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well, you both have birth rate below 1.4

If you own a 15 years old BMW you're actually considered rich in Poland

Bulgaria needs Immigrants

Its only not based enough because non-Central Europeans subhumans like you are not outright banned from ever living here. Racial laws now!

I know the guy on the left

>fucking Leeds Utd shirt on the left


>self-loathing polack, episode 1011

>Polish slavs
>best slavs

powitanie polskich braci

Nice cherry farm, faggot.

Nigger detected.

why are all non-slav subhumans always so triggered by based poland

>Croatia right below

We are gonna get so enriched

gods I hate this shithole
15 kilometres to the west and I would be living in Germany

Mostly they're just commies' bastards, that are leeching our country and poisoning our mentality. Don't mind them, they're gonna be eradicated with their parasite bloodlines from these lands.


Had no idea I was hiding behind nazi flag.

Fitting I guess...

wykurwiaj na karachan


I'm actually a white supremacist, I would love to be a nationalist but I just hate Poland for being weak and not achieving anything in her history


Truth is a spark, they've been covered in flammable shit over time, so it's nothing new that it burns them. Not the truth, but their own lies.


>cherry picked, edited video of Frankfurt
I live there. Wanna know how it's actually like?


Funny how you claim poland is based while the Netherlands runs on polish slaveworkers.

>white supremacist
sure kiddo, ur magic doesn't work on me


And per capita for a better perspective.



Nuke plz

It's the same in Poland, the only difference is that in Germany Kurds beat Turks while Germans are working and making money, while in Poland Poles beat other poles while Ukrainians are working and making money


I might get generous and by myself an Ukrainian, submissive wife someday.


Japan is full of alfalfa males. Just look at their president here

Karaki to w większości bękarty, które były/są molestowane, stąd tyle jadu u nich na Polskę. Przeważnie osoby będące molestowane mają potem zachowania autodestrukcyjne. Ładnie się to przekłada na zachowanie lewicowców.

If everyone spoke English in Poland I would consider moving there.


Then maybe learn Polish you lazy bum.

karaczanki to bardziej podwieki chcące atencji poprzez "hehe trollowanie" i "hehe robienie rajdów"

nie zapomnij sagować


Polish imigrant in Britain detected

Też, ale pierwotnie miało to podwaliny w tym, co wymieniłem.

op is a salty larping nigger

>euro globalist takes a trip to poland just so he can virtue signal and LITERALLY false flag against it
The pettiness is off the charts


>Successful major city vs a random slum
Like comparing a super model to your autistic whale of a mother, OP.

Kaznycyz Polshhcjoski kcsasds karsazvsc

literally niggers of europe

japan is 100% honorary white
poland is 100% nigger white



Would owning a Cadillac in Poland make you rich?

and sweden is 100% honorary nigger

>doesn't have a clue about polish history

A wykopki nadal będą się zarzekać że polska jest zajebista i siedzieć na Sup Forums ze smug-facem gdy zagraniczniaki chwalą polske że jest HURR BASED x-D
wiecie że nic nie osiągneliście śmiecie dlatego tak łakniecie zagranicznej atencji
ten kraj i naród to gówno


This. I'd mix with a Japanese before a Pole

karsfzcsc papiez anchluzkcsr polsksakurwasic

It would make you a fucking aristocrat

uuu ostro

powiedz to staremu jak będzie cię chłostał po dupie bo dostałes pałę w gimbazie

lurkuje tu dłużej niż ty żyjesz kmiocie, zanim ten cały wykop powstał
wypierdalaj do z powrotem do nory
polish immigrant hussars fighting for 80 zł(less than 20 euro) in the netherlands


If it's this bad now I'd hate to see what the addition of arabs or niggers would do to the place!



gościu co to tworzył bardzo into cp, pewnie musiał sporo drągali w dzieciństwie przerobić
niebawem ten rak upadnie, wraz z innymi odłamami, bo nadchodzą czystki w Polsce w 2018


I rather enjoyed my time in Poland. When part of a US military convoy came through Warsaw, some of the soldiers took a liberty night on the town. This was okay, except some of them were of a non-white persuasion. Specifically, several niggers, all of whom thought they were in a cuck country. I personally watched three of what turned out to be 6 separate nigger-beating incidents. Mass beatings. I also watched white soldiers just doot-de-doot right on by on their merry ways while one of said niggers called for help from a face-kicking he deserved. A pretty Polish girl cursed at him as he was beaten. Not much to figure out there...

