME!
It never ends...
I found the Muslim
I found the hick burger who can't read
we'll, it's basically the muzzies and leftists and blacks fault.
he probably could not deal with the oppression and all this whitephobia no more.
i'ts understandeable.
also it's part and parcel of living in a big city.
The only correct reaction is, for whites to stand together even stronger, to show, that whitephobia will not bring them down.
deus vult..
Britain stands with white supremacy. White supremacy means peace
the attacks isn't justified (in a general sense), but it's expected.
You have a good decade and a half of Islamic terror attacks happening periodically in Europe and the UK, dozens killed by it in the last few months alone in England. You're bound to get some unhinged guy striking back. It's the Britain's Islamic 'community's' chickens coming home to roost.
Most white Brits will understand this too, implicitly at least. In the same way that most Muslims believe that terror attacks are at least partially justified given Western countries interference in the Islamic world.
There is no kek, fool.
>The "muslims" need to know we aren't just gonna sit around and watch our kids get blown up
But I don't have any kids, user?
You underestimate how far gone your country is. They will shut down and seek to strangle any narrative that they don't want. You will gte no info about this man except that which they want. Hell m8 they stand back as 1000s and 1000s of white girls get raped in Rotterham and other cities. They don't give a shit about you.
1766 is the response to 1984
Straighten your teeth out m8
>killing muslims
fuck off traitor
Whatever you say, MI6
This is the entirely predictable result of migrant policy.
The media are praising the same mob they were complaining on live TV were intimidating them last night.
There have been Muslim terrorists caught on the scene before without there being an attempted lynching by the Anglos who caught them (Glasgow airport) but it seems this mob deserve a medal for not commuting a crime...according to the media.
I will not die without first killing at least one of these invaders, it would be morally wrong for me to die in old age in the ruins of my country without at least killing one of them.
Wow... you must be a tough guy...
yeah my bad
Well, we've got about 5 million UK muzzies. Perhaps Merkel could give them all asylum?
Who introduced these attacks
Who carried them out every week
Who remained in silent support of attacks
Who's fault was it, just van mans alone?
Nope, muslim vans of peace remove any ambiguity about their intent by following up with knives whilst screaming about Allah. Even then the media delays calling it terrorism, or providing a description of the attackers (even when the police are looking for them), for as long as possible.
Agreed. Sooner or later they'll hurt the wrong man's family and he'll go full Breivik.
If we just increase immigration and come together as members of the human race, I think everything will be okay. I'm lighting a candle right now.
You won't kill anything, faggot. No one believes you.
Say "hello" to the officers from us.
Man charged with
Suspicion Of Attempted Murder!
Didn't mean to post that pic
IT'S van man that's been charged
>"The strategy makes specific mention of Islamophobic hate crime for the first time with a direct reference to the Tell MAMA campaign that aims to address and monitor offences against Muslims
>Tell MAMA
The big question is whether he gets 42 virgins out of this.
White taxi drivers have been seen giving free lifts in the area
Homogeny means peace, unless you're talking about Muslims, in which case there will be no peace
Jew Vs Muslims.
Or we close off all immigration and stop destabilising foreign nations, which is why foreigners migrate. Instead you choose to throw shit at each other whilst ignoring the geopolitical root of the problem. That's only natural for idiots though. It is more difficult to speak out and get behind solving the root of the problem, than it is to complain about the symptoms. You want something to validate yourself, and as an idiot you gravitate towards the simple and easy validation from other idiots.