Is Christianity a lie? Why did Jesus question God on the cross (and it's even weirder that he IS the God)?
Is Christianity a lie? Why did Jesus question God on the cross (and it's even weirder that he IS the God)?
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He was always questioning. That's what pissed off the Jews so much.
But go through the story of the Passion to see just how much trouble he had going through with what he knew was going to happen. It's a really interesting story. He was a human, after all, and obviously very empathic.
The simple answer is He was quoting Psalm 22.
Ever heard of Psalm 22 which ends in God's victory?
>Why did Jesus question God on the cross
The Gospels are not eye-witness accounts. They are propagandistic fan-fictions. They were written by individuals many decades later and edited by more people, with multiple religious and political agendas, for decades after that. The names we know them by-- Matthew, Mark, Luke and John-- were not even attached to them until almost 200AD.
Virtually nothing in them can be trusted as factual.
Go away muzzie shitskin
The complex answer is that it was necessary that the Son be separated from the Father for the crucifixion to be a complete and valid sacrifice. Furthermore, Christ needed to understand separation from God in a literal sense to be able to fairly judge us, considering we have all experienced that as well. If you don't understand that yet just focus on the Psalm 22 answer.
We do know John of Patmos was the author of Revelations and that he was a zealous Jewish Christian who believed that only Jewish Christians (or were even capable of understanding Christ's message) and that gentiles would just burn in hell for eternity.
It's understandable why Revelations is non-canon.
Is that the reason why so many of them, written in completely different locations of this world, ended up with the same events recorded in the same fashion?
What the fuck would that mean, I wonder.
Shortly after one o'clock, amidst the increasing darkness of the fierce sandstorm, Jesus began to fail in human consciousness. His last words of mercy, forgiveness, and admonition had been spoken. His last wish—concerning the care of his mother—had been expressed. During this hour of approaching death the human mind of Jesus resorted to the repetition of many passages in the Hebrew scriptures, particularly the Psalms. The last conscious thought of the human Jesus was concerned with the repetition in his mind of a portion of the Book of Psalms now known as the twentieth, twenty-first, and twenty-second Psalms. While his lips would often move, he was too weak to utter the words as these passages, which he so well knew by heart, would pass through his mind. Only a few times did those standing by catch some utterance, such as, "I know the Lord will save his anointed," "Your hand shall find out all my enemies," and "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Jesus did not for one moment entertain the slightest doubt that he had lived in accordance with the Father's will; and he never doubted that he was now laying down his life in the flesh in accordance with his Father's will. He did not feel that the Father had forsaken him; he was merely reciting in his vanishing consciousness many Scriptures, among them this twenty-second Psalm, which begins with "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" And this happened to be one of the three passages which were spoken with sufficient clearness to be heard by those standing by.
Sounds like Jewish tricks to me. How do you know that? Does it say that in the Talmud?
Guys serious question
Obviously religion really is an off topic thread that the mods allow. What other board could religious topics find a home, /his/ or /lit/?
God isn't one person dumbass, it's 3 persons, Father Son and Holy Ghost. The Son is not the Father.
They're pretty well-established Sup Forums content. When /his/ was created they tried to force them there, but it's just an entirely different userbase. So it's customary to allow them to exist as long as they don't spam up the board and cause bad trolling etc.
desu we need a Religion & Spirituality board.
Add "philosophy" to the equation and it could actually work
it was a reference to Evangelion
All these threads have taught me is that indeed, all non-Christians must die.
>We do know John of Patmos was the author of Revelations and that he was a zealous Jewish Christian
Revelation is a Jewish apocalypse (or a couple of them sewn together), later adopted and edited by Gentile Christians. There was no "John of Patmos". It was originally ascribed to John which became the fictional "John of Patmos" when someone deemed that it was untenable for the Gospel author to have written it.
In Revelation, Rome and the Roman Empire is the enemy. The book is a Messianic Jewish jerk-off fantasy about the destruction of the occupying Roman goyim. Christ was added to it later by Christcucks.
Revelation is like a Muslim anti-Western screed that predicts the death of the Great Satan, but which is embraced by Westerners who claim it was actually written for them and is anti-Muslim and shows events coming in the future.
Maybe we will see a similar phenomenon in Europe and Islam in the future.
Christianity is the Christian Zionism of ancient Rome.
The first Gospel, Mark, serves as the base for the Gospel story. Decades later it is expanded upon by Matthew and Luke. They wrote their Gospels with copies of it in front of them and added and edited when it suited them. John does the same with all three, but adds much more since it is the last to be written at about 130AD and Gentile Christianity is more advanced in its theology.
>Checkmate christcucks
t. Satan
>not a member of /religiously intolerant/
God is not against inquisitive behavior.
True. God is, ultimately, an ensemble of divine essences in Christian dogmas, divine essence created through virtues, and one of the cirtues each of them have is Wisdom.
And Wisdom comes, as we all know, from questionning whatever is, whatever was, and what may be, and finding answers or pieces of answers along the way.
How could a wise God not allow us to question what He Himself has put in motion?
He was quoting Psalm 22
>Pic related
How to become a christian?
Read the scriptures and go to church.
Satan does not exist. Satan is also a weak Jewish version of Zoroastrian evil deity Angra Mainyu.
The author of Matthew claimed that this is what he said. The author of Matthew was improving upon Mark, and he (whoever he was, probably a Hellenized Jew in Alexandria about 80AD) wrote his Gospel intentionally to reference Jewish scriptures, to prove that Jesus was the awaited Jewish Messiah.
I think first of all study it. It's a matter of considerable debate, but see what you think of the doctrine and teachings and see what you think. I would recommend finding a church and asking about whatever process they have to get you formally baptized and so forth because they'll want to tell you what they think you should know before you decide whether or not to go through with it. Or just attend the church and see what you think of it without asking.
But that's just going through formal rituals. At some point you have to ask yourself if you really believe it. Ask God to help you with that and see what happens. It didn't really work for me until later in life when I promised to not kill myself if I somehow got out of what seemed like an impossible situation. So I'm a fake it 'till you make it guy. I guess other people have an easier time.
>Is Christianity a lie?
No. It is not "a" lie. It is lies piled on top of lies on top of more lies. It's a multi-faceted, multilayered lie that piles lies on lies on lies.
Yeshu ben Miriam is conceived from supreme Extra Terrestrial entity's DNA and those who believe in him will be redeemed to the next dimension of superior extra terrestrial beings
Delve into PERSONAL study and don't listen to what kooky weirdos tell you to believe.
Figure it out for yourself. It's your path.
I'm sure plenty of people can recommend books for you as well
Anyone preaching morality who is not actively involved in stopping circumcision as their primary cause is a con artist.
This. Circumcision is literally the mark of the Jew. Fuck circumcision.
No, Yashua is the red pill......there are many mysteries involved with Yahweh.......
One of the neat parts of Sup Forums is that it's turned the issue from mainly trolling as is often was on Sup Forums 10 years ago into a serious discussion, even if it goes further into Sup Forums territory than a normie might feel comfortable with.
I'm glad to see the trends on decline. I remember one thread a guy from Israel was genuinely curious why on earth so many Americans were circumcised despite there being so few Jews here by percentage. The incoming generations are definitely rethinking things.