What the hell is up with this trend of "sexual liberation"?

What the hell is up with this trend of "sexual liberation"?
I don't understand why they call it liberation either,
I don't see how stripping the act of sex of any meaning other than its hedonistic purpose would have any positive effect on society.

Redpill me on this subject, and try not to fall too much into muh conspiracy theories.

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They're literally just retarded whores jist make them cry shit is easy

Because women are no longer forced to live their lives only to serve the whims of their husbands and little brats.

Stop falling for the morality meme. Morality = slavery

Daddy issues

My girlfriend yesterday asked me to fuck her.

So I'm not sure if "No one is EVER asking for it !"

I should ask her again.

Women are designed to crave strong men who protect them

Men nowadays ignore women and are physically frail

So women are sabotaging their tribe to attract "strong" men in the form of immigrants or local jigaboos

They pray those men will kill weak men (i.e.: you) and protect them

It's just women seeking attention. Women want attention more than they want sex.This whole slut walk thing is just an excuse to parade half naked in the streets because they know it attracts men's attention.

Women crave rape. They all have rape and impregnation fetishes. Women literally only orgasm while being beaten and raped.

Someone gets it.

As women have less and less to complain about given that almost everyone of their """"demands"""" have been conceded, they seek out more things to feel oppressed over.

Haji goatfuckers and niggers are weak as shit you're dumb as rocks

You just have a small dick LMAO

I mean what is the purpose of these demonstrations? To remove shame when getting fucked by random guys?

>all of this grandstanding
>they will still have their lives ruined and want to die when they dress like whores and are raped by nigs

Your doing it wrong m8!

Sorry I should have pointed out pic was not completely related,
I wasn't specifically referring to rapes and that whole controversy,
it was more about the purpose of sex in society.

I absolutely disagree with that,
and I think that living your life guided by basic impulses is more akin to slavery.

I think that's an over generalization, but not too far from being right.

>Women want attention more than they want sex
I agree with that, I only have anectodal evidence though.

women are literally nigger gender
dress a whore get treated a whore

>I don't see how stripping the act of sex of any meaning other than its hedonistic purpose would have any positive effect on society.

you answered your own question my man, there is no positive effect from sexual liberation other than selfish hedonism, as such it's not surprising that virtually all leaders and pioneers of modern feminism are jewish

literally just jews being jews and subverting society, plus a lot of what others ITT are saying: daddy issues, attention seeking, shit testing, general female retardation etc.


Spoiled bitches acting like children because nobody has ever told them "no" before.

If I dress like a cop, people will assume I'm a cop, if i dress like a priest, people will assume I'm a priest, if a woman dresses like a whore, it's fair to assume she probably is one.


long story short, they are upset men judge the fuck outta them for taking loads of cock. They use the line "Well men are praised if they can get laid a bunch" Ignoring the fact men actually need to work to get laid.
Problem now is that these women are operating under the guise that they are doing the whole "Muh women empowerment." But in reality they are making themselves less and less attractive because no self respecting man wants a chick thats proud of the dicks she has taken. They will end up alone, and miserable

Children were more likely to be insecure, hostile and aggressive if they did not have a loving father present, researchers claim.

A study found that rejection by either parent has a profound effect on the development of children which lasts into adulthood. And a father's love is just as important to a child's personality as a mother's – and sometimes more so.

The researchers said that children tend to respond in a similar way when they believe they have been rejected by their parents – with negative personality traits following them into adulthood. These can include aggression, anxiety, insecurity and hostility.

Prof Ronald Rohner, of the University of Connecticut, said that research had focused on mothers, but fathers were equally important.

"The great emphasis on mothers and mothering has led to an inappropriate tendency to blame mothers for children's behaviour problems and maladjustment when, in fact, fathers are often more implicated than mothers in the development of problems such as these," he said

Researchers looked at 36 studies involving 10,000 participants. The studies were based on surveys of children and adults about their parents' degree of acceptance or rejection in childhood.

The results, published in Personality and Social Psychology Review, suggest children and adults experience the same level of acceptance or rejection from each parent, but the influence of one parent's rejection, mostly a father, can be greater.

Researchers believe this could be because children are more likely to pay more attention to the parent they feel has higher prestige. If a child perceives their father to have more prestige, he will be more influential.


>These can include aggression, anxiety, insecurity and hostility.

This shit is textbook.

I know a few women like this. I'm 32 and the biggest who're I knew, taken literally hundreds of cocks, got FAT and mad depressed and BAM one of my best friends wifed her because she will take care of his illegitimate kid, I was lime Sammy boy, you're going to regret that, he got pissed

Work hard, hug your children, stay sober and tell them you love them because if you don't they'll be angry degenerates.

>"and I think that living your life guided by basic impulses is more akin to slavery."
Based neoplatonician bro, ayyyy.

Pretty simple.
Sluts have slutted, why doesn't matter. Now either they're disgusting and no self-respecting man will be caught dead with them, or they need to normalise being a slut.
They're trying to normalise being a slut.

It's the single mother appreciation walk.

Fuckin lol

you can wife a whore, but she is still a whore.

If they wanna dress like sluts I don't see why not let them. It's hawt anyways. As for that whole 'asking for it' thing, isn't that just about as much of a myth as freakin rape culture?

(I mean they ARE asking for it, but that doesn't really mean anything since we'd hit on them anyways)

Bring back whore shaming in full force. Be the father figure they never had

>wifing a whore

You don't pay them to stay you pay them to go away

Just for the attention.

tl;dr protip on women: don't listen to what comes out of their mouths. It's usually the opposite or not related to what they actually want

I don't see how this adresses any of my points.

>why don't we just kill niggers? we don't like them anyway

Want to make European women into prostitutes so when they flood the continent the new comers libidinal urges will be met and will reduce the likelihood of opposing the NWO/regime. "Taking the edge off", but they have to know that they have to pay.