Smart drugs.
What's Sup Forums's view on them? Anyone here use smart drugs such as phenibut?
Smart drugs.
What's Sup Forums's view on them? Anyone here use smart drugs such as phenibut?
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I only take dumb drugs
i just smoke weed to make me more thinky
I ordered some from LM about a week ago, so I'll let you know in a few days how 1mg every other day is workin for me.
this here is literally a smart drug, zinc and magnesium in a highly bioavailable form
What superpower dies that odd drug, called PenisButt u depicted there give ?!
really makes your balls big ...
Looks pretty disgusting, and I bet it feels even more disgusting in your mouth.
How the fuck does one every find themselves in a situation where they EAT this shit.
I know for a fact Dexedrine is awesome for that, but like a lot of drugs, if the person uses it for an extended period it leads to addiction and mental and physical problems. Should only be used sparingly and carefully.
phenibut is the only thing that's ever helped my anxiety
semax and selank are pretty bomb, as is noopept
bacopa is good long-term for managing the physical effects of stress
lion's mane is helpful for learning
memantine permanently fixed my cortisol-induced brain damage, but you need to have a month or two where some brain fog is ok
vinpocetene works well too
racetams work if you have brain damage of some kind, but they haven't worked after the memantine
can't go wrong with caffeine and l-theanine to start though
also coluracetam is good for creative work
I've eaten thousands of those bad boys.
They're delicious and each fishery has a unique flavor. It's as gourmet a product as a fine wine but much more economically accessible.
i think i cured my ADD with lion's mane
Are you from Baltmore?
I just took 250mg of phenibut, will post results. I know 500mg is the minimum but i want to test dosages first.
I like how this supposedly raises your libido, if it does i'll be fucking the girlfriend and spreading her legs and all night.
Alpha brain niggas
Raw bars are pretty common around here. Shellfish are awesome. I harvest quahogs and mussels for cookouts, always a big hit.
It actually doesn't raise your libido. It makes masturbation and orgasm much less pleasurable. I found phenibut to be useful for nofap.
You seem to be the only one, everyone else seems to think so.
snake oil
Delete this faget before BN is forced by our cucked government to remove it from sale.
Alright mates, just realized it takes anywhere from an hour > 4 hours since i have a full stomach. Will keep reporting if i feel anything though and if i don't I'll take one more cap to make it 500mg.
it blocks pleasure sensations to the nucleus accumbens, which is why a closely related drug backlofen is used for alcholism and other addictions.
Ones that take "smart" drugs are not smart at all.
Deal with your intelligence, not all of us is Tesla-level sociopath.
Modafinil which is probably the most interesting of all smart drugs.
No side effects, only focus and endless energy, but you can fall asleep whenever you want.
Makes you feel like pic related
>pretty bomb
I've tried almost everything out there.
Modafinil is pretty much the only shit that works. Make you feel like you have been blessed by the Holy Spirit.
Honestly though, most of you are young men with no health problems. You really have to ask yourself, why the fuck do you need any drugs to feel good? You should be waking up with a boner ready to fuck the world. (Seriously if you don't have morning wood, your testosterone is too low and you need to get it fix)
check for the following:
>low test
>low thyroid hormones
>sleep apnea
>heavy metal toxicity
>various vitamin/mineral deficiencies (zinc, magnesium etc)
Fix the root of the problem stop just putting chemical band aids on.
I take resveratrol, astaxanthin algae, and xanthohumol every day. It helps with my skin as well.
It's not an amphetamine so I might be able to try it. Rate out /10 for me
>makes you feel like pic related
Are you stupid?
I've got an in of 170
came here to post this but thank god you did it first because I now realize what a stupid thing it would be to say
fukkken saved cunt
i agree with what you are saying but my problem is that I hate doing boring things which I must (like studying)
so modafinil helps getting through that.
It's not that I have any problem or deficiency, I just need a "extra" zing
people only eat em cuz they're expensive
if they were cheap nobody would even want that shit
its 10/10 for the purpose of doing mundane tasks like work and study
its 0/10 for recreational use
2-FMA kicks all kinds of ass.
Only dextroamp can beat it for lighting that fire.
If you can find some, I highly recommend it.
you can't get sunburned on astaxanthin, there are some powerful natural compunds out there.
Kinda like lobster, the cockroach of the sea.
