How do we fix white women?

How do we fix white women?

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Loving fathers.

>How do we fix americanised women?
you don't, not with america around

date asians


too clingy


>implying that's a bad thing

Being clingy is how nature intended women to be, dumbshit.

If a woman does not have a built-in dependence upon a male, they are broken from the human system of family values.

>clinging to husband, children, family

Any women that isn't a little clingy is an outright whore and will fuck any guy that gives her even the slightest bit of positive reinforcement ego boost.

That's why asian women are deemed suitable for seeding by white men. Because they WANT to be mothers, wives and part of a FAMILY.


There are way hotter roasties getting dicked by subhuman chimps.

Go back to blacked you faggots.

beat them

lock them up in the kitchen

It's a generational thing. They'll be better in 10 years time.

Tough break, dude.

Novelty factor my dood.

nigs are retarded. the complaint came from a woman crew member. jewy coalburner just says "oh i dont remeber anything. im a victim" after she was given the opportunity to do so.

>too clingy
t. Idiot who don't know "too" means

fuck off english teacher

there's clingy and then there is desperate.

know the difference.

This guy knows.

maybe your women needs to stop worrying about getting face surgeries and get boob jobs

t. Moron who don't have a experience crazy bitch.

>american whites

I was married to a crazy bitch. I know more about them than you ever will, kwok.

What a naive faggot. Are you virgin?

Looks like, the guy performed oral sex on the girl.. they attempted to have sex? but failed apparently because they where drunk.

The woman claim she was too drunk to give consent.


Do gooks not fuck their women after they marry them? lmao

Don't worry. Here bitches also have a boob jobs as much as face.
I think you tell a lie. Your sayings are typical virgin. Take it easy butthurt naive faggot.

It really wasn't worth it

>was married

The real answer is, you don't.
They've already been brainwashed. From the time they are little, people are spewing the fairy tales, of "Tall, DARK and handsome" into their little minds. Now, you might be tall and handsome, but the emphasis in their mind will be that SOMETHING is missing, until they find that DARK portion. So, there's no fixing someone that's been brainwashed to seek an idealized man, since the time they were two years old.

oh fuck she's gonna be the next kim kardashian isn't she


wtf is she wearing? She looks like chealsea clinton

For proof this is real.

horee shit, it real azn

It looks like her skin is trying to escape any way it can

>black guy trying to fuck a white girl on tv
Looks like he'll learn his lesson the hard way. Props to the based female crew member who realized what was happening. A negro should never put his hands on a white woman, or even look in thier direction.

>that woman

she's hot, leave her alone.