How can we even be sure the Emmett Till narrative is real? After the "hands up, don't shoot" Michael Brown thing was shown to be total bullshit, I'm seriously having doubts that this guy was killed for merely saying hello to a white woman
How can we even be sure the Emmett Till narrative is real? After the "hands up...
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Because the eye witnesses weren't lying nigs, they were other whites.
the only sure facts are till's father was suspected of assaulting women during his life and ended up getting the death penalty in italy for rape and murder while serving in the us army
He didn't just say hello, he said, "Goddamn, bitch. Dem titties need a suckin, and dis young nigga need a fuckin!"
That's a direct quote.
Anywho, the husband was a known military badass. The black boy disrespected the wrong woman.
Fuck that nigger.
>Feeling sorry for niggers
Kill yourself
I'm assuming it was bullshit. Lying in the media isn't something that just popped up yesterday. My experience is that most stories concerning mistreatment of blacks in the US have a measure of untruth to them.
Alot of people suspect it was a ((NAACP)) hoax. The Jews founded the NAACP and tried to push many white on black hoax crimes through their media at the time. His body looked fake to many onlookers, like some kind of mask.
Furthermore, how was racial segregation allowed under the Constitution?
>the rhyme that caused the crime
>merely saying hello to a white woman
Of course that's bullshit. He probably assaulted her.
>assaulting women
>rape and murder
Monkey see, monkey do.
>During the murder trial, Bryant testified that Till grabbed her hand while she was stocking candy and said, "How about a date, baby?"[28][29] She said that after she freed herself from his grasp, the young man followed her to the cash register,[28] grabbed her waist and said, "What's the matter baby, can't you take it?"[28] Bryant said she freed herself, and Till said, "You needn't be afraid of me, baby,"[28] used "one 'unprintable' word"[28] and said "I've been with white women before."[28][30] Bryant also alleged that one of Till's companions came into the store, grabbed him by the arm, and ordered him to leave.[28]
>In any event, after Wright and Till left the store, Bryant went outside to retrieve a pistol from underneath the seat of a car. The teenagers saw her do this and left immediately.[30] It was acknowledged that Till whistled while Bryant was going to her car.[22] However, it is disputed whether Till whistled toward Bryant or toward a checkers game that was occurring just across the street.[22]
At this point its hard to tell, but if you read some literature on race relations from the turn of the century you'll see that white people were not unreasonable monsters, and were often just as naively altruistic as they are now. And then, as it is now, that didn't get them anywhere.
>novice nigger
>Try to hook up 21 year old woman.
oh shit, they beat his nostrils bigger and closer together!
and he didn't harass the woman really so they killed him without any reason, that's even more evil
Straight to archive
>nytimes com/2017/01/27/us/emmett-till-lynching-carolyn-bryant-donhahtml?_r=0
>theguardian com/us-news/2017/jan/27/emmett-till-book-carolyn-bryant-confession
He did harass the woman. It's pretty obvious. Why else would she go out to her car and get the gun?
And then these journalists harassed a senile woman in her 80s and extracted a "confession" out of her.
He looks like a Sullustan in the after picture.
>Bryant, who is still alive at an undisclosed location, told the author she could not remember other details about the fleeting encounter with Till, who went into the store to buy gum.
>She did, however, express regret. “Nothing that boy did could ever justify what happened to him.” She said she “felt tender sorrow” for Till’s mother, Mamie Till-Mobley.
>Bryant’s comments still leave questions over what precisely transpired in the grocery store but they do suggest its bloody and controversial aftermath marked her.
literally nothing. Either way they were wrong in killing the guy, even if it did happen as they initially said
Emmett Till's father was one of the only soldiers court-marshalled for rape. He definitely did more than whistle.
>Raped Italian women
If only everyone in his bloodline was butchered as brutally as his shithead spawn.
Most of human history is made up bullshit written by the fags that killed the other fags and said they're bad.
Welcome to the true red pill which is realizing that everything is fuckin made up.
You were right, Luke... you were right
It wasn't just a hello, he disrespected a married woman.
Her husband was bond by honour to kill him
>touches a white woman
>asks her to fuck him in a crowded shop
>follows with his boys to her car hollering
Seriously, Till is the first dindu
yes. you know most when you realize that we really know nothing
its 100% possible, and more likely, that he was doing a lot more than just saying 'hi wite wimmen'
Pretty much.
You know he went in there and started talking to her about MUH DICK and how he was good at fucking White women and other nigger shit.
>its bloody and controversial aftermath marked her.
Yeah and what's she supposed to say? "I'm thankful that my husband was a man and wrecked that nasty nigger would-be rapist"? She can't say anything else.
The Emmett Till story was changed by civil rights activists in the 1960s. Till was a big-time player who prided himself on f*cking all the trashy women in town. He got way too aggressive with a White girl and nearly raped her.
That was why the Whites went nuclear and "corrected" him.
The only thing you'll hear is that he was tortured and murdered because of the color of his skin. As usual, a complete lie.
>I'm seriously having doubts that this guy was killed for merely saying hello to a white woman
He whistled at a white woman to get her attention because he wanted to buy something from her shop.
