Don't modern men sort of have a duty to women?
MGTOW Men Ignore Their Duty
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Because it's fun watching them choke on it.
A duty to breed with them. I get avoiding sluts, but becoming a shut in loser doesn't help you. On top of that, I've never seen a MGTOW that was actually attractive.
>I've never seen a MGTOW that was actually attractive
Cristiano Ronaldo?
10/10 would breed her
She's dead...
There's a bunch of women turning 18 every year. Men have a duty to women, doesn't mean they have to even think about the expired ones.
Only woman I owe anything is my mother and I take good care of her.
Inb4 comedic geniuses saying they do as well.
Even better
Dumb cunt was probably super conceited and picky and thought she would get anything she wanted because she has a pussy.
The reason she had no kids or a marriage is because she's fucked up in the head.
i have a duty to take care of my family,my parents, aand not on some overused trash that can't guy
hell yeah
Good list.
I'm pretty sexy friendo
She looks like waifu material. Must be a feminist. Good riddance.
>wen pppl told u your a human bean but one twitr post maeks u realize ur a dog
>Don't modern men sort of have a duty to women?
stupid meme perpetuated by virgins.
pussylips don't change from getting dicked. there are total whores with tight ones (watch porn for fuck's sake), and 18 year old virgins with floppy ones.
Dropping red pills.
Its sad Sup Forums now advocates living like niggers.
"Have kids, have LOADS OF KIDS that you cant afford and the economy doesn't need! Like Varg!"
"Do it so you can out breed the Niggers! do it to out breed the Chinese and Indians!"
Know that foresight made whites so great. Fuck that "breed yourself into poverty" B.S. like every other Third world community.
Fuck that, life extending treatment is coming, artificial wombs are real just not available to the public. Stop advocating people act like niggers and breed themselves into poverty. Only Jews push this narrative.
Jews want the white people ignorant and impoverished, whites are waking up... that leaves impoverished via a health care system that keeps all offspring alive and advocating you breed till you die or pay for keeping all your kids alive.
If a wonderful virgin falls into your lap, fine, wife and breed. otherwise wait it out in a few years (25-30) we will be breeding only when necessary. Adapt to technology. Stop advocating whites breed like niggers in the face of the abyss and technological advancement.
Quite a few are attractive but not attractive as a wage slave i guess.
Enjoy that roastie pussy user.
I don't mean that sarcastically or with venom.
Someone's gotta ensure the survival of the European race.
I think you're the virgin here
Id say the opposite in these days, the more omniscient individual knows there needs to be less fuckers around.
Men have a duty to kill, which has been oppressed by granting powers to women and is thrusting the human race down the shitter.
I'll settle down, marry and fulfill my duty to an [spoiler]18 year old, healthy, beautiful, intelligent, virgin woman[/spoiler] with pleassure and pride, I'll start a family, no problem.
MGTOW is the most superb example of slave morality I have ever seen develop in my lifetime.
since when did avoiding stuck-up roasties equal MGTOW?
if you finally hit your stride in your late 20s/early 30s you should find a woman that wants to start a family
single women in their 30s obviously did not have starting a family as a priority
She did the right thing.
She knew that she was going to be passed around by every moderately successful guy that she ignored in her 20s only to be dumped for someone in their 20s when she reached 40.
Maybe if she listened to her mother about the nice boys, she'd still be alive today with a family but instead she's just another cautionary tale to women who believe the feminist lies.
lol why
>Make stupid choices which will flag you as "not marriage material"
>Be surprised that no-one wants to date your ass
>slave morality
do you mean sour grapes
no one is saying that MGTOW is moral, which is what that nietzsche quote you're thinking of is talking about
No. Why the fuck are you promoting heteronormative gender roles you shitlord fuck?
He's going some way, but it ain't his own. If you catch my drift ;)
A duty to cull degenerates :)
That duty was dissolved alongside no fault divorce
>I'm a cuck and want to slave away to a woman, while calling alphas that don't do this, slaves.
I fucking bet.
Actual subhuman level of IQ detected. Nobody ever advocates having dinner kids you can't support, but whites are under replacement rate. Have at least 2-3 kids, how is that unreasonable?
I don't owe women shit
More, not dinner. I don't even know how that's possible to autocorrect to.
You have a duty to no one except your family.
Why would you have any obligation to an entire gender/race/whateverthefuck?
Women find me attractive, I find their games, narcissism and childlike behaviors abhorrent. Therefore MGTOW probably until the next "the one!" until MGTOW repeat.
