>Normal hair again
>Dresses like a normal girl
>Talks about inspiring young people again with her songs
>Has quit smoking weed, talks about how it was giving her nightmares and she wasn't having a good time
>going back to her folksy roots
>going sober
>Engaged and on a steady relationship
What happened?
Did the programming wear off?
I-Is Hannah Montana back?
The Redemption of Miley
Other urls found in this thread:
This girl has taken over that shit
This pic is from some days ago
Hannah Montana is back... something's going on with this girl
at 24 she already fucked 200 black men and smoked every kind of drug out there.
> imblying she wont come back to that after she breaks up with her current boyfriend
You were never redpilled. You just hung out with the redpilled, hoping to be accepted as redpilled, even parroting our lines. You never knew the truth. You wish you did, you're not so bluepilled that you are oblivious to the changing political landscape.
But you were never redpilled. You are a good little cuck, doing what you're told, forgiving these roasties. You know what man, you deserve them. You deserve the dried up, ancient pussy you're begging for. Go to her you normie cuck.
First signs of making Murica great again.
Well, she still hates Trump, but it's definitely an improvement.
Doesn't she have a bf that's kinda conservative??
she got tired of nobody paying attention to her
>What happened?
Her latest character stopped being profitable
>Did the programming wear off?
No, I'm sure it's pretty much intentional: they're going for the good girl look once again with the added benefit of having cleaned herself up again, which strikes always a lot of empathy.
It's yet another jew trick. Nothing to see here.
It's just an interesting thread.
Just wondering why she's acting so different now, I'm not sure she can be redeemed though.
Watch those edges kid.
Yes that must be it I think.
More proof that women need a strong man to bring order to their chaotic minds.
>Back to normal
Glad she finally got laid and is making some money.
>Meanwhile, Katy Perry is a human stew cannibal stripper
New Katy is old Miley
>goes into lifestyle
>cranks it up to 11
>complains about having bad time
>is now "reformed"
>"see, look at me"
>goes into lifestyle
>cranks it up to 11
> overcompensation.exe
>crazy bitch grin when they ask how you're feeling
Yeah, no
Don't whites still hate Fallon?
once a whore always a whore desu. dont fall for roastie tricks.
And you believe this shit? Oh I am just a normal country girl again, please buy my stuff. Uh ah, I stopped smoking weed because it made me dream about the devil, now I go to church again and accepted Jesus Christ tihihi.
It's about as an gimmick as the other persona she had but she saw the writings on the wall leaves the sinking ship.
Some one said the other day the demon that was in Miley Cyrus left her and entered katy Perry.
theres no proof that she had sex with anyone. shes basically an actor. what they do is they take a young girl and promote her as a christian role model to attract followers. when the girl hits 18 years old they change her image into a mega whore. her followers then follow her lead. this is how generations of young girls have been ruined by the (((music industry))).
the reason she pretend to be a goody girl again is because conservative women voted for trump. they are trying to attract conservative women as followers and then have her support the democratic party in the next election. enough conservative women will follow her down that path.
Ah the good old archetype of the repenting sinner. Almost as prevalent as the hooker with a heart of gold in the lore of the modern nobility.
More like 'rehab'.
The same shit worked for Steve-O.
What a cuck her boyfriend Liam Hemsworth must be to take back Miley while she fucked with niggers and was acting like a litteral pornstar on and off stage. And to think he is rich and attractive, so sad!
no one wants her back
These people all have the same producers and the same publicists. Miley gets headlines by becoming a good girl and Katy gets headlines by becoming a mess. It's like a shift change
she's about 10 years too old for that get up
>Lol, its ok to ride the cock carousel so long as you become a born again waifu
nah bruh, the Disney Jews corrupted her, and that's that.
daily reminder that miley was killed and replaced by a doppleganger to push the (((agenda)))
>This girl has taken over that shit
...that happened at the same time, didn't it? Jews really DO control the media.
She went full slut mode to revive her dead career by being edgy and make a ton of money from dumbfucks who would buy into it. It worked and now she can go back to being normal.
If she hadn't burned more coal than an old steam ship, she would actually be attractive now.
>These people all have the same producers and the same publicists. Miley gets headlines by becoming a good girl and Katy gets headlines by becoming a mess. It's like a shift change
Fucktards ITT don't realize when they're falling for actual jewish tricks.
I really hate this place sometimes.
Wasn't Katy Perry always a whore? Like 5 years ago she went on the sesame jiggled her tits a Elmo for fuck's sake.
No, her management just realised people were sick of her DUDE WEED LMAO image.