Her inbred relatives killed him.
How do you think America kept blacks in line? Do you think their bix nood behavior was a modern invention?
Most blacks operate on the first level of morality (will I get caught? Will I get punished?) and if they could get away with something they did it.
So white America made sure they knew they wouldn't get away with it.
>He whistled at a white woman to get her attention because he wanted to buy something from her shop.
>told her they were gonna fuck
>grabbed her
>chased her after she broke free
>only backed away when she put a pistol in her face
this would trigger a lot of femenists today.. perhaps we can put this into ply somehow
Cases like this are good redpill material because even after a cursory look, it's obvious they couldn't have happened the way you're told they did.
He harassed and stalked a white woman. He groped her, shouted sexual slurs and said he would rape her.
Her relatives responded in an appropriate fashion.
>Bryant testified that Till grabbed her hand while she was stocking candy and said, "How about a date, baby?"
>She said that after she freed herself from his grasp, the young man followed her to the cash register, grabbed her waist and said, "What's the matter baby, can't you take it?"
>Bryant said she freed herself, and Till said, "You needn't be afraid of me, baby," and said "I've been with white women before."
>Bryant also alleged that one of Till's companions came into the store, grabbed him by the arm, and ordered him to leave.
>have feminist 'friend' in college
>constantly hounding guys for male chauvanism (this was before privilege bs)
>she goes to a party
>has a black guy grab her, gorilla rape her with his boys
>broken nose, teeth, holes torn up
>goes to er
>refuses to press charges because 'while they are males their real issue was the patriarchy'
I stopped believing in most rape cases over the years, but I know plenty of feminists who will sometimes literally bend over for black 'victims'.
Emmett Till's narrative is bullshit. He was a sexual predator who got EXACTLY what he deserved. His father was hanged for committing multiple rapes while in the US Army. Don't believe the Hype. Niggers have been Niggers since the dawn of Man - and they aren't going to change anytime soon.
I got into an argument with some faggot around the time that white kid was kidnapped and tortured. He kept bringing up this nigger rapist from 100 years ago to justify nigger anger today.
Typical virtue signaling white guy.
Because the woman in question finally admitted she lied.
She's in her 80s and senile. They pressured her into "confessing." Do you think these people are above harassing an old lady?
Why else would she have gone to her car to get the gun? No witnesses dispute that fact.
>witnesses fully corroborate story
>80 year old woman who was forced into hiding by angry dindus in her 40s is tracked down and given the Truth and Reconciliation treatment
Surely she wasn't coerced.
No man, remember that leftists are like muslims, only the latest testimony matters, just like in the qram.
She didn't admit a thing, all she said was she doesn't remember what exactly happened 60 years ago. Damn, I was shocked when a guy got burned by blowtorch in school toilet, yet I don't remember his fucking name, even if we were in one class. People forget things.
oh look the new york times and the guardian, fucking sheep wake up.
Not the latest, but the one pushing the agenda. Doublethink is their thing.
I wonder how many leftists who justify monkeyshines today using events like the Emmet Till lynching feel a sense of smug satisfaction when they pull out "Because the woman in question finally admitted she lied." and 'win' the argument because reasonable people not well-read on this subject would concede at this point.
>Emmett Till
>During the murder trial, Bryant testified that Till grabbed her hand while she was stocking candy and said, "How about a date, baby?" She said that after she freed herself from his grasp, the young man followed her to the cash register, grabbed her waist and said, "What's the matter baby, can't you take it? Bryant said she freed herself, and Till said, "You needn't be afraid of me, baby," used "one 'unprintable' word" and said "I've been with white women before." Bryant also alleged that one of Till's companions came into the store, grabbed him by the arm, and ordered him to leave.
>A historian, 30 years later, refutes this claim without evidence
>A historian, 30 years later, refutes this claim without evidence
well, everybody knows evidence is racist
The punk was a Chicongo Nigger visiting some cousins down in the South.
Just another Nigger Rapist.
Till's own family warned him about acting like a Nigger down there.
Like most other Niggers, he went Full Nigger, and got himself killed.
Chicongo, Mongrel-Theist Jews control the narrative on this story.
Every single one. And the words 'finally admitted' never fail to prop a picture in mind, the one of dark room with a single lightbulb, with beaten person chained to chair and pair of smug guys in uniform, smoking.
It wasn't real. He was trying to rape a white woman go figure.
i question all of it. take a look at the kent state "massacre" and the hell's angels altamonte "murder". boomers and their mythologies.
I know about Kent State and the torching of buildings and attacks on cops and right-leaning students and faculty, but what about Altamont?
if all blacks were killed for saying hi to a white woman the world would be a much better place
The world we live in is slowly turning into all of those apocalypse games we used to play when we were younger.
>Have to get armed asap
>Have to use own currency and barter more
>Have to change the way you normally dress to be inconspicuous
>Have to not discuss opinions unless in a speakeasy environment
>Constant whispers of war
>Us v Them mentality
>God damn foreigners weakening integrity of system
WE dindu nuffin, all we did was build hospitalz and schoolz for dem children
all we did was initiate nigg- i mean our brothers in faith to the wonders of the christian faith
live and let live as the lord jesus said
His father was a rapist an d he was known for harassing white women. In the end this nig is dead so who cares? He was just a Trayvon/Mike Brown from the past.
