Friendly reminder they are responsible for all of modern Europe's current problems. Germans are below the dirt I walk on. The only instinct Germans have is to devour everything of value, destroying what others have created. They have done it before and are doing it now. Germans are filth, a virus, a disease. They are only interested in creating their lebensraum by forceful Anschluss.

They are worse than Mongols, worse than the Spanish Flu, worse than sandniggers, worse than the communism their Karl Marx created. God damn I hate Germans so fucking much.

Other urls found in this thread:


szkopy to kurwy, pozdrawiam

>New Zealand
literally not a country

The sheep fucker is mad

Germany is literally a CIA colony. After WW2 the CIA took over and have been in power ever since.

YES! I'm tired of your dumbass politicians expending innocent lives for the sake of "muh progression"! It's so fucking evil. You guys need to stop being so smug about it!!!!!

>Oy vey! Muh fellow Jews were made into soap!
>My Grandpa survived 6 gas chambers


>destroy nations identity
>70 years of brain washing
muh germany kys sheepshagger

You be hatin but I dont even hear you

Germans are below the shit that comes out of my wait they'd like that.

Idk Germany seems pretty okay now...
Cheap petrol

Downsyndrome-australia is mad

all Germans in this thread are arabs/Turks/kurds

Stop destroying Europe's not fun anymore...

>tfw didn't have the opportunity to die for Germany

My great grandfather was a SS soldier.

SS = Shitskin Syrian


Germany is great country, beautiful land, good weather, and hot free sluts everywhere.

>good weather, and hot free sluts everywhere.
Are you sure about that?

nah Im only half North African

>assmad Australian
What has your shitty nation ever accomplished, bogan? Go make a barbie.

God I fucking hate Germans they are so fucking autistic

user is secretly German hiding behind a White Supremacist flag.

How long have you been retarded?

substitute Germany for Austrians and you'll find the true root of evil

Fake Australia going in with the bantz again I see

If they wouldn't have shot Lord of the Rings over there the only reason anybody would even know your Island is for its rampand Organized Crime, let that sink in.

Silence, subhuman.

ITT: German cuckolds endlessly replying with "U MAD?" as if they aren't ones that are going to pay the price

thats where you wrong kiddo

all your hate makes me feel good.


Friendly reminder COLLECTIVISTS ( leftists, mudslimes, women ) are responsible for all of modern Europe's current problems. COLLECTIVISTS ( leftists, mudslimes, women ) are below the dirt I walk on. The only instinct COLLECTIVISTS ( leftists, mudslimes, women ) have is to devour everything of value, destroying what others have created. They have done it before and are doing it now. COLLECTIVISTS ( leftists, mudslimes, women ) are filth, a virus, a disease. They are only interested in parasiting from others.

They are worse than Mongols, worse than the Spanish Flu, worse than kikes, worse than the Hitler. God damn I hate COLLECTIVISTS ( leftists, mudslimes, women ) so fucking much.

U mad?


Kys hanz, it's over

But most ethnic Germans only care about work user, they were reduced to that...

Native Dutch living in Germany here.
Germans are cucks and you destroy everything you touch.

What exactly is over?
Your rule over New Zealand and your once strong Empire?
The times where the Pound was actually worth something and a respected Currency?

You Anglos haven't realized that your time is over and all you can do is Autistically screech and see your culture and identity slip away.

>call people cucks

COLLECTIVISTS ( leftists, mudslimes, women ) are so pathetic, they always destroy their places and then ahve to desperately search for another host.

once, all hosts are redpilled and shut their doors, COLLECTIVISTS ( leftists, mudslimes, women ) are 100% at their mercy and their worker-slaves, if the hosts wish so.

>Thinks he isn't cucked
>Being fucked in the ass by Ahmed as we speak

so why are you still here? saving the dying lands to emerge as the true saviour of the white race?

>The Mongols
Such as those of, say, Khazaria?
>The Spanish Flu
Started in Kansas and carried to France by whom?
>Karl Marx
Child of a long line of rabbis, and "Ashkenazim" are really the only ones to claim that kikes are or ever were proper Germans. What does this say about you?

At least we can say that we had to be fought before getting kiked this hard.

It is really kind of blatant, isn't it? What's sick is that I cannot for the life of me see us recovering from this anytime soon.

Blood tastes pretty good though.

No, he's getting fucked by an Ahmed he thinks belongs to you. That's one of the default insults those migrant cultures have. The polite thing to do is to tell him that he can keep the guy.

I mean at least he isn't going on about BRD gmbh

Nah man this is a hate thread, have to be a dick if I'm not German.

Only country I unironically want to see fall. You krauts are just hellbent on destroying Europe.

>Doing it because the thread says so
You sure you aren't German?

