Hello /pol and Sweden. Is it really that bad in your country? I read and heart a lot about it because of recent trucking, but I cannot image that it is that bad. Can someone from Sweden give me an unbiased report?
Sweden explained for non-Swedish by Swedish
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No, Swedes in general don't care at all, they'll complain they saw a negro while out walking, or that a gypsy sat outside the grocery store begging for coins.
Its bad, but not as bad Sup Forums thinks.
Not swedish, but I have visited Stockholm 5-6 times, last time was last December.
No, it's not really that bad as Sup Forums has written you. The country is operating and functioning well and the city center is full of native swedes everywhere you look. Most non-whites are contained in specific ghettoes and habbenings only take place there. The pictures where there is only 1 ethnic swede in a class picture of 29 students are state schools in said ghettoes.
Pic related, average swedish school class in a non-ghetto, a side of Sweden that Sup Forums has conditioned you to believe doesn't exist.
Also, people are waking up in Sweden. "Stand up for Peter Springare" facebook group made initially in defense of the policeman who spoke up against immigrant crime and now turned into general group where swedes redpill each other now has 200,000-300,000 followers. SD is guaranteed to win 2019 elections, their anti-immigration party. It's pretty light-weight, but the only party who has agreed to open more discussion amongst swedes about immigration problems.
Stuff like white swedes and non-whites mixing are not at all this prevalent and cases that Sup Forums throws around get repeatedly posted because there are not much cases to bring about all the time.
What's worst is the mentality of the swedes, the blatant thought-police corruption in many fields but not so much demographics yet.
I am new to this board and do not know what to think. But are the no-rape-bracelets true?
I heard far up north is really nice is that true?
sweden doesn't exist. the birth rates of foreigners is higher than that of native swedes.
Sweden is 100% officially dead.
Also the swedish government, yes the government will jail you if you dont let the so called "refugees" move into your home
Sweden is officially dead, demographics and birth rates do not tell lies.
Swede here, this is mostly accurate
>the government will jail you if you dont let the so called "refugees" move into your home
What is this fucking horseshit, Norway? Tryna throw shade at sweden white boi?
That is not a thing in Sweden. I hope you're trolling.
yes, the no-rape-bracelets are indeed real
But how will you get rid of them? Only because they are in ghettos doesnt mean you dont have to pay for them.
It's shit
The average people here is scared of the right and the rise of nationalism
Might aswell just let our country die
No, it's not as bad as Sup Forums say, but Sweden has started having crimes that are normal in shitholes like USA and Pakistan. That's why people are worried, once beautiful, peaceful Sweden is becoming a third-world country filled with mixed race ugly shitskins.
Read this.
Thanks for confirming, was just writing from my observations when I have been to your capital as a tourist
He's probably talking about the Swede that suddenly had two "refugees" registered on his address.
lol wtf?
Link pl0x?
I'm trying to find it..
Read this one also
>SD is guaranteed to win 2019 elections
i want to believe that eesti i realy want
sweden has gone to shit and finland if following suit really fast. EU has started to push its agenda about "values" and "humanity". its all to abuse the good will of invidual and one of its complete counters is to research for years, until you have gathered all the proof but then its too late and nobody cares.
really only real choice is to bring in violence, nobody should be afraid of it so much, its only police versus you, because politicans are such cowards they would not stand behind their words of anything. majority of those you think have any power are such cowards that they would only try to save their own hides.
multicult and humanitarian aid are both sins that should be punished severly for
I will read both. Thank you.
It's over like any other Western country.
Yea but more left
The south Bad but more right
Sup Forums exaggerates about Sweden but we do have problems, still nowhere near what France, the UK and Germany has.
It depends on where you are if you're in central malmö it's quite bad but some rural places are fine and Stockholm isn't that cucked...
Yeah this is basically true, although SD probably won't get majority just yet, i think maybe 2022 they will. But hey we can always hope for the best.
Good then let's drop this discussion
Swede on vacation here
The north has fewer immigrants and is more pro-immigrant.
>Stockholm isn't that cucked
That city is really fucking cucked
Pride parades, hosting 4 no-go zones and crime is high
The rich parts of it isn't bad because it's rich parts.
No niggers are allowed there because rich politicians and their friends don't want to live in a multicultural society.
lol have you even been there
No You faggots cucked the rest
I'm gonna be needing that source, Norway.
someone care to translate?
Don't really know what else she expected to be honest
2 shitskins registered themselves in someones apartment because apparently you are free to do so whenever you want and it's totally legal
skatteverket (tax people) is gonna start an investigation to find out if the shitskins really are living there, despite her saying they clearly arent
Jaanus is Right, There are problems but people are waking up. Even the left partys are implementering polices that they screamed racist to in 2012. All my freinds have moved to the right and even the immigrants hate all the new migrents.
Yes, a few times
There is white people there, but there is a lot of shitskins
Holy shit the boobs on the far left
Tack bröder
How are you holding on with 40ºC+ we have right now?
