>BREAKING: Russia says it will treat US-led coalition planes in Syria, west of the Euphrates, as targets after US downed Syrian jet.
>BREAKING: Russia says it will treat US-led coalition planes in Syria, west of the Euphrates, as targets after US downed Syrian jet.
uh oh
CFR is getting confused
If Russia goes full madman and actually does it, who wins? Can America match Russia's force projection when they're so much further away?
not happening you retard
This was a calculated move.
The public is going to question the Russia narrative the more the media reports on this incident.
S-400's about to be tested?
Time for this song again
The US is ILLEGALLY in Syria. It has no mandate.
It has struck the SAA multiple times and directly colluded with Islamic State advances and direct funded the FSA.
It is the aggressor nation and is fair game in Syria.
Didn't Syria invite Russia to aid them?
Who invited the USA?
>im retarded, the post
nah, like trump said, they're not winning anymore and they're not as relevant in the world as they used to be.
What exactly is wrong with what he said?
The US can literally win against every country combined in a land war if we really try, but if things get serious and nukes get used everyone will just die.
Russia is a 3rd world nation, the only reason they haven't been inavded is because the scientists who created nuclear weapons leaked them to Russia.
The only ace Russia has is those nuclear weapons and the US has a system in place to destroy any rockets they would fire anyway.
They are fucking nothing compared the mass might of the United states alone.
The US spends 600 billion a year, russia spends 6.
The US rules the world, they can do whatever the fuck they want.
Happy now, retards?
>habbening has been over for almost a day
He on mountain time
>If Russia goes full madman and actually does it, who wins? Can America match Russia's force projection when they're so much further away?
Our missile systems can not stop all of theirs. America would still be there, but we'd be crippled. Russia wouldn't exist afterwords.
The world made a big mistake not nuking america before they had those in place desu
kill yourself
He's entirely correct. The only possible comeback is that being the global superpower, America can basically do what it likes.
If anyone, ISIS.
good, they are not us military at all
>The US can literally win against every country combined in a land war if we really try
This is what they teach in burger schools.
Why should the US let the faggots at the UN dictate to them?
Good. JEWSA has served the kike agenda long enough. BASED ASSAD, BASED PUTIN, FUCK DRUMPF
> Vietnam and Iraq were one off guys we are the strongest army in the world
They can, but if they were to straight come out and make "Fuck you. 'MURIKA!" official foreign policy then they would lose all good will with everyone.
lmao we actually can. i've seen the european militaries in action they're a fucking joke
Putin is a cuck now
no no no no no
gj burgers
>Why should the US let the faggots at the UN dictate to them?
>unarchived clickbaiters
I dont know about raw numbers on units, but america does spend more on military than whole world combined. Though youd need some 300 iq generals to actually lead such a war, dont think a man is capable.
That was because conventional forces are really bad at fighting insurgencies. The US military is VERY good at fighting a conventional war. In fact one with Russia is *exactly* the war they are trained and equiped to fight.
Yo kid you would awaken the sleeping giant, there is a reason you are just a colony playing the big boy games. Because your daddy Europe let's you. Never forget.
>If Russia goes full madman and actually does it, who wins? Can America match Russia's force projection when they're so much further away?
Thats not the game that is worth playing.
The reasonable response would be to cuck off and pretend that something important is happening in Best Korea.
Because if we start sinking each other's ships then what?
Go to big war over Siria?
Siria just isn't worth that much.
i thought trump wasn't a globalist war mongering shill?
it's almost like if you don't remove juden it doesnt matter who you elect
I hope Russia puts the USA in its place. They have helped isis before by attacking the SAA airfield and now they are doing it again. If Russia gets the chance it should shoot down any hostile jet
>no mandate to be in syria
Could it be that they have all kinds of leverage on him so that he executes their agenda in the ME?
>Anti-white scum in the west
>Corrupt oligarchs in russia
Who the fuck am I supposed to side with m8s?
I'm sure you have just authority on the matter
>i thought trump wasn't a globalist war mongering shill?
I thought Putin wasnt an expansionist?
set up a fake conflict and let trump mediate it
putin is a true puppet master
please god, let mattis unleash hell on russia
b-b-but we weren't supposed to go to war! That's what Hillary wanted! Top kek, peace was never an option.
Geopolitics transcends that kind of shit m8. Realpolitik. Support the one that is most likely to forward your staregic objectives.
What is their motivation apart from destabilizing the region more to secure oil supplies thus causing more refugees to flood into western countries?
