id like to know are there any good arguments for a social welfare state or for some kind of socialist system like in denmark/sweden e.g.
ive mostly came across arguements which are easily disputable with common sense
Id like to know are there any good arguments for a social welfare state or for some kind of socialist system like in...
you gotta give people stuff because they're sheeple and will just die if you leave them alone
AFAIK the British socialist state was set up to increase productivity among the working class who were always off sick with TB or malnutrition.
no but seriously if you don't give them money they just do crime instead
but does it increase net productivity of the country as a whole`? it seems like some placebo like donating money to african children to help them survive 1 week longer
Welfare, socialized healthcare and free education can work wonders if people as a whole uphold a high standard of behavior within their societies. When you have a bunch of unemployed somalians in your country who can barely read in their own damn language and believe in the most backwards religion out there, you can't expect leftist policies to work.
but you dont need to force people to do that. if you have such a high standard and behavior, you'll just need communities (religious or not) which act like an welfare aid
When it was set up welfare was for poor white dock workers.
That's informal and not as effective as a government programme.
and thats what the welfare state is, a tight community at a national level - it requires high trust though
it's often cheaper to give free housing and food to people with counsiling on how to get a job etc than it is to just say fuck it and have them commit crime which could damage property / hurt people costing hundreds of thousands, then throw them in prison to house and feed them anyways.
Only in a white state. Even then it can't be on a fiat house of cards with globalist kikes controlling the banks and media. After those conditions are all met we can have muh discussion
"informal" is my whole point. No one should force you to pay for some gypsies on welfare.
No in a welfare state you'll be forced at gunpoint. In a tight community you dont have to obey. Thats a huge difference
thats not cheaper
>that picture
Kill yourself, you human garbage.
then I don't know what you mean by 'welfare state'.
In Denmark we call our social system a 'welfare state' and I haven't been forced to pay high taxes or recieve free healthcare at 'gun point'
yes it is?
so what happens when you dont pay your taxes?
giving free housing and food with counsiling to every refugee cheaper than a few people in a prison facility?
think about that sentence again..
also ridiculous assume that everyone without a job will go rob a bank or commit some crime
Don't pay your taxes and see what happens, lel
It's funny how proponents for the welfare state portrait themselvs as benevolent when they in reality use indirect force to steal from you for their failed ideas
my thoughts exactly. this thread seems to be full with brainwashed socialists