Why do young white women see having kids as a burden nowadays?
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because (((divesity))) means being a single mother
Because it is a burden?
Because when they're apart of the workforce it literally is the biggest burden.
Not an argument, or you would not have been born.
Why do young Japanese women?
being a childless old adult is a far worse burden
trust me, I've seen them, my uncle is one and he has tried to kill himself before
My mom also has a cat lady friend and she is dying of alcoholism.
Thats your fate.
>only childless adults get depressed
because (((feminism))) has poisoned their mind
It just really depends on the person.
Some people are just not meant to have kids they don't have the patience and mental fortitude to deal with raising a baby. It's better that way rather than forcing these types of people to have kids and in turn they raise the kids to be absolute fuck ups.
Gavin whatever the fuck beard guy talks about it all the time. Girls are told that working liberates and frees them. Then they retire after they've hit menopause and wonder what the fuck happened.
They have a much higher chance to be though
Because kids ARE a fucking burden.
A hole you throw money into for 18 years and hope to God no legal trouble comes your way in the meantime.
You can't put em to work, you can't fuck em, they're a constant legal liability, they won't shut the fuck up unless you beat them into submission and beating them is nigh impossible because the government is always watching, waiting for a moment to correct your corrections.
Because their nigger lovers run away at the first sign of responsibility.
kids = less time to party and sleep around
So work makes you free?
Because they are.
In the past having kids was considered to be practical solution. The more kids you had the better off you were. They would work around the house, older would take care of the younger, and the more kids you had the better your elderly life would be. You could be much more lenient with your kids hit them/ berrate them/ yell at them etc..
Nowadays kids aren't yours. They belong to the state. When you decide to have a kid you're basically taking care of goverment property. You have to be very very careful what you do to the kid or else years of work might be taken away from you on a whim.
The only use for a kid in today's world is to have an heir to your property and from that angle having more than one offspring is actually problematic. They cost fortune and even more importantly - time and attention, which is simply too much to ask today.
Most girls I know want a kid or two in the future, but they are too insecure about it (what if there isn't enough money, can I raise a child, what if my husband leaves me, etc.).
pic unrelated
women are dumb and underevolved creatures ( literally)
they live almost exclusively parasitic and have minds of 3 yearold ( egofascists, greedy, mentally retarded, ... )
that's yhwy they must not have rights ( inless u want to destroy civilisation.
they were never supposed to decide such matters in the first place (!)
thre's too much fun being white female and somewhat single. The freedom is the best drug they can have.
Hollywoodesque media, music, movies, and television make it seem that way. These women just repeat actions and thoughts they have seen in the media they consume. It get worse if they have issues with their parents - the media will raise them instead of their parents. Same thing happens with men.
Because men aren't men anymore, we're making women work and working and raising a child simulatenously is hard. It's us who fucked up.
no only while pregnant
literal wat
Black pill but true.
I live year round in California and the Mexicans there have a ton of kids, like 4-6, almost like Albanians here.
Their (mexican) kids all get free school and food and everything form the government, so it pays off for them to have kids.
The kids take care of each other , get jobs, and take care of the parents when they are older.
OP you need to see this
It's amazing how many virgins there are on Sup Forums
If you don't own property and have children you don't deserve the right to vote.
Less religion, working full-time jobs, not being able to find secure and stable partners, marriages going awry, there's little reason to actually have children anymore (reduced child mortality and no need for children to take care of you when you age)
Not some political agenda women have. Some of you need to get a fucking grip
mind control.
Women are subconsciously aware of the slut culture and that they spread it (just listen to the modern pop music). But women are also huge conformists so they learn to live with it. So in their frame of reference anyone who makes them want to have a baby will probably dump them after a one night stand.
The problem today is that women are to slutty in their early 20s and men are too immature in their early 30s. My wife had like 4 friends that are amazing looking and have good jobs that want to settle down but can't find anything but man children
Drugs are a natural selection vector.
because their fathers are failures
Because they're afraid they'll turn out to be some pathetic loser that goes on Sup Forums every day.
Because it is? Never mind the fact that babies cry 24/7 meaning no sleep no sex no life for the next year at least, WE millennials have much lower economic power then our parents. Exp my father worked for the wage i am earning currently and he managed to buy an apartment and take care of us all on his own. Now even if both me and my gf work 2 jobs we will never be able to afford an apartment.