Funny. At least Russia is working within guidelines of UN. Which US breaks.
Kekistani watchmen obviously
A green banner with a frog saying GET OUR REEEEEE shooting at both sides.
this may be entertaining
except that whole oil pipeline thing, yeah pretty worthless
Everyone who isn't American thinks Russia will win. Americans think they will win.
nice expecting now for first baked us pilots
It's funny to see how burgers often step in to defend such actions: instead of thinking critically, these people just blindly follow.
You are no better than SJW or libshits who voted for Hillary because Drumpf was Hitler.
The same fuckin' shit.
Inb4: 8898D chess
Russia put the US in its place?
"3rd world" *snicker....taxpayer education. Fuck off faggot.
Theres a point at which the investement isnt worth tge benefit.
All wars are fought for profits.
The pipe might be worth a plane or two, not the big war.
Wouldn't it be nice if whites spent half of the effort of infighting on fighting actual enemies of humanity, like dindus and sand people? Yes, that would be nice indeed.
Does Asshead want all his planes destroyed?
More so because they will not work.
Did you think American education was just a meme? Americans on average are absolute morons.
This is none the less something that will weaken the US-RUS relationship. Something liberals, democrats, HILLARY CLINTON wanted in campaign and still want. Are you on their side in this? Why shouldn't the relationship between the two of you be good? You know before USSR you were friends with Ruskies, y?
just stop fighting pls. This is uncomfy
I wouldnt be so proud of corea, vietnam and first IRAQ campaigns though.
Trump needs to enforce a no-fly zone in Syria RIGHT NOW!
Well, here we go boys.
It's on.
The 2nd Cold War has begun.
White is forced to fight against white once again.
I expect this fight to be done mainly via each country trying to destroy the other economically, which will mean non-combatant countries will be forced to align w/ one party or the other.
At least we have use for all those Refugees we're letting in: Front line shitskins, Front line..
>Russia and America wipe themselves and most of the middle east out
>The Anglo reigns supreme
>I'm a Jew...the reply.
>they can do whatever the fuck they wan
Like winning in Vietnam?
But can we really be sure that Russia will be fighting a conventional war?
going back to 2014 is very depressing
Out of the loop, did america violate the NAP AGAIN?
>You are no better than SJW or libshits
Oh come on. That's so god damn retarded. There is practically nothing that can reach the levels of SJW:s in retardation, naiivety, recklessness and ungratefulness.
You have to realise that "winning" in vietnam is vastly different to what winning a full on war would be. One is specific goals one is pure destruction.
If america were to really want to turn vietnam into ash it would be ash tomorrow.
>You know before USSR you were friends with Ruskies, y?
>As a nation, we began by declaring that 'all men are created equal.' We now practically read it 'all men are created equal, except negroes.' When the Know-Nothings get control, it will read 'all men are created equal, except negroes, and foreigners, and Catholics.' When it comes to this I should prefer emigrating to some country where they make no pretense of loving liberty – to Russia, for instance, where despotism can be taken pure, and without the base alloy of hypocrisy. - Abraham Lincoln
We've hated the Russians since the 1860's homeboy.
>Trump backflips on wall
>Trump makes illegal amnesty permanent
>Trump backflips on Syrian intervention
>now war with Russia is possible
b-but 4D chess MAGApedes!
Straight from Putin's mouth in the Oliver Stone interviews
>Russia spends 60 billion on defense/military
>USA spends over 10 times that, 600+ billion
>ABM program has already altered the balance of MAD
Russia would get BTFO and they know it.
it will b k desu
We actually .. like.. fighting.....
We just know it's not good for everyone and more cool shit gets made if we get along.
>The US military is VERY good at fighting a conventional war
How do you know that?
The US did nothing but attack third world shitholes since more than 70 years
I hope Russia really sticks to their words. Trump and his cuck supporters really need to be put in their place. They are the reason the world is coming to an end.
>it's another world world started through proxy events episode
Post yfw America goes to war with people who aren't farmers armed with 50 year old rifles and gets absolutely destroyed
Depose anti-Israel Assad; Balkanize the region to neuter it; clear more land for future Israeli expansion.
>that fine day when Brits rules the seas again
not a jew
just a man who knows mattis is awesome and I want to see him lead a campaign
Remember when the drufmplets was imagine a Putin Dromp alliance?
Everyone will be destroyed if things go too far. This is not a good thing.
>The US can literally win against every country combined in a land war if we really try
>w-we just didn't TRY against those riceniggers with sticks