Article about Germany destroying fidget spinners because the government deemed them dangerous.
The top comments are all anti-Muslim/Merkel/migrant.
Article about Germany destroying fidget spinners because the government deemed them dangerous.
The top comments are all anti-Muslim/Merkel/migrant.
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Normies have been waking up for a long time by now, but if your ass is on Sup Forums echochamber all the time, these things may come as a newsflash to you.
I'm honestly impressed with them but I'm afraid it stops with Muslims they aren't looking at it on a whole of all the foreigners coming in
>New breaking news! Germany declares water pistols illegal because some got in a kid's eye!
Fuck Germistan.
Ban assault fidgets
nice :3
Why are Western Europeans, Brits, Leafs and to a lesser extent Austards such cucked pussies compared to the US?
Is this shadman? What the fuck is wrong with that dude
He's a badass, that's what's wrong.
Cocaine will do that to you.
He's swiss.
Well how much time do you have
Fidget Holocaust.
Are you guys spamming that comment section or are normies realy waking up?
i guess youve never been on a yahoo article before, anything moderately political has comments like these, its nothing new
Pretty much. But only the normies that are engaged in politics.
The people who just sit at home and drink beer while watching soccer still haven't heard anything about it and will just make their cross at the same place they've made it for the last decades.
>Article about Germany destroying fidget spinners because the government deemed them dangerous.
>Are normies waking up
If you go on or (two of the big news outlets, center to center-left) the comment section might as well be Sup Forums, just without using the words nigger and kike.
Doesn't matter though because the majority of the population is not interested in politics at all but still votes. And they are the ones that supply the bulk of votes, so their influence is massive.
This is nazi book burning all over again! I love it!
35 TONS = 6 million fidget spinners
Coke and Child Porn.
Yeah I can totally see how the majority still doesn't give a shit about it, but this is still a positive aspect if you think about those redpilled normies slowly redpilling their families as the happenings keep on happening
Destroy those faggot spinner
How in the holy fuck do you get hurt by a fidget spinner?
Seriously, just how?
Someone explain pls
what the fuck
reminds me of the yo-yo craze, except these things are even dumber
I'm a teacher and I've watched kids spin them then basically play "mercy". Whoever takes a spinning one and lets it smack them on the most painful place wins. High velocity spinners easily cut the skin.
I don't stop it when I see it because I believe anyone that retarded deserves to learn from experience.
>How in the holy fuck do you get hurt by a fidget spinner?
>Seriously, just how?
>Someone explain pls
They're cheap, mass-produced Chinese shit made using parts that failed to pass QA for more precision devices that are loaded with lead and mercury and various other contaminants.
I thought this shit was just a meme like finger boxes, but I saw them in a store the other day
Dude, they're a fucking godsend to us stim users.
Better to spin a fidge than pick scabs for days on end.
Yahoo comments have never been moderated and have always been based. You'd faggots would know that if you ever left Sup Forums
But thats just darwinism
They hurt themselves, it sno accidents and therefore not the products fault.
So what? Its not the first hazardeous chinese product.
Think of Crocks or Bayblades
If you get hurt by a fidget spinner you deserve it, and i still dont see how accident shappenw ith it
That is a surprisingly relaxing image.
are jews always this blatant?