Great """""argument """""
Because they have been told so.
Can we have a proper thread now?
>If you don't own property and have children you don't deserve the right to vote.
That's a good incentive, but you are too fucking autistic to realize that some of the Men and Women in this current era are too childish and retarded to live a normal life let alone raise one.
>Muh free time
>Muh vidya
>Muh fast food job doesn't pay me 45 dollars an hour
If you can't find a job that pays well it's your own fault not society
>My wife had like 4 friends that are amazing looking and have good jobs that want to settle down but can't find anything but man children
>take woman's word for why she is single
Man, if your wife and her girlfriends think in your stead, why don't you just let them post here instead of you.
Um, because they hate to take selfies? Why else, you fucking bigot.
And you're ok with that people voting?
I don't even know what you're trying to say, but I'm sure it's retarded
Because children are disgusting parasites
>man children
This is most often defined as not having enough money, not being handsome, and not a Chad
I've been in a lot of relationships, every single girl I've been with had wanted children asap.
>you have to imply you'd think they'd be a good mother.
I work at a bank actually, and have a pretty important role. BUT my salary is the same as my father was when he was a beginner BUT in his time everything was 2 times cheaper. Get it? Same money less economic power.
I'm with you on that one user. Voting rights should not be given but earned
>Not some political agenda women have
They're too stupid to have an agenda.
It's a kike agenda, aimed at influencing women.
Oiii vey, goy, white wimmin shouldn't be held down by a little goy. They need to be """"free spirits"""", """""strong independent women"""". And, oiiii, let me tell you it's EXPENSIVE for white women to have a little goy. It's just not """""worth it"""" for the white women to have little goys these days. You don't see """""white entertainers"""" having little goys, right? So you shouldn't either. """"""Black entertainers""""" should be having all the goys, like ((((Kanye)))) and (((Beeyoncee))).
I almost fell for this user, be careful.
Met a cutie pie, she was all about being traditional as fuck, wanted to get married and have kiddos asap.
2.5 years later, I was like, yeah you pass the crazy bitch test let's do this shit!
She stopped talking to me and ghosted me for like a week or two, and finally said 'I'm not happy user, you work all the time, we never have fun. I don't want that perfect family life, I want to have fun in my 20s"
She was literally homeless, living in her car with an abusive guy within 3 months.
Guess who she called when it got even worse?
I did not take her back.
I feel bad, but I also don't.
>literally your entire purpose as an animal on earth
This is why women's unhappiness just keeps increasing, they believe these ridiculous lies that they should be "strong independent womyn who don't need no child"
It is easy to live a meaningfull life without kids now.
t. sociopath
Lol no, and attitudes like that are the exact problem. Most women don't want or care if a man is Rich, but they do want to see motivation and initiative. Which almost none of you have.
Yes yes goy you need more children! Who will pay taxes... i mean give you that glass of water when you're older? Don't forget about your legacy
Or I can take care of my dogs and enjoy the company of my wife (male here) without having to waste tens of thousands and sacrifice all my dreams for a shithead I don't want.
Fuck that. I'm going to keep traveling and buying shit I'm want for me, not a fucking kid. Take the redpill of childless family.
My sweet naive boy
Try living in a city full of rich people, suddenly motivation and initiative means absolutely nothing when every has a Tesla and you have a Camry
That shit only works in the sticks because they don't have anything else to hope for but hope alone.
That's what I was getting at.
Personal coolstory. My gf dumped me over a year ago. A few weeks ago I log onto my FB and see her status update to the effect that "I need some girl time, not telling much on FB but lying and cheating was involved". I wanted to laugh and puke at the comments about how it's unfair to her and how she doesn't deserve this. Not one of these fucking faggot friends, and even her fucking faggot mom, said that she should've stuck with her ex, i.e. me, who they know treated her well. I'm sure in all their minds poor girl just can't find Mr. Right. I unfriended her shortly after that.
>Most women don't want or care if a man is Rich
Please fucking tell me how.
I need to know.
>Why do young white women see having kids as a burden nowadays?
Because let's be honest here. That's exactly what they are.
I can say this because I am a father myself.
Once you have kids your "life" is essentially over. You don't get to have fun anymore unless the child allows it.
Most people nowadays have a less than wholesome sense on how to have fun. When you take the drugs, booze, parties, and all that other "fun" stuff away most people are completely lost, and go into a serious depression.