I hate the fact that men use their mental power, women abuse their mental power.
Thats wrong though. Every part of our body stretches out. Why would the vagina be an exception?
No, it's a form of slave morality and it's more than a quote but rather a belief system.
MGTOW is created by resentment, caused by failure. So they channel this resentment into creating a sexual system in their minds where they are winners and their opponents are losers. A complete inversion of the values of a normal and healthy society, where it is part and parcel that men should wish to procreate with women.
When civilization is in the state it is now, all you can do is blame the men.
A society with weak men is a weak society. Women as the weaker sex have far less influence on how a society runs.
A society populated by great men does not decay.
>Subhuman IQ
>having dinner kids
Okay retard...
>Have at least 2-3 kids, how is that unreasonable?
It's not, but can you afford to raise 2-3 kids and give them a proper education? You are talking in the millions of dollars in the western world right now... are you all millionaires?
Oh no that's right you just want them to pop out kids like niggers.
Actually I think that'd be Bolshevism.
>millions of dollars
Again, complete retard detected. I know a guy that lives in Vancouver, insane cost of living, can support his stay at home wife and 7 kids with his small blue collar business he owns.
I do not slave away for a woman, I enjoy the company of a woman and have regular sexual relations with her for the purposes of pleasure and procreation. We've been together ten years and have two children. This is fundamentally normal and healthy for society.
By all means though, don't engage with women and don't reproduce. The future doesn't need more losers.
>MGTOW is created by resentment, caused by failure.
No its created by roastie whores but close, I see how a white Knight like you mistakes it.
>So they channel this resentment into creating a sexual system in their minds where they are winners and their opponents are losers.
You mean like how Alphas don't care and jsut do their own thing?
>where it is part and parcel that men should wish to procreate with women.
Procreation isnt the point you nerd, its raising decent human beings for the next generation. Hence MGTOW since no women will fill that role. You are one daft cunt huh?
Women growing up expecting that THEY deserve price charming.
Last few times I almost got into a relationship, it eventually turned into a mortgage/ job application.
Bitch, I don't care what you do as long as you're a good person, that would make a good wife and mother.
So now I just fuck around every few weekends...
>MGTOW is created by resentment, caused by failure. So they channel this resentment into creating a sexual system in their minds where they are winners and their opponents are losers. A complete inversion of the values of a normal and healthy society, where it is part and parcel that men should wish to procreate with women.
yeah but they don't think they're being moral
winner doesn't mean morally good
We need to be tough on men so that men are raised tough and become tough. Feminism needs to be squashed not because it values women over men but because it allows women to assume dominant positions in society allowing men to slack off. Men should never be allowed to slack off. They need to work always, to keep their civilization intact, to be taught the virtues of duty, to produce good families, healthy offspring.
That is why feminism is bad. Its not a war between sexes, its an attempt to make the men in society passive.
"alpha males" insofar as they exist do not have to 'go their own way' because women are naturally attracted to them, it's not only not work to have a girlfriend but it makes life easier because they do lots of little things for you, freeing up your time to pursue more important matters. But you have to eject this incredibly false alpha/beta sexual hierarchy from your mind if you want to actually understand human interaction, it's much more complex than that.
Again, you're trying to associate 'alpha male' with yourself, someone who is just 'doing their own thing' which for 99% of MGTOW is masturbating to anime girls and playing video games. I'm sure these paragons of rugged masculinity will help raise a fine new generation of men though.
Leonardo DiCaprio
Do you find it as unfulfilling as I do?
I come home from work to my empty 3 bedroom house (25yo faget) and just want to smell someone cooking dinner.
30. Isn't a virgin
31. Ever dyed her hair (unless short-term for a charity)
32. Wears short shorts
33. Wears heavy makeup
The problem is real Alphas are MGTOW, and lower guys see this and think thats the way to go, but their are many more of them so people get the meme MGTOW is just virgin losers that cant get a woman.
All the while the guys in between banging sub par roasties and popping out kids tell the low tier males "hah get good kid... get a good wife and pump out babies like a nigger... i can why cant you?!" just to feel good about themselves.
Its solid nigger tier and they should eb ashamed advocating for people that have no business being parents to be parents just cause of white birth rates. (again especially given technological advances)
A thread was made yesterday with the exact description: "Don't modern men sort of have a duty to women?". Literallly exact same description. Like wtf?
Someone is literally on duty to repost this thread.
