Sweeden Yes!
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Good Swedes
The end result is not bad. I approve.
wont it all just balance out?
I mean if everyone swaps gender aren't we back to where we started?
>See post
>See flag
Except the will reproduce less and be replaced by muslims.
>still believing RT disinfo sources
I shiggy diggy
pedos just want some little boys to diddle, this is how you groom them for it I spose. Vanity and narcissism run amok with a nice heap of self-righteousness
just when I think sweden can get any worse it does
Fuck we need a cleansing so bad............
So you're saying pic related ISN'T a meme?
oh shiet they are starting to wake up and ask questions , when investigation finds a link either through vaccines or water and ((whos)) behind it could cause a real holocause
>I want to be boy so muslims stop trying to rape me
>Muslim still rape me
Beware of Evil Russian Propaganda go... user!
I only profit out of this
what a load of shit the only side that is doubling is the male to female side
have these existed long enough for them to even have that data?
This is somehow a bad thing?
>inb4 christcuck on stick or mudslim believers.
The norwegian health service for transsexuals collapsed after years with lack of freedom, so everyone is moving to Sweden which becomes the only viable option and which has a far superior service and infrastructure.
Surely this is because more of them are now comfortable coming out, not because propaganda has made it fashionable to do so. We'd be getting a lot of granny suicides in a couple years, if I thought Sweden was going to make it that far in the first place.
why giving a fuck tho? I mean we need to focus on politics, not on people with sexual disorientation, just let them be who fucking cares.
Well not really, if you swap genders you can't breed, so eventually the population will die off.
Tranny suicides, not granny suicides. Teaches me for phone posting.
But only the boys (for the most part) that want to become girls, right?
I in no way believe many girls want to be boys.
I think they just make up data.
What are the numbers?
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, etc etc
What a fucking disappointment of a country, truly a shame.
You're not thinking 4th dimensionally
there actually are man, i've met girls like that in real life, still didn't understand their point tho
why tho? Cant the "women" just impregnate the "men"?
Why would you want to be a rapist out of your freewill?
Because it fucks them up for life. They can't breed and they will never feel right. Just make them grow up a bit like we have been for the past 10 million years.
Lack of reform*
The good old.
"Let's talk about our kids doing something even if they are not so they start actually doing it"
>implying it isn't equally bad or worse in the U.S
Mostly boys wanting to become girls. All part of the Jewish plan to exterminate the Swedish race.
The term "opposite sex" is problematic. It implies that there are only two genders. Gender identity is a spectrum.
>you have to be a christcuck or muslim to not want men to cut their dicks off and become trannies
I don't get it.
Why would you actually wanna become a bitch?
Sup Forums btfo!
Bad comrade! You're not supposed to think like that!
fucking wat?
Statistically the overwhelming majority of transsexuals are male-to-female. I've met a couple of female-to-males but there are very few of them.
in sweden men will become women
and women will become men
jews will be jews and will rule this monstrous horde
>Number of mentally unhinged liberal parents turning their children into progressive fashion statements doubling each year in Sweden, say doctors
Switching genders requires you to either have your balls or uterus removed to create pseudo-dicks and pussies.
Unless you're saying none of them actually get the surgery, and in that case it could also be a problem because if you go through puberty blockers and then get hormone injections of the opposing gender you will either have very low fertility rates or have genitals that never properly activate.
because people's not the only thing in this world that has no objective meaning
Found the stormfront fag
Why contain it?
>listening to children
stupidity at it's finest
if both girls and boys will be girls then jews will fuck everybody
woman is submissive and will not oppose jewish circumcised penis
jew will dominate all of them! perfect slaves, that cant riot.
Go BASED Sweden
I know bro,
but as this guy said ->
And yet you constantly hear people argue that filling kids' minds with gendergarbage won't turn them into snowflakes, that you have to be born a snowflake.
What these retards don't understand is that children's minds are nearly 100% malleable and that if you constantly fill them with these two notions:
A) Girls are great! Girls are smart! Boys are brutes and stupid!
B) You can be any gender you want.
Then you're inevitably going to raise a generation of trannies that will commit suicide in their foruties.
>have to be a stormfront fag because you don't agree with men cutting their dicks off
Come on dude.
Do you have more of these?. I see some potential for a roll pic.
You can never guess what will happen next
>Gay Muslim orgy in Malmo??
>Liberal Muslim with transgender nude art as school subject?
Come up with your worst, they'll come up with something even more disgusting.
>Don't laugh at hairy masculine men in skirts or else your child won't want to be a hairy masculine man in a skirt!
Pump them full of xenoestrogens and watch their nations crumble. Then they will be ready to accept out one world government.
LOL they might end up having a lower population than Japan if these kept going.
Good EU puppet.
>being this retarded
Looks like gender is a social construct.
Kek, maybe you should move the fuck out and join a country that isn't full of complete faggots
Just a heads up, we are full and Swedish people are banned for security reasons
Seems like a simple case of kids thinking the grass is greener on the other side.
>Number of children wanting to become opposite sex doubling each year in Sweden
>*deep breath*
>*sips tea*
Ye, but last time I checked trying to run anything in analog instead of binary fucking sucked.
Ya, there's definitely nothing in the food, water or medicine doing this or anything. Totally normal, nothing to see here.
I think this is nature putting the one of the final nails in the coffin for swedes. Just like adding gays into the populace, more and more children becoming opposite sex is just another way to get them to stop reproducing.
Leaf you don't deserve you use that flag
How many are migrants?
>projecting this hard
Just wait until people keep swapping gender, depending on mood and delight.
you can't actually change gender you sad freak. you can only mutilate and render yourself infertile before dying when you hit 30 and the artificial hormones you've been taking take a toll on your appearance
you're just jelly you never could play with your own boobies and penis. At the same time!
my boot and belt buckle will cure their urges
Why does this give me an erection?
fucking hell sweden. i dont even have any words
I'm moving to Australia next year hopefully ;^)
That shit is all over normiebook.
Why not?
Swedes, put on your Darth Vader costume and do something.
Nah, im just kidding senpai, this is one of the best, if its long term can i assume you're a skilled visa?
if ur aight. ;^)
Lol Sweden.
Fucking faggots, your women deserve the rapes.
You can on condition I get to fuck your wife and your daughters.
Fuck rite off did moot's replacement change the word f _a _m to senpai senpai?
Promotion opportunity down under opened up in my company, I'm in accounting
I have none, giv complementary Aus gf pls
Good just reading articles from sweden and the kind of gender bullshit do, they deserve to be wiped out either from "refugees" or suicide by liberalism
At least they are not gay,god i hate those faggots
Who is dis bitch?
Since its not Uni you won't be getting mad boi pussy for being a rare foreigner.
What state?
Brisbane, so Queensland
It's beautiful and soul warming
BrisVegas, where old people die in the sun and casino lounge areas. good luck.
Thanks ;~)
It's okay Sven.
They won't be able to reproduce.
Meanwhile you can import an Ukrainian wif- Wait actually scratch that.
Even Ukrainians don't want to enter your country any more and they are in the middle of an actual war.