Poland is not the most beautiful place in the world, but I never miss the diversity it doesn't have. I did notice niggers in Warsaw last month when I visited. That needs to not happen.

prawda boli co? moim celem jest pokazanie ludziom zachodu jakimi gównem jest polska i jakimi podludźmi są polacy i nie spoczne dopóki nie zdechne elo xD

pokazać to ty możesz swojemu staremu jedynkę z przyrki aby cię zlał pasem

Zacznij od siebie

dobrze dobrze walcz ANONIMIE (-:
będzie wiadomo kogo stąd wyjebać na zbity pysk
>inb4 ogonku

We don't need niggers, arabs jews or mexicans, Poland is shitty even without them

Poles are like "hahah the west is dying we're gonna be strong lololo" while working a slave jobs in western companies for 400 euro a month

how is it possible bad when nonwhites kill other nonwhites? they all should be exterminated anyway

Wenn ich das seh, werd' ich echt sauer
Polackenlümmel schreien White Power
Oh, wie ich dieses Scheissvolk hasse
Seit wann gehören Polacken zur arischen Rasse?

oh karachan kikes got up already?


mają teraz chyba wakacje, normalnie by się zlecieli po gimnazjum

You must be one of them Ukrainians that came to Poland and all you do is talk shit.

Just came back from holidays in cracow and it was fucking best place I've eve been to. Cleanest and friendliest. Police was so helpful they even broight me to my train and explained what's going on.
Not one nigger came up trying to sell me a selfie stick, no one even once tried to sell weed, cocaine or whatever. No one fucking bothered me at all, Poles actually invited me to drink with them at Pijalnia piwa I wodki (hope that's correct).

I'm actually considering buying a plot of land around cracow and building a house there which also is very cheap... For 100,000 euro you can build a house fully furnished and it will be about 160m2.

Here in Ireland for 100,000 you can build a fucking shed or buy a studio apartment...

We're (top three New England) are 95%+ and we're not a shit hole.

Sorry guys.

>be a polish subhuman
>praise hitler

Jak Ci się tak tutaj nie podoba to sobie pojedź na zachód, do Niemiec czy ki chuj

Nah, that's bullshit, the pictures should be:


You misunderstood me, Whites are the master race, but poles aren't white



yeah it's all communists' fault lol
XXI century - communism fault
XX century - nazis fault
XIX century - russians fault
XVIII century - prussians fault
XVII century - swedes fault
etc etc etc

It's nice that you consider Poland a friendly place, but it's seriously not the best place to work. Live? Sure, work? Nnno. Why do you think it's mostly young people who emigrated west?
Most of evil in Poland can be derived from either government or previous government (PRL) and remains of previous mentality in people.

a to czemu na twoim pierwszym picrelu napisałes, że polska jest 99,8% biała?

szach mat karaczanku

you must be really mad

nie ja go stworzyłem


>tfw so many Italian immigrants to the UK and Italy doesn't even make it to the top 21
We're losing our crime game.

ale zapostowałes

haha sam się zniszczyłes debilu karaczanku


No, in 21 it's socialist gov't, in 20 USSR, 19 we spent non-existent as a nation, and before we had this shitty mentality that ultimately led to our downfall. Damn nobility.

>a homogenous country that prides itself on innovation and is economically driven by a class of people who are raised to be self sufficent hard workers manages to be better that another homogenous country that is inhabited by ingraits that are squatting on rightful german clay whilst squandering their resources and oppurtunities to effectively develop their nation to a first world level.

Poland, stop hating yourself, you have a beautiful culturally rich homogenous country, just motivate yourselves and give back to your country. You can make it.