Syria General /sg/ - Counter-terrorists Win Edition

Everything you need to know


>Newest Interviews with Assad

>hohol livemap
>Military map
>Syria conflict map

>Fan maps

>Raqqa CS Jun 17
>Mosul Jun 17
>Dara'a Jun 14
>Palmyra Jun 14
>E Ghouta Jun 14
>DeZ Jun 10
>N Syria/Iraq Jun 10
>S Syria/Iraq Jun 10

Developments Jun 18
Russia holds rocket testing drills off Syrian coast, Iran & China hold drills in Strait of Hormuz
>Iranian Revolutionary Guard says it launches missile strikes in eastern Syria over IS-claimed attacks in Tehran.
US-led Coalition shot down a SyAF fighter jet (SU-22) south of Tabqa city
Raqqa: Clashes between SAA and SDF
>SAA controls Iraqi border all the way to DeZ province
>SAA blitzes ISIS in Syrian Desert, reach DeZ prov, cut al-Qaim-Sukhnah Road
>Raqqa: US casualties piling up to 26, extensive use of SOFs
>Unconfirmed: SDF to be sent to Tanf border crossing
>IS claims bombing in Damascus, 7 killed
>Al-Waleed Iraqi/Syrian border crossing secured by PMU
>2 objects intercepted above Hmeimim AB by Russian Air Defence
>Tiger forces liberate 14 villages, advancing east in south Raqqa CS
>US military deploys long-range missiles to combat the SAA in border region
>Tier Forces captures Resafa


Other urls found in this thread:

First for Assad


Go away Mexico, these posts were never "funny"

Feets anyone?

comfy turko-syrian alliance is returning soon lads

Fifth for brave mujahideen fighters of Rojava.

why are the roaches abandoning their lands?

xth for reconquest of Constantinople!

good morning, /sg/. since everything is accelerating, what's likely to happen first, Raqqa or Dez liberation?

Question about /sg/ etiquette. Since this is a tight nit community are trip codes allowed or is it still just for attention whore faggits?

First for aircraft subtraction



Only faggots tripcode in here; you don't want to be like them.

What anime is this?

FINALLY an Imam within Islam with the balls to stand up to Wahabism and Saudi!!!
>Sharia law is outdated and needs to be reformed
>extreme version is fueled by oil money

Liberal Roaches who are afraid of fighting against dictatorship and moslems

Boku no pico.

Yeah I figured but sg has so many I thought it might be the norm.

Yes, as soon as Turkey stops funding terrorist groups in Syria and stops occupying Syrian territory. Now go fuck yourself with a cactus you piece of roach shit!

You Are.

and here's his twitter
yo give this dude props and protection. gonna need it once demons see me shilling the absolute fuck out of him hahah

>xth for reconquering a Kurd infested 11million slam with Hagia Sofia and two large plazzas in the middle of it

Nah, I'd rather have Smyrna


>That feel when explaining that Assad took the land right in front of kurds there is useless because that poster have no idea where that land is.

Russia says it will consider "any flying objects" targets that are in areas its air force operates. This after US downs Syrian jet

@mod_russia suspends deconfliction with US over Syria, says Russian AA will lock on all coalition aircraft west of Euphrates as targets


Now THIS is taqiya.

Nothing will happen..

Us will probably fly a greater SEAD package in vicinity of khememeieneinmimimi airbase as a precaution...



do we all agree?

as based as this rabbi

shia islamists are no better than sunni islamists. they are more demonized because they attacked westerners.

Why didn't the US shoot down that Iranian missile? They would no doubt be able to, bet they panicked when they saw it on the radar.

Namefags are a cancer
T. Reforming former namefag

Tripcoders are spastics in all cases


Ionia is in the plans too! Constantinople is of strategic importance, you either have both sides of marmara sea or don't even bother.

assad needs to learn to play nicely first, when he fucks with k*rds he can have his shitty al-bab village back


They always say this but never do shit desu

Lets say SAA arrives at Raqqa before SDF are done? Will they enter from the South and take as much as they can or just let the SDF take the whole thing?


Some old and newer regulars namefag
Nobody really minds when they contribute

That ship is gone. Like, gone-gone.

magre I found a wife for you, she's also into vaping

>Early US hours
>magapeds finally got to sleep
>they will be hibernating for the next 12 hours and be back at late night to bump the empty thread


Ok so RuMoD announced all other planes than Russian are targets now.
How long to incident?


