>no freedom of speech
>no right to privacy
>no right to bear arms
>surrender your soul to the government
>no workers unions
Nazis = Cucks
Other urls found in this thread:
>Being this retarded
>no freedom of speech
>no right to privacy
partially true
>no right to bear arms
gun laws in nazi germany were not actually as strict as in other allied eurocountries of the time
>surrender your soul to the government
not a bad thing when government truly represent the will of the people
>no workers unions
not true, NSDAP was literally called "German National Socialist Worker's Party"
The workers union in the 3rd Reich was called DAF - Deutsche Arbeitsfront.
>no rights
>surrender your soul to whoever is strongest
>only work is survival
>no freedom of speech
It doesn't matter. The government is perfect.
>no right to privacy
They dont't observe you 24/7 tho. You can still fuck who you want.
>no right to bear arms
You don't need weapons. Safety is first priority in dictatorship.
>surrender your soul to the government
That's an honor tho.
>no workers union
No1 gives a shit tho. (We had one btw.)
>no freedom of speech
Only if you're a commie.
>no right to privacy
Only if you're a commie
>no right to bear arms
Only if you're a commie
>Surrender your soul to the government
Only if you actually choose to join the party
>No workers unions
Not true.
McFucking killyourself, statists
So antifa in a nutshell
But confused that they thought anarchism and Communism could go together.
>not true, NSDAP was literally called "German National Socialist Worker's Party"
lmfao, sounds like you'd have a blast in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
still sounds better than multiculturalism
>>no workers unions
it is good thing desu
Ancap is the biggest meme ideology that exist you clown.
The fact that yanks the son of satan seem to hate it so much I guess Juche is doing something right
>no jews
Sounds perfect familia, what's the ?
Reminder that Nazis were the NUMBER ONE proponents of white genocide in European history
Hello (((op)))
>>no freedom of speech
>>no right to privacy
>>no right to bear arms
>>surrender your soul to the government
>>no workers unions
You're thinking of communism. Only the Jews had those things taken away, because they abused them.
National Socialist* ftfy. Only crypto kikes and sheep use the Jewish American word (((Nazi))).
Nice pic.
Obviously you have no idea what yugoslav partizans did to civilians after WWII.
On the scale on 1-10 where 10 is 1984, it was a solid 7.
True, can confirm
kek btfo
>no freedom of speech
(((freedom of speech))) is a jewish tool anyways. Look what happened, only communists, jews and degenerates have the right to say shit.
>no right to privacy
like that's any different from today
>no right to bear arms
wrong. Nazi germany was more lax to gun laws. They can use civilian militia from time to time if needed
>surrender your soul to the government
not really. You still have the right to own property anyways. Just dont fuck with them and your alright
>no workers unions
Are you fucking retarded?
nazis are pieces of shit
communists are disgusting pieces of shit
It's a great shame they didn't wipe out the Anglos servant of judea.
And the jews are...
>insert augmentatives
super, thanks for asking.
Glad to hear you are well Moishe.
Funny becouse unlike comunism it has actualy worked, and has created one of most long lasting civilisations in Europe.
>being this retarded
What if the child consents tho?
>look at me i like gomunism i am so retarded :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
KeK. This definition is just retarted.
Does National Socialism have to be identical to Hitler's Nazi Germany?
>meme ideologies duking it out to see which meme ideology is more ridiculous and impractical
*heils hitler*
*destroys europe*
*loses war*
*enables leftists*
Those larping retards think they are people of German workers party from 70 years ago, fucking idiots.
Yes, yes. By all means, complain about kikery and fawn over your own genome.
However, the US is founded on principles of limited government. Keep that shit to yourself or take it to another country, fags. Nazism, communism, fascism, I don't care what you call it, if it entails BIG GUBMINT it's cuckery and deserves ridicule.