Try to find statistics about the number of migrants and the racemixing or the number of births. It is next to impossible, the only number you can find is the number of assylum seekers, and that is just meaningless.
The truth is that
survey there were 1 473 256 foreign born within the country making up 15%
We dont know about the recent migrants, and about the non-swedes that have the citzenship or the amount of kids they have.
For the estimations we can tell around 30% are non ethnic swedes and more than 1/2 of that are muslims.
I think things are worse than Sup Forums paint them, You can only solve the probles by throwing money at the problem to some extent
Swedes in this thread who say "its not so bad", FUCK YOU. Just FUCK YOU. The only good white places left is only affordable by the very wealthy.
Walking around in Stockholm city you see niggers, shitskins and mudslimes EVERYWHERE. Violent crime is up, culture is eating itself and coming out as nationalist is harder than coming out as trans.
It's WAY worse than you want to admit. Sweden absolutely fucking sucks if you lean even an INCH to the right as a white male. Speaking the truth completely alienates you from society.
Sweden is closer to a real doublethink society than ANY other cucked country currently. That's why Sweden is king cuck even though we have way less crime and fewer islam attacks than others.
It's only bad in big cities, in certain regions. I live in mid size city and it's comy af here.
I'm not ethnic swede myself
So they rape you only on odd days rather than 24/7?
>Stockholm isn't that cucked
Stockholm is literally cuck-central, also SJW-central and LGBTQ-central.
The innercity is beautiful but the majority of the city is quite shitty and the Stockholmers themselves are stuck-up wannabe New Yorkers.
Hello there candy girl.
Can i have your phone number?
>The only good white places left is only affordable by the very wealthy.
Only if you are a Stockholm-cuck.
>Walking around in Stockholm city you see niggers, shitskins and mudslimes EVERYWHERE
Becausethe only city that is more niggerish than Stockholm is Malmö and Gothenburg is not far behind Stockholm. Out in the country it's far less common.
> Violent crime is up, culture is eating itself and coming out as nationalist is harder than coming out as trans.
True, but the culture thing hasm ore to do with us being americanized than mudslimes coming here.
>Sweden absolutely fucking sucks if you lean even an INCH to the right as a white male. Speaking the truth completely alienates you from society.
Once again only in Stockholm, the majority of people I know who are white males are openly right/conservative/nationalist, it's only a stigma in the leftard paradise of Stockholm.
Remember that like 30% of our population votes SD.
That is if you aren't a total autist scream !"1488, GAS THE KIKES, RACEWAR NOW!"
But Jaan i realy whanted to have kek at sweden, and laugh about them being raped by muslims every single day, why did you have to tell the truth?
>not really that bad
Did you look even look out of the window after dark? "New Swedes" roaming in packs, and very few whites were to be seen anywhere (alomost none of them were women)
And keep in mind that it was 2 years ago, It's even worse now, I imagine.
Should've posted the link
facebook com/jenny.ravnas/posts/10155007303102034
>Did you look even look out of the window after dark? "New Swedes" roaming in packs, and very few whites were to be seen anywhere (
That's because white people have work to go to.
>That's because white people have work to go to
To pay for the abrading classes
Yeah, sure. But that is not my point, the roaming gangs all over the place are.
Of course.
No different from the roaming gangs of Russians in the baltic countries.
>roaming gangs of Russians
I see you haven't been to the Baltics yourself.
Here you can spot some gopniks/vatniks drinking cheap beer in parks and run down buildings,
but not roaming around back and forth in 5+ groups like looking for something.
>but not roaming around back and forth in 5+ groups like looking for something.
Mate, you proabably haven't ever been to Riga or daugavpils eh?
The election is in 2018 for the record.
I was describing Rīga, and I have never been to Daugavpils although I live a lot closer to it than Rīga.
In Rīga you can still safely walk the streets at night, In Stockholm it doesn't seem so.
Lel, I posted that pic
>In Rīga you can still safely walk the streets at night, In Stockholm it doesn't seem so.
Yeah it is kinda better then stockholm i gues but still.I was in Riga few months ago, walked on the street couple of elderly Latvians ages about 50 where walking in front of me, some russian gopniks from behind of me started to say in russian ''Hey you, old faggot, give me sun flower seeds, monies and beer NOW''
Old man acted like he didn't hear it and the retards repeated in about 4 times, good enoygh we where in old town which is fully controlled 24/7 but still, it got me realy mad.I personaly live in state that is 80% Latvian so russians can't talk much shit against Latvians since they would be pusshed off, Riga was like hell when compeared to here as so many people who i encountered tried co comunicate with me in russian but i acyted like i am retard and don't understand russian.Something needs to change in Riga and fast.
>In Stockholm it doesn't seem so.
As long as you don't go around in the worst ghettos it's no problem, even then it's rare, I've been in most of the Stockholm "no-go zones" at night and never had any problems.
It's funny how you can instantly tell the difference between and Estonian, Latvian, Lithuanian and the Russians who live in their countries.
It's literally like watching white people (baltics) and niggers (russians) interact.