You can only be edgy for so long and expect it to sell well.
sudo apt-get purge
rm -rf world/
>world not a directory
Yes, but she wasn't this current straight ghetto trash persona. She used to be "together" and now she's doing publicized celebrity therapy sessions and appearances like that. It's worth remembering that when she first started singing she was more innocent and hadn't changed her name yet.
>“That’s what pushed me out of the hip-hop scene a little,” she continued. “It was too much ‘Lamborghini, got my Rolex, got a girl on my cock’ — I am so not that.”
linux fags get out
Only Windows untermensch allowed
> Miley was "conservative" at first
> Had the following of probably millions of little girls
> Began to slut it out the first chance she got, all while influencing billions (probably) of little girls to do the same
> Globalists see Trump win
> See nationalism/conservatism beginning to rise again
> Have Miley "redeem" herself
> Tons of naive people will see this, feel good about it (and her), then begin to follow her
> Miley will obviously begin slipping them degeneracy pills as often and subtly as possible so next election she can influence an entirely new crowd on voting against their own self interests.
It's a fairly smart plan on (((their))) part, no doubt.
I don't know man. I remember her wearing colored wigs singing about kissings girls and liking it and doing that whole betty whatsher name schtick and not wearing a bra so you could see her nipples..
>riding the cock carousel without a seat belt and seeing the wall fast approaching
>"I-I think I'm ready to settle down"
Wow BASED miley, literally /ourgirl/ amiright guyz
It's all a trick. Both her and Katie Perry contracted the same firm, which specializes in creating a controversy then presenting a reformed image, to revitalize their careers
I don't get how people can't see that this conservative girl shit is about as costume as anything else. She probably didn't even change her convictions but just dresses "conservative" now same as women don't suddenly become nerds for wearing motto t-shirts and framed glasses. It's all style over substance to them.
She's a coal burner...there is no redemption.
No matter what she does, she can't erase her past. She acted like a degenerate, impressioned a whole generation of young girls, completely ruined her image and now she wants to change without consequences. No.
She started dating an Australian.
She has become Kate Perry and Kate Perry has become her.
it is a a (((ruse))) to try and capitalize on right wing consumers since Trump won. if Killary
would have worked. you can bet your sweet ass she would still be sucking black cocks on stage and doing other degenerate left wing stuff in public for (((publicity))).
Roastie: The Music Career
Yeah. I personally like this particular shard of her MKULTRA-shattered personality. It's more wholesome.
>implying she was ever actually a slut and it wasn't a stage persona to get free publicity
if you watch any interview she is very stable, tame and boring seeming
Katy on the other hand you can tell has had her brain fried by casual sex
why would (((they))) care if it doesn't matter who wins anyway
The marketing team has decided that this behavior will give more money. Do not you know that pop singer made to please retarded youth are mere products?
Her pussy is worn out. Now she is going to seek a beta to suck the life from. Then in a couple of years she will restart the cock carousel with toyboys (but not before pumping out or adopting a little nigglet).
So both of their sales are down..? What happens next?
4pol, where enlightened redpilled independent men convene to discuss fucking (((celebrities))) and (((their))) latest public presentation
Why the fuck do you care so much
>next election she can influence an entirely new crowd on voting against their own self interests.
Most people are truly sheep. I feel sorry for humanity. We are led to our destruction so easily.
She's a pop star, she's just molding and adjusting to the times.
They always play into the current status quo. Obama was "I'm free." Trump is, "I'm Conservative!"
It's why when Hannah Montana it was a Conservative show ran by Billy Ray Cyrus. Then Obama got elected in 2008.
>kiddie fiddle
>be an abject, nigger jizz dumpster to get rich
>Her latest character stopped being profitable
>smoking weed
>having (bad) dreams
pick one
True, but it was all very "90-ish" themed degeneracy. Not this new age complete satanic stylized degeneracy we've been seeing for the past few years (Cannibalism, sex shit everywhere, etc.)
Yeah, I'm with you. It's all a rouse that the redpilled can see through. That's one of the best things about being redpilled (the ability to easily see through all that fake shit). Remember though, we weren't always redpilled. I was very naive myself before woke up to what was happening. I've accept the fact that some people just can't handle the truth. Like, mentally I mean. They just can't process it and handle that, that sort of shit is reality and these people are literally using them and probably laughing at their stupidity while doing so.
She got a good boyfriend AKA a positive male role model
Everybody in life just goes through different phases. Just like when you were little you loved cartoons and could look at them all day, but not any more. When you're in a phase when you party and drink you end up sleeping with more guys, but there is nothing wrong with it as long as you don't do it forever.
