Brit/pol/ - A proud looking dog Edition

>Transgender woman's inspiring journey

>huge fire in west london flats

>teehee, don't hack off my hands silly boys! xD

>moderate rebel freedom fighter attack

>Kensington's Tory council had the money for sprinklers at Grenfell Tower, but spent it on cladding.

>The majority of people would back a referendum on the terms of the the UK's departure from the EU, a Survation poll found

>Based Bibi calls out biased BBC

Other urls found in this thread:


Reminder that tripfags are attention seeking wankers and they should be ignored. Ignore tripfags, do not reply to tripfags and most importantly, FILTER THEM OUT.

Here is a list of nonces to filter out


Help make brit/pol/ more readable by getting rid of tripcunts

I've felt so happy all morning knowing that there is at least one person in this country who was prepared to stand up to the kebab menace.

Genuinely going to send him a card when he gets sent to prison

It's the right idea but at the wrong time though. All this is going to achieve is Theresa locking down our internet more and us losing more freedoms since now they have an incident to pin it on and can pretend it's all the "right wing terrorism to blame". We were to wait until a time where we all rose up not just one guy in a van. Ah well.

who cares mate, based white man with van probably saved the lives of hundreds by killing a few extremists.

I wonder if the Swedish beer company will name a beer after him like that millwall guy

She was always going to do that anyway mate, regardless of Based White Van Man's actions

sadly true but I wonder what more measures they will be able to push with this incident in the back of peoples minds


He locking down on our internet will just make things worse. People use sites such as this to larp and vent their anger, so what do you think will happen once they can't vent?

Put a cheeky tenner on Davis becoming next Tory leader, how do you rate my chances lads? Odds were 10/1

>one 'person' dies
>the entire world has to stop

>muzzie terror attack
>muzzie terror attack
>muzzie terror attack
>white guy kills one muzzie in a van...

Do you think that Sup Forums radicalised him?

>2 suspects on the loose
what in the flying fuck is that guy talking about? there was only one dude in the van for fucks sake

So may's going to irradicate hate irl and on the internet.

/britpol/ is fucked.

you're all on a watch list

btw my wifi isnt password protected. this is the first and last time im posting here

He looks middle aged, I highly doubt he's spending his evenings on pol. Probably just a daily mail reader.


May can try all the shit she wants, it is impossible to enforce that kind of shit so she's pissing in the wind. But her minority government won't get it passed through the commons.

we've all been on lists for a long time lad, only now they might start doing something with them.

Yeah, he's 48.

I guess he's /our guy/, at least he wasn't a retard like that Dylan dude.

The real victims of this attack will be the poor white Christians in London who will no doubt face xenophobia and racism in the wake of this awful attack.

it'll get cross-party support. only the libdems would vote against it

/britpol/? More like /britcucked/!

Right now I'm just waiting for complete societal collapse. Any guesses as to when it will happen?

>the attacker shouted "I wanted to kill all the muslims, I did my bit"

Yes you did sir, yes you did.

100 years ago old bean

when brexit turns into a mess

His resurrection is at hand.

Guys, help me.

I am scared to leave my house after last night's attack due to the whiteyphobia.

I think the government should do more to stamp out whiteyphobia on social media.


I give it 20 years or so chap. Things are going to get a lot worse before they start to get better. People always seem to wait until the last possible point to take action.

I am deeply saddened by your words and I respect the bravery that it takes to be white in this day and age. We will be sending out a task force of armed coppers to defend you and make you feel safe to live in Britanistan again.

>implying you ever leave the house anyway.... you disgusting neet neckbeard

How is it a terrorist attack?

This is what she's been waiting for. Radical Muslims can carry on planning shit in mosques and face to face. But of she censors "extreme right wing" sites she completely neuters any resistance.



Get a taqiyah and some robes so that you can integrate better



This man identifies as a neet. You must respect his right to leech off the state and his parents

It's being treated as one. If he inteded to do it then it's terrorism if not then it isn't. Bear in mind that he was drunk

Dead is dead.


Terrorism is about getting a political message across through fear, attempting to pressure the government into meeting your demands.

I know what terrorism is you nonce, I'm saying that it could have been an accident but people assumed it was terrorism.


Guys i have a hypothesis; and i think it could be testable under scientific conditions - liberals/sjw types are infected with Toxoplasma gondii, and thus liberal thought patterns are a factor in Toxoplasmosis.