Wrong. I just believe in their model, their political philosophy. Though I do revere some of their symbolism (such as the swastika) because it's just the most convenient way to symbolize the ideology. I believe British, or American national socialism would look completely different from German national socialism. You can apply it to pretty much any nation. It's not just a political structure and fashy aesthetics, it's a philosophical outlook on life. That is the foundation.
says Poland
Derp. Though I derp, derp derp derp, derp derpington derp derp, I need the state to be my dad, because I had no strong male role models growing up.
is correct.
Interesting. Okay well this was an enlightening exchange, I'll leave you to it now.
>hyper jew the ideology
This is exactly what the Liberals/leftists want. Nice juxtaposition OP, your still a fag tho
>no freedom of speech
What would you go against for retard?
>no right to privacy
I don't know what're you talking about
>no right to bear arms
How is this matters?
>surrender your soul to the government
Is that bad
>no workers unions
Kill yourself now
>1 post by this ID
Sure, I'm perfectly happy to succeed without the state propping me up.
I sincerely hope you someday believe you can do the same.
Nah you're just trying to compensate for your shortcomings by worshiping an idiotic failed ideology that had good fashion sense. Literally the exact same as blacks worshiping Egyptians. At least the Egyptians actually had an empire that spanned 3000 years. The Nazis got their shit pushed in by commies in less than 4.
Kinda looks like Detroit now that I think of it.
>terrible fashion sense
>Egyptians' empire not worth living in
You're mostly correct, though.
Uncuck thyselves, my sexually deprived brethren.
>no freedom of speech
Yeah commies and liberals dont get to spread their poisonous ideas
>no right to privacy
Unless you are a commie or a liberal you have nothing to fear
>no right to bear arms
Commies and liberals hate guns whats the problem?
>surrender your soul to the government
The fuck is this supposed to mean
>no workers unions
Flase. Workers unions are controlled by the party to make sure the marxist cancer does not infect them
Now suck a dick and get out commie
Fascism and communism have the same basic motivation.
>help, I can't be happy on my own, I need the state to give me handouts and make me feel good about myself.
Pretty pathetic!
You cant live happy by your own you naive fool. There will always be a group of people who will seek to dominate you. Might as well choose the right group you dumb retard.
Goddamn american rightwingers are the most retarded bunch on plant earth. Look at you defending communism online. You do realize that people like you would get shot with no trial under a communist regime right?
Fucking moral retards i swear.
This is not what a cuck is, race mixing is cuckoldry.
">surrender your soul to the government
not a bad thing when government truly represent the will of the people"
>MFW I am a citizen of Nazi Germany and harboring Jews because I disagree with the government.
No other ideology accepts the blatant truth and importance of race, of genetics, of nature and how we are a part of it. Every other modern western political ideology is concerned primarily with economics and they all make economic excuses for demographic replacement, they all disregard the effects these political, societal structures may have on the well-being of humanity as a species, as a part of nature.
Philosophically, I agree that race, genetics and maintaining a natural order is important, I agree that we should build a society that takes genetic hygiene into consideration. NS is the only modern political ideology that seriously takes it into consideration. Every other modern western political ideology wants to brush the fact that we are a part of nature under the carpet and forget about it. I think that's extremely dangerous. I think if we build societies focused entirely on economics, humanity will just evolve in two directions, it will spawn an elite class of ultra-kikes and a slave class of thoughtless mongrel worker drones (we're already seeing the early stages of it) so yes I'd have to say that I agree with a lot of what Adolf Hitler and many others have said, so I call myself a national socialist.
Your strawmen are pathetic.
i would say no. nations are different, so the "national" part of national socialism is the variable
Wow, it's almost like you don't understand National Socialism at all.
>no freedom of speech
It was limited, sure, but why should people have the right to promote decadence and filth?
>no right to privacy
Source? Also, see "More Morality, Less Moralism" .
>no right to bear arms
For Jews and other non-citizens, certainly. Universal rights are a retarded concept.
>surrender your soul to the government
Ebic mene my burgerist friemd :DDD freedom and constitution 1776 :DDDDD
>no workers unions
Wrong, there was a nationalised union to prevent communist subversion. Read Mein Kampf.