Why is this savagery still a form of entertainment?
Why is this savagery still a form of entertainment?
steak is delicious!
There are more efficient ways to slaughter a bull.
There is more a demand to watch a matador dance with a bull than those "more efficient ways"
I like to play with my food!
What about food playing with you?
another proud med dead
rip in peace
Bullfight lasts fifteen minutes.
It's a ritualistic death, not a sport.
Bulls kept in far better conditions and live twice as long.
All bulls die for entertainment seems as you do not need to eat meat.
Death is less stressful than halal slaughter.
Bull does not run away - bred to fight, evolved to take puncture wounds .
Most of the lance blows are to weaken the bull through blood loss, and as such are superficial injuries. Bulls can be pardoned and they survive.
the final sword through the heart is a fatal injury
The matador is a true artist - he puts his life on the line, and once in the arena with the bull he meets it on equal terms. The bull can kill him, your steak didn't a get a change to take out the European immigrant that slit its throat and hung it from a hook.
Also - European heritage
Also - don't loose that connection with the dance of death, it is where we came from, hundreds of thousands of years of the hunt. Loose the ability to accept death and you become soft.
You really got to see it in person to understand the culture and sport and ritual behind it.
Can't tell if pale skin because old or because in shock, if he was old, it's his own fault for staying in the game too long
> an award winning animal abuser
>they take the horn up the ass 9 times out of 10
Do they like it or something ?
I bet he got mad pussy
stfu you Soros paid Navalny supporting-USAID grant taking PussyRiot fanboy degenerate piece of shit.
>all those horns in the ass and dick
Spiteful bastards aren't they
This. Only leftists subhumans want to destroy bullfighting. Probably the oldest tradition still practised. More than 2000 years ago by the Iberian tribes before romans even got there.
They should complain about cows getting slaughtered in factories instead.
>You really got to see it in person to understand the culture and sport and ritual behind it.
This a hundred times.
You can't put a wrap around it. This is a spectacle for all the senses. Even seeing the sign and buying your ticket is part of the experience and ritual.
Why would you grease up your hair in the spanish heat?
This disgusting barbaric "tradition" needs to be outlawed already.
Luckily here in Catalonia we're getting over these disgusting Spanish "traditions" and soon all this sort of animal cruelty will be completely outlawed and gone.
>Soros paid
>Navalny supporting
A.k.a. not a bootlicker
>USAID grant taking
What is it?
>PussyRiot fanboy
Do they actually make music?
>degenerate piece of shit.
I might also just be vegan or a PETAfag, never crossed your mind?
They removed bullfighting and replaced it with bullprepping. 600k muds living in that commie shithole.
Madrid sent them to us, we don't want them here.
Once we become independent we won't accept any more niggers and muds.
>tfw you realize you didn't plan to deliver any pizza today
Top bad you cuckolds will be completely muslim by then
Top row fourth from the left is not even a matador, I wonder what happened
ok fuck that
Thats retarded
It happened near my hometown. I'm not fond of corridas, but god damn I hate those anti-corridas so fucking much. As if the life of a fucking bull is worth the life of an alpha male. Also this is a great form of art and tradition, and a great fan of corrida could talk about it with passion.
Only leftists living in big cosmopolitan cities can tell than this should be prohibited, they are completely unprooted, cucked, mentally jewed.
This one was the neck.
Because aggression is part of the human psyche. In a society where almost all interpersonal conflict is being suppressed, you either provide people with an outlet for those feelings or you'll be faced with a bunch of mentally broken nutjobs.
That shit has nothing to do with being alpha. The audience for that crap are wannabes in their midlife crisis.
It's Spanish culture, globalist fuck.
You will never be bad ass enough to get gored in the eye
>One-Eyed Matador Gored Again
well said. in essence the corrida is a spectacle of virility, of man against beast, of heroism and cunning, which ends in a ritual sacrifice
Wannabe what?
How about you show some heroism and cunning and pay your fucking debts you lazy bull whisperer.
>Only leftists living in big cosmopolitan cities can tell than this should be prohibited, they are completely unprooted, cucked, mentally jewed.
I didn't care about corrida but all these foreigners that think they can come in the south and tell us what to do is pissing me off.
May they stay in Paris and mind their own business.
All that shit made me become a real afficionado
No. The audience is mostly composed of "aficionados", fans of the show. This is a form of art, a sort of ballet. I don't like it personally, especially because of the heat on the grandstands most of the time, but it is surely something to be respected and preserved from the degenerate leftists who put the life of an animal on the same level than a human. And yes, the matadors are quite alpha, talented, and courageous.
Exactly. And it's even worse when these foreigners come from abroad - fat americunts for instance, or filthy krauts.
>heroism is paying your debts
This is not an argument. How you don't see anything wrong with torturing/abusing animals is fucking beyond me.
The same people who defend this because it's a tradition/culture, probably have their dicks cut, disgusting pieces of shit.
It is a bull. A fucking bull. Who the hell cares, retard.
A give me a break. They fucking blind the bulls and chuck spears at it before that dancer fag even enters the stadium. It's just unfair shit. I'd rather watch voluntary gladiator matches than this wannabe macho crap.
It certainly isn't very heroic to blow your unemployment money on bullfights and talk about how noble it is. You got more important things to do padre.
Ole Toro!