Research exists that suggests liberals are generally more often cat owners than non liberals, thus have higher chance of Toxoplasma gondii infection.

In animal models Toxoplasma gondii infection has been shown to have behavioral modifying affects in rats in such a way as to make them less scared of potential predation and hypersexuality (liberals being open to conquering cultures like islam, and the hypersexuality of liberals culture is obvious)

If it can be proven catagorically in animal models, human testing could show a correlation between liberal views and infection, if it does, this is good proof for further reseach that overt liberalism is potentially a disease.


Some muzzie bitch on the news

>as a community, as a muslim community we fear for our lives



It's not immediately terrorism if it's deliberate.

We didn't start the fire
It was always burning since the world's been turning
We didn't start the fire
No, we didn't light it, but we tried to fight it

Muslims attack non-believers - "Don't give in to fear!"
Non-believer attacks muslims - "We are terrified!"


special powers:cuckold, respectful nod and feminism

*straightens your banana*

Sky News is beating the absolute piss out of the BBC on their coverage of this shit
Loads of interviews and locations, not just repeating film over and over

Ah the T. gondii meme. An oldie but a goody. It also encourages hypersexual behaviour, lessens risk-aversion behaviour and feminises male fetuses in the womb.

Sky News wins a shitload of awards to be fair.

>"terrorist attack" on muslims
>1 dead in unrelated incident yet for some reason is included in the toll
>10 injured
>van driver stopped
>didn't have a weapon on him
>didn't attack muslims after ploughing through them
>face immediately shown on news networks
Sounds like an accident thats been blown out of proportion

Literally /ourgirl/

What was the unrelated incident?

Did we start the fire?

I made a donation of £500 to my local mosque and another to the one affected. I urge you all to show your compassion by doing the same.

The fire rises

I hope so, would buy delicious beverage.

We don't know but initial reports were that the guy was receiving first aid before the van had struck the separate group of muslims and just happened to die

You just funded ISIS, kiddo.

>labourites keep donating to refugees and muslims after being told to do so by their labour leaders
>complain that they're poor
>better vote for labour again next election

The absolute state of them

They don't seem to take action against genuinely radical Islamist who then go on to bomb concerts so being on a list isn't all that

Lads, has here been a shooting in a mosque or something?

>well filmed
>filmed in portrait

The so called Islamic State wants you to hate Muslims. Don't let them win, show your tolerance.


White Van Man of peace.


There's been an attack at Paddington station.

Gas yourself kike. Enjoy talking to yourself alone in your dead thread. Sage.

>man carried off by police
>no injuries


Is it finally beginning?

Kill yourself paki.



Real thread.

Yeah i didnt know prior to posting this that others made this jump.

Do you have any links to research showing feminization of male foetuse as a result of T.gondii infection?

The fuck you on about you mong?

Do you know how this site works you civic fag?

here you go faggots

its like you whiteys want to be the victim

Fuck it let them come, hopefully the kikes in charge aren't to busy sacrificing their children to come get me


nice try tripfag proxy

I only made that trip to try and help anons

jesus lad calm down

No it isnt

tripfags are ruining britpol, I'm just doing my bit to help

Why is it that every time these white terrorists commit an attack the white community never comes out and condemns them? I don't believe for a second these whites are acting in isolation and others must have known about their radical extremist views. Why did nobody contact the police or MI5?

I'm sick of bleeding-heart lefties saying it isn't a problem with Caucasians and Caucasians are a peaceful race of people. Who are they trying to kid? Today's attack, killing Jo Cox, David Copeland, Canary Wharf, Arndale Centre, Lord Mountbatten... can you see the pattern?

So the question is: what are we going to do about the Whites? Enough is enough.

There there mate. You'll be alright.


And don't even get me started on the white paedophile gangs or the number of good British girls that get raped every year by these white fucks.

Why aren't people marching on Downing Street?

I've seen that some whites on social media have been glorifying the attack. Anyone that encourages or celebrates terrorist attacks against British citizens needs to be locked up or deported. Their human rights go out the window the second they start supporting terrorists.

I used to disagree with this but honestly it has gotten way out of hand. They're having too many little chats between one another like it's a fucking MSN chat.

Just keep in mind the guy you're replying too posts cancerous phrases like 'Make Britain Great Again'.

You're free to make up your mind as to who is worse.

So the fight back begins. It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

very true lad, very true.