As long as the you don't get pregnant or get an STD of course. It's in the past so it literally makes no difference. This whole story of not being able to settle down is bullshit
>i am so not that
who gives a fuck?
She's still covered in tattoos. She also made a video where she fucks one of her backstage dancers. Not in a private sextape way, but in a porn way. They made it for the bonus material on her album or some shit. That's pretty god damn degenerate.
>she's just molding and adjusting to the times.
She knew she would make money from stopping to the lowest, most based common denominator elements of the human psyche... and she went ahead and sold her soul.
There is no redemption. This is not a Jewywood film.
Is she still friends with Kathy Griffin?
I've always suspected that Kathy was a terrible influence on Miley and was a big contributing factor to her degeneracy, or at least an enabler who constantly encouraged her bad behavior
>The Redemption of Miley
Nope and I'll be glad when she's dead.
She's bluepilled literally millions of girls, she's a fucking monster. I'll echo Saint Gibson and say I hope a pack of niggers runs a train on her then kills the dumb bitch.
And anyone that gives two shits about her or her life is a piece of shit, OP.
Naw, she got big during the Bush era, went weird/"lefty" during Obama, and suddenly is a Conservashit again during Trump.
White alpha juice daily
> why would (((they))) care if it doesn't matter who wins anyway
This "fight" is for the souls of men. They win by attaining every soul that God loses. They hate God (Jesus) so much, just look at the sort of things they say about him. (((They))) believe this even if you don't. That's what all of this is about. You've heard the term, "Misery loves company", well there you have it.
>Most people are truly sheep. I feel sorry for humanity. We are led to our destruction so easily.
It was always meant to be this way. That sort of lifestyle our ancestors lived before wasn't meant to last. It has been written.
>tattoos on her like scars to remind her of all the drugs she did and all the cock she took
Once a hoe always a hoe
Then, if she GIVES ALL THE MONEY SHE MADE OFF OF HER DEGENERACY BACK, her pismire corporeal can be preserved a few decades longer, before meeting her irrevocable eternity...(?)
The choice is yours.
Katy Perry used to be Katy Hudson, and she used to make Christian music. So, I'd say "no."
>It's in the past so it literally makes no difference. This whole story of not being able to settle down is bullshit
The past makes a person's character. You think some woman who slept around her youth suddenly is a born again virgin? When just so happens to hit 30 and men no longer want her?
And now she starts to give attention to men she considered "losers"?
he has that william shatner body
That's because she knows she is getting old and soon her womb will be barren
Interesting, seems to answer OP's question quite well
Seriously? Come on.
This is extremely typical Stacy behaviour.
>Go off and act like a total degenerate whore for a few years
>Get dicked by a different guy every night
>Eventually get bored of this behavior
>"I'm ready for nice guys now!"
In short, she's a roastie whore. Once a slut, always a slut.
Can not we see this anymore?
her manager saw the profit reports and realized they were ostracizing her original demographic, paying conservatives, after recognizing that liberals dont have money
>Is Oklahoma our state
I'm willing to bet she made more money as her Hannah Montana conservashit persona than her 4 year degeneracy stint.
I meant the white balls of pick related, seemed obvious to me
hell, this
Based Hemsworth dicked the degeneracy right out of her.
if someone hasnt already figured it out
the brainwashing does not start from denegeracy, it starts from what ever you deem acceptable
basically (((they))) are backpedaling hard towards the point that was last time actually acceptable behavior. they do not want anything good for you, they probably hate the fact they have to do this to fool everyone. will you let yourself to be fooled tho? because if you do, they will try their hardest to bring back the denegeracy that has been there for few years now until this backpedaling attempt
>Once a hoe always a hoe
You can't turn a hoe into a housewife.
could be cause of all their roastie base viewers are having a hard time to even find beta providers so they need to go back to wholesome farm girl trickery to be successful after the cock and coke carousel
Miley Cyrus made $15,000 a pop for Hannah Montana. But don’t feel too bad for her—she makes five times that much for one concert, and an industry source says she’s “worth a billion.”
Alaska and Oklahoma are the only all red states in 2016.
Definitely /ourstates/.
It's all just adjacent to who's president. If Hillary was president, I guarantee she'd still be getting BLACKED from everyone in the rap industry.
also reminder this is mostly directed towards young women who have no experiences or knowledge of the few past years.young women will think its all innocence when its not. systematic brainwashing, mass media should be destroyed for this
She is pregnant thats why. Every woman knows a conservative woman is the best mom.