BREXIT - Brits are scum edition

Friendly reminder they are responsible for all of modern Europe's current problems, most notably there would be no lefty liberals around without them. Brits fucked up during WW2 and backed the commies. The only instinct Brits have is to devour everything which is good and noble in this world, destroying all white Christian societies through their "muhhhh Commonwealth!" mantra.

If you see a Brit, if you speak to a Brit, tell them they are the root of all evil. It is the only way to hurt them.

Stay mad Merkel

>Friendly reminder they are responsible for all of modern Europe's current problems
The pot calling the kettle black

You are the root of all evil! Go to your local mosque and pray for forgiveness!


>calling others Muslim
That's some strong stuff you're huffing.

The last White man that went to a mosque made some people angry.

Shouldn't you have your mandatory EU flag on?

>The last White man that went to a mosque made some people angry.
You go to your mosque every day, so don't speak shit.

You again OP
hiding behind that german flag

>Friendly reminder they are responsible for all of modern Europe's current problems
But that is you, hans

Careful, Ivan. Your Slavic brothers could say the same about you.

The slavic brothers would be sucking german cock for a living if it weren't for us
Oh, w8, you are sucking it anyway. Nevermind

actually the brits and the germans havent been getting along for years now. the new blood fued is about money. typical

the brits refused the single currency for the EU. the IMF aka the bank of london cut in line in the greek payment of debt situation. germany paid for the first bailout but the IMF gets paid first

this has boiled over and all EU talks have had some jabs here and there. when ever germany has demanded the IMF pay instead of the ECB its just to spite the brits. when the brits say the ECB should handle the payments its to spite germany

oh did i forget to mention the ECB has its headquarters in germany for years now

So we spent 40 years sucking your cock instead, coupled with retarded five year plans that hammered our economy into the dirt.
How generous of you.

Eu is moribund.

Well, enjoy your muslim cock now, I'm sure it tastes better than 5 years plan

>Muslim population in Russia
>Muslim population in the Czech Republic
wew lad

Why is it quite literally always Germans bitching about Brexit?

Fucking Russian rapebaby autists

Germany's reich once again pit down by the superior anglos

Stay assblasted Kraut

What's wrong, Hans? Worried the fourth Reich is going to collapse?

Eu is moribund.

I've already been in the van, but they arrested me.