This should be the reality for every ooga booga who flaps his massive lips at white women and for every coal burner too.
>I'm seriously having doubts that this guy was killed for merely saying hello to a white woman
You're asking the right questions!
Hey fucktard, did it ever occur to you that it would make zero sense to cut off the hand and foot of someone who's supposed to be harvesting crops for you? The claim in your photo is an obvious LIE. But you're too busy shitting on white people.
There is a scholar that did a statistical study on Lynching.
It was discovered that the Niggers got lynched in a statistical average number with the rest of folks when considering the Nigger population and the Nigger predisposition to crime.
In fact it was pointed out the Nigger numbers were kind of low considering the violent nature of the Nigger.
If you listen to the Jew, they would have you believe the Niggers were getting lynched every fucking day, and they were the ONLY ones suffering from lynching.
In-fact lynching was a customary form of punishment at the time, and lots of folks were lynched.
> (OP)
>>I'm seriously having doubts that this guy was killed for merely saying hello to a white woman
No the real question is why would it be bad if he was killed for talking to a white woman. In today's context just think how much better off the world and our country would be if it happened more.
The fact that whites occupying and developing uninhabited land in Africa caused niggers to come flocking by the thousands to experience actual civilization shows that they'd rather get their hands cut off than live like niggers. Cry harder, pussy.
white folks were lynched too. even wops spics and chinese curl dicks. the negro man ain't got no right to glory when his black ass is tied to the same stump the chink got his 1000 cuts.
Why would you even want to counter signal this? By trying to show the event never happened, you are implying that if the event did happen, then people have a right to be angry. You are saying it is okay for a black person to say hi to a white woman, when we all agree that isn't true.
They were cutting neighbor's hands and giving them to belgians as if they were punished for not working. Smart niggas.
Mississippi whites can act like niggers too
But Till was a foreigner who didn't think to bear in mind there were longstanding mores between the races. He thought he could Chicago jive in the Deep South
Agreed, its pretty well known he deserved it. The angle it never even happened though now thats an interesting thought.
His claim is that the white woman in question had told him that she lied about the whole thing.
Without audio or video recording for proof.
Who are you?
Not saying the kid should have been lynched,
but the revisionist bullshit is annoying.
You clearly don't understand the notion of "sending a message"
This was the belgian congo, it's not actually that unbelievable that shit went on.
He was old enough to understand that in the south you don't talk to white women period because white people would fuck you up over it.
Lol they harassed a senile old lady into confessing. Emmett Till was a wannabe rapist who got pummeled into the next dimension. No mercy.
This sort of thing is happening in Palestine every day.
It's funny if you wrote this story today and said Till was a white male, libshits would be accusing him of attempted rape and calling for him to be crucified.
Emmit tills dad got lynch for commitimg Rape in italy.
>He was old enough to understand
I don't really think age was a factor. He shouldn't have said what he did, and he shouldn't have been hung for it, either.
More likely he cut his hand to get out of work and gangrene set in and he had to have it amputated.
4 students were shot at Kent State.
3 of them were Jews. The goy who got shot wasn't even involved in the protest but was hit by a stray bullet at some distance.
3 Jews is like anuddah Shoah.
That's funny because the ones cutting off limbs were black labour enforcers. House niggers bullied other niggers
He was forced to join the Army or go to jail. While in Europe he raped multiple Italian women. Hanging was the method of execution the US Army employed.
what you will never hear until now is the truth: the hell's angels were completely justified.
So he was being such a dindu that another dindu told him he should get out of the store?
Were there people saying the nigger dindu nuffin?
Just watched a special a couple weeks ago on it, nigger pointed a gun and got stabbed to death, fuckin' beautiful. Nignog was also high on fucked up drugs
it's the same thing as what auntie-fags do now. classic agit-prop.
Evil white men lynched him because of hate of color of the skin.
boi how can anybody hate CA, this kind of story just doesn't happen anywhere else. There's a full blown riot filled with drunk bikers and frying hippies while the top bands of the 70's just keep fucking playing. Fucking wild.
They also weren't. They're fucking lunatics. To be fair, though, everybody involved in that Hunter S. Thompson scene was lunatics, to I won't be shedding any tears.
>how can anyone hate CA
Because it's like a cancerous commie spic tumor growing on America.
I guess it was okay before Reagan opened the floodgates to all those spics.
>literally never been here or met a native Californian
I never lived there but I drive through once in a while as a truck driver. It's like an ocean of brown everywhere but the most rural places.
>guy was tortured with a blowtorch in a high school toilet
Just an ordinary day in the Russian educational system
>equating mexicans to niggers
It was part of mexico. There are going to be lots of mexicans. They have good food, their women are thicc, and they at least try to espouse traditionalism through the catholic faith. If they stopped voting for gibs-me-dats they'd be wonderful neighbors.