People are just stupid.
i took phenibut for the first time thinking it'd help me on a "date"
date went terribly, made narcoleptic, and then when i went home i had crash from all the anxiety
pretty much. it's amazing how easily you can trick people into doing stupid shit if you just make them believe that everyone else thinks it's a good idea.
russian space vodka is not a fucking nootropic
I done just about all of them with mixed results
>tfw the piracetam magic is gone
when I first tried it I thought I was fixed and this was my life now forever but it faded
there is no such thing as stupid ...
Yeah isoflavones also prevent UV induced dna damage. But they're estrogenic. I still take them anyway cause I don't care, but probably most people would. I have had minor prostate tumours twice even before I hit puberty so I kind of try and gear around that. I take a lot of estrogenic supplements. I use flax lignans in megadosage amounts cause I'm really worried about cancer again.
I could say the same about mushrooms, but plenty of people like them.
why would one eat something that looks and arguably smells like rotten vagina ...
... unless ure a male feminist.
I thought the same thing until I started to inject it (iv). I mix it with bacteriostatic water and get an insulin syringe - it's only scary the first time.
I used to take a Piracetam stack, it worked but not well enough to justify the pricetag. I tried modafinil but it did absolutely fuck all for me.
> Phenibut
Quite effective, tolerance builds very quickly. If you use it for special occasions only, you are fine.
If you use it too often, you will have to almost double the dose to get the same effect as the day before. Do this a few days in a row, then try to stop and you will experience a massive crash with loss of personality, where you just feel like some being reacting to everything around you + lots of anxiety + suicidal thoughts. So use it with care.
> Modafinil
Kind of overrated, but does work. It's very subtle, yet effective. You don't notice the effect, things just go by themselves. A good explanation I read is that it blocks "sleepyness" rather than giving you energy. In that way you can just keep doing stuff without getting tired. No crash the day after, really.
im about to start micro dosing on psilocybin
It's a hoax. A fad that some ((merchant)) hopes it will take off after posting it on kikebook or some random forum. Don't waste your money or time on it. Besides, it will probably destroy your liver.
stop fucking with me f a m
shits cheap as fuck what you on about mate , oh is is pricey there ?
I got it capped because it tastes fucking vile.
They are filter feeders. All of the raw sewage that is pumped into the ocean is filtered through them. If you eat them out of season, you will get deathly sick. No thanks.
It's okay breh. You live in the states though, get your hands on some moda/armo dafinil.
I've got a job where concentration and mental alertness/ acuity are important and I've been taking Modafinil on and off for about 2 years now. Great stuff.
Only tried Modafinil during my last year of Uni. Don't think it made me smarter but it certainly helped me focus on my dissertation, had it pretty much done in a week because I just worked 9-5 solidly on it.
>can't go wrong with caffeine
I quit all caffeine since january and I sleep better and have less anxiety.
Modafinil gave me a bad rash, went away after awhile
>t. Prepubescent virgin
Eat your broccoli little boy
Don't forget your super male vitality and water filter while you're there. Also buy some flat earth maps.
1 hour, still not feeling anything.
phenibut is strong as fuck for a legal "supplement" but in my experience it just chills me out, makes me tired, and makes me sleep like a baby. Lasts forever too. I'd say it made me slower not smarter like alcohol
That chit will turn you into turbo niggah.
this picture is the shittest meme ever, who the hell likes being alone
Phenibut takes hours to feel but lasts a long ass time. Take 500mg minimum
Holy fuck, please never use it again and be very careful of all drugs in the future (even ibuprofen/panadol). There are a number of studies that show it can cause a whole bunch of skin conditions - basically ALL your skin sloughs off and then you die. There is a small percent of it happening with even common shit like panadol. Please be careful ausbro.
The doctor that writes my prescriptions cautioned that I should stop taking it immediately if I noticed any rashes as it could trigger (potentially lethal) hypersensitivity reactions.
yo gotta roll the dice sometimes.
go big
or go home.
>sex shaming anonymous people over a disgusting ocean roach
This lad rolled the dice and he got a warning - stay the fuck away.
wimp , try pyritinol tha'll put hair on your chest
already have adrafinil , you can't get it ?
I stopped straight away, the rash went away.
Sucks cant take it again.
As soon as it became prescription medicine in Australia by law you can only import 3 months at a time (90 pills). There isn't enough value when only buying 90.