It seems like you don't know that animals feel pain.
>They fucking blind the bulls and chuck spears at it before that dancer fag even enters the stadium
It seems like you don't know that I don't care at all.
>not posting the video
fucking useless OP
bit of a letdown desu
running away
Subhumans dont know these bulls live like gods their entire fucking life in huge open areas.
Europe is filled with pussies.
why he hav pizza on his leg
Are you a vegan?
Say that to my face Hans, and not online. Don't you have a refugee to prep for your wife?
So you are an evil. Good job on admiting that. Sorry but I'm retarded and therefore I understand what is right and wrong. Bull torturing is wrong and should be banned. You are fucking disgusting.
are you vegan? because if you are not then you are a hypocrite
these bulls live better lives than most other animals
nobody ever says matador in spain, that is a wetback term
I'm dodging more bulls on a daily basis commuting to work than this asshole does in a whole year.
Because obviously there is no difference between needlesly torturing an animal, and instantly killing it for your own survival.
Because it is awesome that someone would die for that adrenalin rush. The only viable complaint i have ever heard is that it should be made more even. I think Matadors are taking it too easy.
>for your own survival
Do you honestly believe that?
opps wrong link
And there is no difference between free, gruesome torture and an artistic tradition which implies to kill a useless (but tasty) bull.
> and instantly killing it for your own survival.
you dont need to kill animals to survive +these animals that you eat live in terrible condition
Dumbest "sport" to exist, by the way what is the bull bleeding? the fuck are those things sticking out of it.
>be against halal slaughter
>defend bullfighting
You can only pick one.
The point is that there is a very big moral difference between killing it to eat it. and torturing it.
No, there isn't.
>tradition lmao
is not an argument.
I tried holding up a red sheet at a bull, he just ran straight past me and straight for my girlfriend
Alright found out;
>The bull is not an aggressive animal, and the reason he is angry and attempts to charge at the matador whilst in the bullring is mainly because he has been horrendously abused for the previous two days. In fact, what spectators see is not a normal, healthy bull, but a weakened, half-blinded and mentally destroyed version, whose chances of harming his tormentors is virtually nil. The bull has wet newspapers stuffed into his ears; vaseline is rubbed into his eyes to blur his vision; cotton is stuffed up his nostrils to cut off his respiration and a needle is stuck into his genitals. Also, a strong caustic solution is rubbed onto his legs which throws him off balance. This also keeps him from lying down on the ground. In addition to this, drugs are administered to pep him up or slow him down, and strong laxatives are added to his feed to further incapacitate him. He is kept in a dark box for a couple of days before he faces the ring: the purpose of this is to disorientate him. When he is let out of the box, he runs desperately towards the light at the end of the tunnel. He thinks that at last his suffering is over and he is being set free — instead, he runs into the bullring to face his killers and a jeering mob.
knives, you tard. they stab the bull. that's why it's called bull fighting.
Ow look. Another non-european telling us how to live out lives.
Because it's funny to see bulls pierce imbecile's bodies.
Nice cuck propaganda. You don't even know what a "Toro de Lidia" is.
Is this true?
Get over it dude, some people like it and so it's done. I'm neither for or against it, but i can respect some people find it entertaining.
Also, what said.
Nice fucking sport. Some humans are worse than these animals.
Vegan cuck spotted. Fuck off with your animal lives matter. Human > bull > nigger.
>trusting a site called stopbullfighting about bullfighting
next you are gonna use www.marxists.org to explain why communism works
>it's cc-cucuck news because i said so
Kill yourself you barbaric spic. As bad as muslims.
Because every now and again the bull actually wins and the matador gets fucking rekt. It's basically the last form of roman inspired life and death bloodsport that exists and it's fucking awesome
I wonder (((who))) told you this was barbaric.
reminder that bulls are docile to humans and even recognize their own names and follow orders of their owners
could have an agenda
Basically bullfighters stab the bull until it dies and what they stab it with depends on how much of a faggot they are.
They score bonus faggotry points by stabbing the bull on the shoulder with little barbed flags with their team colours.
what the fuck, miguel
Is that pale skin in america?
It actully predates the romans apparently
>Bulls often choke in their own blood
>The reason the bull is weakened is so it lowers the head so the bullfighter can strike the fatal blow in the back of its neck. The whole process is very painful for the bull, it's not just "superficial lacerations" there's a lot of internal bleeding in the process
>Horses' armour is just a piece of leather to hide the insides of the horse when it gets stabbed by the horns of the bull.
>Men literally losing eyes or having permanent injuries, even fatal ones, just for the sake of entertainment.
>The whole fight is uneven. It's not a gladiator against a bear. It's a bunch of pussies surrounding an animal and stabbing it from all fronts so the bullfighter can look cool after he finishes it.
I will never see the point of this. I can understand people enjoying hunting or fishing but this is just nuts.
>Human > bull > nigger
Well, we don't do that to niggers, do we?
I'm almost 100% sold but don't they cripple the bull first?
or is that just in bull riding?
Bull shit. They fight in the wild all the time. Even cows do it.
Anyone who's not a complete retard knows this.
oh nevermind
you krauts talk about debt more than a scot talks about the english,
fucking meme posters
That's obviously a fucking retarded yank rodeo
I hate this one, dumb fucking horse.
>tfw you finally stop falling for the intestinal track jew