I completely understand why some one wouldn't want to have kids. It's actually kind of a shit deal until they become teenagers, and start being useful around the house.
Even then it's pulling teeth to get them to do something productive.
Get back in your time machine and go back to 1792.
"Own land" fucking shit don't you have corn to shuck?
Because they have been brainwashed by (((feminism))) into thinking that men have it much better than women and so they have adopted an increasingly more traditional "masculine" role in society (have a career, make money).
What they didn't realize when they began this campaign is that the only reason that was ever the "masculine" role was because someone had to provide for CHILDREN; they didn't realize that men don't necessarily have careers because they want to but because they HAVE to... the woman of course realizes that this more masculine role sucks ass because she has to set aside everything for her career and work all the time but the cognitive dissonance is so strong that she keeps telling herself that it is still much better than fulfilling her traditional gender role. Of course since she has no time to do anything how could she have time to raise children?? That would be a terrible burden. Couple the stress of a full time career with the fact that it is now infinitely harder (impossible unless she gives it all up) to fulfill her innate desire to bear children has left her and the overwhelming majority of women more depressed than they have ever been historically.
Keep crynig bitch nigga
Are you an Israeli jew or muslim? :^)
Wrong pic... whatever.
you don't deserve the right to vote because you fell for the jewish kid ruse
Of course he doesn't fucking get it this is Sup Forums everyone here is so divorced from reality they think Ancap works and White Nationalism is possible.
are you retarded OP? because they are obiously seen as a burden for women's current degenerate lifestyle.
current mainstream individualism ideology dictates to pursuit a pleasure in life.
T. Frustrated Virgin
Women want to have kids just with alpha males not with you.
Women also work and don't spend all their lives whining on Sup Forums
What makes you so much more intelligent than them?
t. Single virgins
I am both married and have a child on the way. My wife grew up wealthy, I did not. I don't have an amazing job but I am quickly working my way up at this job.
But sure, you guys keep running your mgtow propaganda and then secretly run to /r9k/ and complain that you never get laid
Eugenics + pysOps
Ever notice how depression among women seems to be more of a Western phenomenon than anything else? Despite the fact that they are the most "free" women in the world? Look at Muslim women, Asian women. Most of them fulfill traditional female gender roles and they are happy.
Meanwhile Becky from Boston is complaining to Stacy at the bar on Friday night about how her job is hard and men are all dogs who won't commit to her.
Lol wealth envy
Last time I checked we weren't huddled around a campfire worried about the Hairy Forehead tribe taking our nut and berries stash and the sabretooth tigers sleeping 60 feet away.
There are over 7 BILLION humans. Procreation is a waste of time.
I get laid just fine
You're making excuses and avoiding reality
>If you don't have a stake in the current and future prosperity of nation, you should not have the right to direct it's course.
Well said
Ya'll are fucking stupid.
T. Virgin who is trying to make himself better about being a failed organism
>Ya'll are fucking stupid.
that's one of the best arguments i've ever seen on pol
>Procreation is a waste of time.
Yeah who cares about the future of the human race.
because no one can afford shit related to having a family
Sup Forums's philosophy:
>The white race is under attack and white genocide is under way
>Having white children is stupid
This is why you're all so pathetic
You are not everyone, poor faggot
I don't care how rich you are farm boy, Never having been outside the county border lest the Jefferson kids steal some of your potato crop is not my idea of a good life.
>having children is stupid
fixed that for you m8
If women learn to give good heads to their man. They dont have to worry if the father going to leave or not. Ofc the father leaves when the bj is bad as shit.
You work a farm.
You sell the food.
Calm down Cletus, you are not a great American hero.
Lol you understand that in America we have tons of land for sale in suburbs as well as rural area?
Don't be mad whatever country you're from is a shit hole.
because not everyone wants to have kids or deal with everything that comes with it.
If i want kids it will be later in my life not when I'm in 20-30 range hell most women already have kids at that age lmao.
I think this guy is literally Jewish.
With more than 5 billion of them being niggers.
We already know you're a pathetic waste, small Germany
My original point stands
Owning land means nothing, this is not the middle ages, you are not a noble, your land is not your fief. Grow up.
Unless you take loads and loads of loans or buy on credit at various interest rates.
Follow the money...
No one wants used up 30 year old goods.
Don't Care.