If you're in Brisbane, I'll buy it off ya cunt.
You could if you find something to counteract what is causing the rash. Assuming somebody out there did studies and found what caused the side effect.
I doubt it's a thing but maybe look out in the future.
Plenty of places in my city (NE USA Lib hellhole) have happy hour specials where they are a dollar per oyster. Hardly expensive. Also a hundred years ago or so New York Harbor had some of the highest concentration of oyster beds in the world. People ate them for every year, of all economic backgrounds.
anyone ever use adrafinil?
LMFAO @ flat earth maps
I just kicked a phenibut habit. Never drink the powder in water. I had beautiful teeth, now a good chunk of my enamel is gone. Luckily i started parachuting the stuff in time. On the effect: great for socialisig, hangovers, public speaking, work, annoying monologues, funniness. Downsides: i became a little annoying, it's extremely addictive, so even after three days of use spread out during a week off days were really depressing, so i had to plan my life and productivity around those days. But it's a great high. Makes you productive and euphoric like speed, but you can also sleep. It's like a mild, drawn out ghb rush.
uhh, you can get a whole cheeseburger for $1.... sounds like a ripoff to me m8
>I have no idea what I'm talking about, but I'm going to give you advice anyway
Typical Democrat.
Phenibut works. It actually gets you kind of high. It works so well the shit is actually addictive. That's the draw back for it. You will get physically addicted to it, and it will become a huge burden if you take it every day.
The problem is it seems like such a mild, good thing that you don't realize you've taken it every day for 2 weeks until the day you forget to take it, and realize you're addicted to it.
If you have an addictive personality I don't suggest having a bottle of the stuff laying around. If you're the kind of person that can drink 2 beers, and then call it a night it's worth a shot.
It works great as an anxiolytic. Gives mild euphoria/mood lift. A lot of people claim a calming effect like a benzo from it, but it worked the opposite for me. I got kind of a speedy "let's go be productive" kind of feeling from it.
Use colgate prohealth. It has calcium carbonate and l-arginine which is supposed to rebuild enamel. The chemicals react due to salivas enzymes and make a thick paste.
I've used it ever since braces fucked up my teeth. It won't legit regrow enamel cause that's scientifically impossible, but it coats your teeth in a thick calcium layer which can help make your teeth look a little more normal.
You don't get smart from a Benzodiazepines you fag
any side effects or drawbacks?
>i just smoke weed to make me more thinky
Yeah man, that shit makes you so open minded man, so open minded your brain falls out maaaaan.
And lets not talk about the fact it is used a crutch by people with low self esteem.
sometimes the eyes hurt
doing for 2 consecutive days in a row is "tiring" and gets the eye pain chance higher
sometimes sleeping is hard
all of these are very minor, just try doing day yes day off
Gave it away the other week
Yeah just way too much effort, didnt really need it, but wanted to try because of all the hype.
First reaction to any drug that i have taken, bit odd.
Feels like a labia in your mouth. Literally like eating pussy. Only fags don't like oysters.
>caffeine and l-theanine to start though
Great combo.
I don't know about other nootropics, but I've read some pretty shitty accounts of experiences with this.
Modafinil gave me a permanent tinnitus, have fun with it.
>First reaction to any drug that i have taken, bit odd.
Nah not that bad. I've used supplements for a long time and I've had shit like heart palpitations from certain ones that acted as potential maoi's and ssri's, you don't even know what bad side effects are lmao
It tastes like chicken, really
phenibut is underwhelming on its own
it's good with alcohol, weed, xanax, coke, muscle relaxers, heroin etc though, and it helps ease opiate withdrawal
Thanks, i will try that.
Not everyone is a drug addict like you just looking to get high, and feel good.
I can't remember what the actual toothpaste name is though, check the ingredients before you buy it.
It comes in really weird tubes that have like a bizarre airlock seal on it lol
It's colgate for sensitive teeth but it's not their usual stuff. It's like colgate prohealth pro-enamal or something?
Is that some low tier pleb shit?
>High Tier shit proven to work
Ritalin ER
>High Tier euroshit
Phenylpiracetam for Supreme Motivation
>How to be a man surrounded by all these xenoestrogens
AI such as Aromasin, Arimidex
OTC: ATD, Arimistane
Oral prohormones (shit tier)
You are welcome
Yeah probably true