Only reason to hate Germany is that they lost and they did let themselves become cucked sheeps that did let millions of mudslimes in Europe and won't beat single mudslime or nigger to death who says they are German.


Sorry, Burger-Friend. You are rightly afraid of Germany pushing for European Unification into a single state that will make your leaderless country seem like the last little shithole.

Germany makes money on every foreigner.
Checkmate nationalists.


Germany should've been nuked into oblivion instead of uncucked based nips.

Is it a bad sign to have a collection of those images? Asking for a friend.

More like the Merkel junta. Never saw a fucking cent to date.

"Eine neue Untersuchung des Zentrums für Europäische Wirtschaftsforschung (ZEW) im Auftrag der Bertelsmann-Stiftung widerspricht solchen Befürchtungen. Demnach zahlte 2012 jeder in Deutschland lebende Ausländer durchschnittlich 3300 Euro mehr Steuern und Sozialabgaben als er an staatlichen Leistungen erhielt. Insgesamt sorgten die 6,6 Millionen Menschen ohne deutschen Pass so für ein Plus von 22 Milliarden Euro."

Per person immigrants pay 3.300€ more than they receive. These are 2012 numbers, so they have likely risen, and should pay entirely for the refugees. You have not paid a penny for the refugee crisis. The immigrants paid for it.

>implying you dont suck Moroccan dick
atleast our Turks praise Erdogoat and fight with Kurds. Your Morrocans try to snackbar you

It's only blatant to us Euros. Americans literally have no idea what happened to Germany after the war, or what the CIA did during the Cold War, or where they house all their nukes (Germany).

I've been to your beautiful country twice. Great place. Clean. Cheap (when it was DM and pfennigs), and nice people. Such a shame what has happened since Merkel took charge. You may be doing well economically, but I fear you've sold your soul to the Devil (EU).

I hate France and GB more than Germany. Macron is a cuckold and grannyfucker. Britain is basically just Pakistan. Germany still has lots of hot chicks. Been there a couple of times. Some places are have been cucked to death though. It's true.


Blame the French, they destroyed europe under Napoleon, forced Germany to elect hitler after they occupied the Rhineland, helped forge the Allies to stop Germany reclaiming the Prussian Corridor, and forged the European union, and much more...

I am unconvinced. Given that this cites Bertelsmann and those have "strengthening the internationalist thought system" as a stated goal right in their charter, I would go so far as to say that this was probably already propaganda to prepare the grounds for the ongoing invasion.

And even if not there is virtually no way that that kind of money comes from the same illiterate third-worlders that are flooding in; somebody would have to be paying for them (even beyond those extortionary fucking taxes), and if somebody's paying for them that somebody could have coughed up the cash without them. It just doesn't seem all that consistent to me at all.

It is remarkably refreshing to hear solidarity from a British flag on here. Thank you.

ANGLO here, with a message for you German 'people'.

The German created this mess.

It was you who divided up Europe.

It was you who made Europe your puppet project.

It was you who invited the Muslims and Blacks onto European ancestral lands..

It was you who started terror bombing civilians with Zeppelins.

It was you who allowed the Nazis to exterminate and enslave the Polish..

It was you who played geopolitical games with Italy and Japan during the war.

It was you who first introduced chemical weapons in warfare and unleashed them on the fields of Europe.

It was you who introduced unrestricted Submarine warfare, dooming thousands of sailors to their deaths.

It was you who created the Schlieffen Plan - causing the rape of Belgium and a long costly war that devastated the continent.

It was you who killed millions of children with your bombing of civilian populations.

It was you who massacred surrendering soldiers.

It was you who abused the Anglosphere's trust so much that they felt they had to attack your soil during 1939.

It was you who started an endless massacre of the Jews across all of Germany in retaliation against a small group that lived there.

It was you who invaded Poland unprovoked, destroyed it's infrastructure, massacred it's people, and left it in shambles in your wake.

It was you who started the campaign of extermination of Slavic population in occupied territories. Several thousand villages were burned with their entire population.

It was you who not only caused ANTIFA to exist, but allowed them to grow like a cancer unchecked.

It was you who destroyed the lives of millions of English and forced them to leave their homes and cities.

It was you who allowed Muslims to mass rape the women and men of Europe and allowed our culture to be subverted.

You are the cause of all of this. Still you go ahead and blame us for all these tragic incidents. I'm not easily triggered but shit like this makes me really mad. Its time for an ARYANDIED.

I greatly respect the German people, but, much like us, they've lost their ability to defend themselves without thinking base to WW2.

However, due to her leadership position, they're dragging down other nations with them.

>your muslims are worse than our muslims
Is this what europe has become ?

>It was you who started an endless massacre of the Jews across all of Germany in retaliation against a small group that lived there.
fuck off kike