Shame you can't just deport them sicne Russia would probablly "liberate" you if you tried.
>give me sun flower seeds, monies and beer
And they still say that stereotypes are false.
>Something needs to change in Riga
It already is, just not
They are decreasing in amount every few years. Dying out, leaving, few are even naturalizing.
Have you?
I live in Rīga and, sure yeah, there are a lot of russians, but they don`t go around the city assaulting and sexually harasing people.
This, used to visit my Chinese friend in Husby all the time and I walked home through Husby at night every time.
I was a kid at the time. Husby is a no go zone.
Rinkeby or Tensta on the other hand...
You really have no idea how bad things really are here
>foreigners living in Sweden
>no go zones
That's just wrong.
>don`t go around the city assaulting and sexually harasing people.
Well i haven't hear of any rapes or truck drivings or bombs blowing up by russians so yeah they are better then sandniggers but still lets not act like their presents must be tolorated.
Yeah it sucks, but from bright side their population is shrinking fast, Riga is allready 51% Latvian by newest datta and quickly rising, most of russians just leave for other European countries, as they have no reson to stay here.
You`re right there, but it`s getting a lot better.
Mostly because new generation of latvians in Rīga barely even speak russian, so ruskies have no choice, but to go away or integrate. And most young folk with russian roots speak very good latvian and if they are in a company with at least one guy who doesn`t speak russian, they will prefer to speak latvian.
As said
The situation is changing, it just takes longer than some of us would like.
You know of the boiling frog meme yeah?
Well it is reality here.
The political sphere has already acknowledged race swapping and do nothing to mend it, let alone counter it.
The reasoning has always been that immigrants fill spots in employment unfit for swedes and instead of uncucking swedes and grow them a spine they replace. And everyone is fine with it.
Your avergae Joe is so unbelievably cucked and limp spined no one of you can imagine it.
I am half Finnish and travel to binlan twice a year and despite the proximity the difference is night and day. I have been across Europe and see the same.
I wish I could accurately put into words the way Swedish men (women are the same wherever you go) are, but alas I can't.
If you want to see for yourself book a flight and bring a barf bag.
yeah your right i gues.
Och var fan fick du den ifrån? Går du i klassen eller?
everybody knows norway got its shit together more than anyone else
Sup Forums makes it seem like it's hell.
It really isn't but Sup Forums loves forced memes.
Huh, thanks.
I mean the no go zones are basically where the apes gather to chimp out, its like a special event.
If you mess with them they will mess back.
Its not like you will get shanked for walking through, its not complete anarchy.
I'm 25 years old and i have lived in Sweden all my life, i have seen how it was like when i was growing up in a migrant heavy area.
There was a real shift when i was in school in terms of the violence, it went from people being shocked that someone got hit in school to people seeing it like a regular occurance that none really cared about even the teachers.
The majority of the people being violent was immigrants, like in perhaps 90% of the cases. I remember getting into a fight with an immigrant, being called into the Principals office. I thought because they wanted me to press charges against him, but it was because he said that i was a Nazi and they were going to press charges against me.
Ive had all but bad experiences with immigrants all my life, never a single good one in Sweden. But visiting Turkey, Netherlands, Austria, Switzerland, Scotland i have had nothing but good encounters with immigrants. Which is kind of weird.
The current state of affairs in Sweden, is quite simple.
I know very few people that go out at night and if they do they go out with 5 - 10 friends, they all take a cab home from the pub because they dont wanna risk getting robbed. We have politicians that are so far up in their asses that they cannot see the reality and are spoonfeeding eachother off the taxpayers money.
No go zones are a thing and anyone telling you otherwise is lying to you for some reason or they have never lived there.
The company that i work for do alot of maintenance in these no go zones and just as a note of the costs of just car tires being destroyed, here is our notes:
2011 : 48.570 SEK
2012 : 62.220 SEK
2013 : 158.230 SEK
2014 : 380.545 SEK
2015 : 455.000 SEK
2016 : 486.400 SEK
This year we are expecting the amount of slashed tires on just our company trucks to reach half a million swedish kronor, then we are not even counting in what we spend on other damages.
To be honest, it is worse than you think.
What we need is a good old fashion plague.
Things are rosy shiny and beautiful in Sweden... it's a paradise... murdering swine avoiders listen when police give victims rape protective arm bands.
Public healthcare is total shit, Somalis and other subhumans flooding the land like the plague, yes it's bad, I want to die.
It is, in retrospect, and also in comparison to some other nations.
lots of reddit tier shills saying Sweden is fine while it's not fine
If you go to a small village up in Norrland and make your conclusion Sweden is perfectly fine but go down to where people live and you will see how fucked it truly is
i wish i could translate this article
You mean having niggers? Because thats why we have viilent crime
>2011 : 48.570 SEK
>2012 : 62.220 SEK
>2013 : 158.230 SEK
>2014 : 380.545 SEK
>2015 : 455.000 SEK
>2016 : 486.400 SEK
Assuming you're not larping, you do realize this is unpublished confidential information, right? You could get fired for posting this.