Scummy Antifa tranny attacking peaceful black citizen. OFC, gets beaten down, becuase Antifa are pussies that don't like one on one fights
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Next time Antifa starts chanting about racism, show them this
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that little goblin in the end
>get the fuck off HER
Antifa is a fucking joke they have so many trannies and degenerates in their ranks it's laughable
the man with the fucking flag I want to strangle him so fucking back jesus christ
Kid literally reeeeeee'd
"is that the best you got?"
Honestly, when the pro-trump marchers clash with Antifa protests they should get physical right off the bat. They won't expect it and we all know they can't fight back. They get shut down faster.
How does one smash through the bottom of the barrel with this much force? It's truly incredible.
this is a very important video
That first punch the black guy throws, goddamn.
>white throws punch
>cops ignore
>black defends self
>immediate sirens
There's days I think it's all in their heads, and then I remember all the shit I got up to in my youth and remember it's about 80% all true.
Their leaders are all fucking a white males. I'm serious.
Looks like propaganda
In fact this is propaganda
Don't fall for this Sup Forums ignore the video and move onto something more important
I fucking hate transgenders
Those weren't the police it was Antifas shitty radio shack megaphones you push a button and a siren goes off. They use them as distractions or to drown out speakers. They even use the sound to co-ordinate an attack watch it everyone starts swinging when the siren goes off even the 14 year old with the flag stops blocking the camera to hit the black dude in the head with the flagpole a few times.
Lmao this whole situation is awkward as fuck.
At the risk of sounding like a BASED poster I really am glad that subhuman got trashed, shame the cops didn't do anything when the nigger got punched.
Everytime I see a based black guy or any other minority fighting degenerates, I side with the degenerate Slayer.
Perhaps I'm not racist after all, but instead just an extreme hater of leftist idealogues.
What's up with that gay little siren at the end? From a blow horn?
Stop it with the "the left are the real racists". It doesnt work and will never work. Racism is an inherently anti-white concept.
>that little manlet with the flag
Racism isn't real, niggers are a beast of the field not a human
Good that's the way to think all you need now is an Asian girlfriend and some half-breed children
>fake siren
>bad acting (especially from background actors)
>no context on why they were arguing
>no context on anything, no news, no events, nothing.
>poor camera footage, can barely see them fight
Anarchism with multiple heads... seems legit, I don't know if they're that stupid that the don't know that anarchism doesn't go with anarchism.
yeah, (((leftist idealogues))) sure are a pesky bunch, aren't they.
>give HER some air
A longer vid.
Tranny faggot deserved a full stomping
These people are beyond sick in the head. They actually scare me.
What shall we name him pol? Jack the quack? Tranny Jack?
That was a twink bottom bitch
what rings u got bitch???!
what political group was the blackman representing?
also, did someone pull a rape grenade at the end lol?
What is stopping someone from dressing up like Antifa, approaching one of their safe spaces, and either going on a stabbing or shooting spree?
It seems like a tactic someone could easily execute and retreat from without being caught - you are dressed like Antifa and were simply running away from the crazy person.
>antifa are the real racists
based black man shadilay
Praise kek xD
They're so scared to hit the black guy lol.
That nigger were more civilized than that filthy tranny
>White person (with blonde hair) stands up to black person
>Punches him
And Sup Forums hates this guy? Thought you'd all be calling him based because of him exerting his Aryan dominance over the subhuman chimp, or whatever you'd call it.
Or is it that you only pretend to be racist to look edgy and contrarian?
White man? That was a fucking degenerate person.
*squeak* based
Fuck off kike. I'm still not washing away thousands of years of my pure bloodline by mixing with some rice burner.
Antifa are race traitors.
It's that you are building strawmen. Race-traitors of any color ought to get the strap. Meanwhile you need to lurk more.
What the fuck.
I'm sure their handlers would love that. Painting pro-Trumpers as the violent instigators will play very well for the group and you know the media is itching for such a story.
>Punch black person
>Race traitor
>get the fuck off her
oh jesus fuck
Punching a nigger as an Antifa doesn't turn you an Aryan Ubermensch.
I feel this way, too. I still strongly believe that white people are worth saving, but I don't hate anyone that hates these disgusting commies.
How many children do you have?
Here's a video of the 14 year old Antifa kid with the flag without his mask on.
It took two of them to knock over a trash can
that's a dark skinned white male.
Nig may be a useful minion on the Day of the Rope. He'll still get his though.
The blond haired one with the antifa flag over the shoulders is the one who maced the preacher later on.
The security guys need to do a better job of dealing with mace when they see the mace being sprayed they should be tackling the kid or hitting the mace out of his hand with a stick. Instead they just stand around and let him spray it for 5 seconds then cry to the police who see it's a kid and just tell him to knock it off.