Fucking sage it.
Morality is not consciously pursued but it is implied
associating with women in any way means you are a cuckold and as such a bad person
refusal to associate with women is the mark of a higher breed of man
A complete inversion of what is normal and healthy for a society, just as Christianity turned all pagan virtues into sins.
>pussylips don't change
Welcome to Sup Forums.
Jesus Christ, this is pretty much every female I know.
Western Civilization is pretty fucked.
He has posted this exact thread everyday for the last three weeks. I hope Op dies
MGTOW is created exactly by his mentality that men must sacrifice themselves for the greater good no matter what or they are childish.
What created MGTOW is the removal of incentives to marry and procreate, under the belief that it didn't matter because men would bend over backwards for the pussy. It's a delicious irony that the plan is backfiring.
You better have that Nazbol flag to bait because this lack of self awareness is killing me.
He's right actually.
The only thing that changes a vagina is the same thing that changes a cock, that being age.
Fucking virgins.
Modern men have as much duty to women as
modern women have to men which is to say absolutely none. Women created this situation, if they don't like it now, too fucking bad. Meanwhile I'll continue to go my own way and not get tied down to one of them.
When will we rise up to take away their voting rights?
We have this thread everyday.
>implying I am not getting laid because I'm an mgtow and not that I am mgtow because I'm not getting laid
It's a coping mechanism, of course failed normalfags got wind of it in 2013 and ran it into the ground like they do with everything else.
We have /ptg/, and the mods don't care, why would you care about a thread reposted once?
While MGTOWs are brainwashed by jews, I don't think anyone have a duty towards 20 years old or old non-virgin women
I don't know a female that doesn't fall to this list, even Amish girls...
Multiple times a day in fact, expect this thread to pop up again in like 6 hours or so.
Don't forget to sage
I don't really care. I am just curious why would anyone commit himself/ herself to such an agenda. It's not like he/she has anything to gain from posting it on 4 chan of all places on the internet.
>part and parcel
GTFO, Sadiq.
>Morality is not consciously pursued but it is implied
no it isn't
>associating with women in any way means you are a cuckold and as such a bad person
no it means you're a loser
>refusal to associate with women is the mark of a higher breed of man
not in a moral sense
>A complete inversion of what is normal and healthy for a society, just as Christianity turned all pagan virtues into sins.
fuck OFF nazbol, normal and healthy societies don't have the free market shit we have now
can relate feelsbadman.jpeg
Yeah, the kids will stay alive, alright. But how far can they go in life with those limited opportunities?
Do you have a shovel?
>Men have a duty to women
So what's women's duty to men? cuck us?
Women shirked their duty to me when was younger and needed them. So kys bitch.
What limited opportunities? Buddy all the kids are doing great, better than I did in the empty but wealthy home I grew up in.
As a man I put it thus:
I'll start giving a shit about my duties to women when women remember they're suppose to have duties to me.
They want freedom? Fantastic, more power to them.
Being free means I don't have to give a shit about you. I don't owe you anything.
Enjoy your freedom, I'm going to go fuck the shit out of your sexually liberated sister who is 10 years younger and just wants to enjoy a mindless orgasm or two.
You have a duty to your ancestors to continue their legacy, this would involve having and raising kids. Get this cuckoldry out of your head, it's not healthy to always be thinking like that.
Probably a whore during her youth and nobody wanted her now. How sad...
She looks like a typical British whore. >Is a complete slut during younger teenage years.
>gets to 20 and tries to rebrand herself as a good catch by laying off on the fake tan & sorting her life out abit.
>still goes out every weekend on the piss & fucks any lad who gives her an ounce of attention
>wonders why no-one will settle down with rebranded whore
Us real men are too smart for the old rebranded whore trick.
The thing about a contract is that it really only works when both sides hold to their agreement. MGTOW is the reaction of women not holding to their responsibilities, so some men no longer feel oblidged their own.
This her pussy was probably blown out
Why is it that so many women don't want responsibility for their actions? It is degenerate for anyone to sleep around with a lot of people, not just women.
>You have a duty to your ancestors to continue their legacy, this would involve having and raising kids.
But that's not a duty to women. Women don't deserve anything from men unless they are the mother of your children.
Nice straight-forward assessment of why this is going on, no outright women hate so it's easily digestible for normies.
all these fags thinking they are redpilled just because they are nazis.
Same cunt, all my life actually.
>pussylips don't change from getting dicked
>duty to someone who isn't me