In one (1) day

>loose dozens of men in daraa everyday
>loose many tanks and bmps against isis
>loose a plane and dozens of men against coalition/ypg

holy shit and ASSadist can still act smug and crafty ?

no messing around with this guy

He's basically saying that Wahabbism has infiltrated all muzzies centers in the West, that muzzies have always been beheading each other and other people, and that Britain should expel all Saudi investors, preachers etc. and also stop giving permits to build new mosques


>loose your revolution to al-Qaeda

Never. This shit always happens, and the ruskies always crawl back to their cucksheds after the initial threats.

>boohoo the US is bullying muh client
Stay mad.

>that feeling when you fly at Mach 1.4 over the Syrian desert and suddenly you realize a Russian SAM has target locked on you.

>Tfw your OC is used just right

Opel is just the local newfag

>target hit by the fourth Iranian missile in Al-Mayaden, a communications center.


That's the first time Iran has fired ballistic missiles outside its borders since the Iran-Iraq war.

Should've been
>west of euphrates
>east of euphrates
>north of euphrates
>south of euphrates

true, it's comfy

There was never a statement like this before, either CJTFOIR will back off, or we'll have global-scale incident soon.

>BTFO the kurds out of Jaddin
>reach the Rusaf juction before them
>About to link Khanasser and Taqba fronts
>Russia will now help against coalition planes west of the euphrates

I will tell you "what always happens"

>Shia terrorists, such as Hezbollah...
Lol, enough of this shit.


this is great. Means SDF shouldn't be "allowed" or able to cross the Euphrates and take all the towns.
Good for SAA

Will Assad be ok, it seems Mattis has not given up his neocon tendencies, but Trump will let him be independent. Do you think he would be pushed towards further intervention w/ boots on the ground? I heard that they are increasing presence :(

Let it happen

dont bother, istanbul people and syrians already infested symirna, it already has as much as half population of the grece, it ll be fubar like istanbul in 5 years

Soviets literally did nothing wrong in Afghanistan

this is setting the stage for one but there is a big difference between saying you are gonna shoot a plane down and actually going through with it

>German energy company Wintershall will not take into consideration Ukraine’s gas transit interests while implementing the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project.

>"As a company, our goal is not to consolidate Ukraine’s budget," Mehren told Der Spiegel.


They wanted to be European so now they know what it's like

Never mind, I just found out it's The Garden of Words. Thanks for nothing

>It is coming from a radio-guidance interception system

I start aggressively radioing a nearby civil plane and laugh my ass off while imagining the chaos in the ruskie command center.

This "always happens"
And it doesnt even count the civilian airliners that knocked out of the sky by accident
Russians give no fucks, they know an airplane doesnt mean war

It's not the bongroach, he doesn't talk like this.

>where did it all gone so right

Death to America
Land that I hate
always fight her to blight her
Through the night with the light from above
From the mountains, to the prairies,
To the oceans, red with blood
Death to America, let's kill that mud

Again, this is an unprecedented statement like never before, it's one incident towards complete escalation.

>Take few towns in front of kurds and lose a jet
>You got bullied
Assad is real upset to have this new towns, dont know how will he recover now that he owns more land than before.

WEST Euphrates not south.

Surprisingly accurate, Iran has really honed their missile craft

spoiler: at the end the girl transfer to another city and he didn't get to penis in vagina

It's the opposite to taqiya.

naah, we r just getting rid of our kurd problem, assad can have his clay back afterwards free of kurds and thank us later

Hopefully Mattis will be distracted by the stack of paperwork to do with the Missler carrier being hit by a cargo ship to really give a shit.

But yes, he has an insane Iran murderboner and loves fighting

I mean, over syria it always happens like that. We even had the ruskies pulling the line when the kurds had that chimpout against the SAA, with SAMs deploying and everything, and still nothing happened.

He won't be around for much longer...

that's the fault of my own clarification abilities... what would shia ideological equivalent be? (genuine question. would like to improve understanding)
but this dude seems to genuinely care about the reformation of the religion
he seems pretty genuine so far. here's his proposed game plan. He says he JUST started getting media attention in Australia within past year. So hasn't been targeted intensely by demons yet.
>link to theoretical gameplan

Most likely due to a lot of cooperation between the two

Nice try. I thought /sg/ was a quality general.

I think its a good time to start WW3.

Lets do it.

>assad can have his clay back afterwards



Manlet of moscow will need help of the roach emperor to deal with k*rds

Euphrates really does go from North to south. Even if it moves east alot anything on the side which Damascus lies on could be considered "West of the Euphrates

yeah it's setting the stage for an incident, things can still be walked back at this stage but once a plane is shot down we are in a world of shit

im not saying this is a good development

Let's hope Rex Tillerson will be the good cop on this one and get the mad dog under control.