What's up Pol, floridafag here doing jury duty, how can I get dismissed and never called back. Also floridafag thread and justice trash general
>inb4 fuck off phoneposter
What's up Pol, floridafag here doing jury duty, how can I get dismissed and never called back. Also floridafag thread and justice trash general
>inb4 fuck off phoneposter
Other urls found in this thread:
refer to the defendant as an uppity nigger
I appreciate the idea, i was thinking of nigger, seeing as half of the people in this building are niggers.
Say you have a family member who's a cop
Say the defendant looks like a stupid nigger
Pretty sure they won't call you back if you admit to having a racial bias.
That's my plan for when I eventually get called up .
Say "You know, I never really cared much for the jews, I don't know about anyone else here"
Sound enthusiastic. It also helps to act smarter than you are. Attorneys hate when a juror is looking forward to some armchair lawyering
They may not even call you up to ask you questions. I've been called to jury duty many times. I've never actually sat on a jury. Just give some weird answers if you do get called up to questioning. Don't be a fucking retard and say anything offensive. You are in a court room. They won't take it lightly.
Drop red pills until they leave:
>Niggers have lower iq on the bellcurve than whites
>Niggers are all democrat that vote for welfare
>Niggers acquit niggers because muh whyt man even when said nigger is guilty for being a nigger
And have a great jury duty-free day
that looks more like a uni class than a trial court user
Tell them your favorite past time is to talk about nazi symbolism on a samoan dog food board.
Just say that you will automatically find any defendant innocent because only god can judge us.
Good advice.
Also good advice.
>not sucking it up and fulfilling your civic duty
And you people wonder why our nation is dying. Also stop taking fucking cellphone pictures in court l, you mong
I have a cousin that acquitted a defendant of agg assault on an officer. The DA will never pick him again.
Juries dont work or make sense is this country and its a nig waste of all of our time
Just go on about how society is out of control and drastic things need to be done. And that criminals no matter how petty the crime need to be made an example of
What county you in? Say you or a family member went to law school. Have a university, Stetson or UF, ready and a family member name
Our nation is dying because some shmo doesn't wanna sit on a jury. Good one.
Here you go OP. What you need to do to get permabanned from ever doing jury duty is strongly hint/imply you are aware about "JURY NULLIFCATION".
If you have headphones on (DO NOT PLAY THIS OUT LOUD WHERE YOU'RE AT), watch this video before the lawyers examine you.
Yell nigger out loud and claim that we need a race war now gas the kikes 1488.
Ask if the jury will receive instructions on nullification.
tell them you'd believe the cops before some nigger off the street. works for me every time.
dont get dismissed. go do your part. wtf?
show then this thread?
Ok OP I give you the answer.
Just say you would make a good juror because you can spot guilty people just by looking ay them.....or tell them you go to pic related.
I honestly wouldnt even hint at that
stand up and say "I hate niggers jews spics niggers sand niggers and the irish"
>not doing your civic duty to fairly enforce the law
kys pos nigger
Sadly dont have headphones, give me a tldr
Usually telling the lawyers and the judge that you are aware of jury nullification is good enough for any of them to kick you off.
But why do that? Stay quiet and mousy with your answers, get on the jury and cause a mistrial. They'll regret the day they dragged you down to the courthouse.
>Do you have any personal beliefs that you feel will prevent you from enforcing the full extent of the law?
That's one way to hint at it.
No, it's dying because its citizens are too shortsighted and ignorant to appreciate the necessity of an impartial jury. Instead everyone just bitches out so they can jack off to anime while the unemployed and old fill out juries and deliver shitty verdicts. But I'm sure OP will be the first in line to bitchwhen Tyrone gets acquitted because "he a gud boi" and the jury felt sympathetic.
Im not a nigger, im white buddyo. Theres a fuckton of niggers here tho.
Just do it, you might be able to get a nigger sent to prison or help a white person go free.
I was considering trying to get on a trial just to fuck it all up.
How can I increase my chances of being selected for Jury duty?
I'm so sick of my job.
Know about jury nullification is not a beleif. Believing only aglos deserve probation and bail is a beleif.
You're so full of shit.
Just start saying racist shit. Seriously, it's that easy.
>how can I get dismissed and never called back.
say "Gas the kikes, race war now" regardless of the question asked to you by the attorney
Pray out loud during the whole selection process, if you have a pen and paper write jibberish while praying.
OP, can we help with finding a verdict ?
woulda be fun.
Sup Forums are smartest anyway ( xept leftists, they're being cromagnon subhumans as always )
Yell "I'm going into labor!" Shit on the floor, and act disgusted when you find out it's a negro baby.
fake your own death.
Getting sworn in right now boyos, op gotta go, keep this shit alive and ill try to respond
>what is contempt of court charge.
TL;DW: Because of the two laws that juries cannot be punished for their verdict and double jeopardy, there exists a third option where despite the defendent being 100% guilty (DNA, video footage, etc.) the jury can decree that he is innocent. This is called Jury Nullification. Some argue its a way to protest unjust laws. Courts will never tell you about it and mentioning it in certain areas, like courthouses, will get you in trouble. BUT, if you can somehow hint and imply that you might be aware of it ("I have personal beliefs that may prevent me from upholding the full extent of the law"), you could get permabanned from jury duty.
Not allowed to post about any case im on. They told us thatll catch us a charge
>Get stuck on a county jury thats a weekly occurence for 2 months
>Just sit and hear minor ticket cases and some small town drug related crimes, biggest was a murder that was being plead guilty
>Saw 3 lawyers over two months, 2 were in the murder plea, everyone representing themselves
Say that you believe only God can determine who's innocent
it's that easy. Overt racism works pretty well too so they kick you out during voir dire.
if the defendant is 100% guilty, the judge can overturn a JN
Have criminal aquantinces.
>Your honor, I've already made up my mind
works every time
Fucking hell taking photography in court is in direct criminal contempt, asshole.
Anyone who weasels out of a civic obligation like jury duty should pay extra taxes.
fuck off phoneposter
do u know the plaintiff or the defendant?
(((its supposed to be trial by peers)))
>juror, do you have anything against people like the defendant?
>yes, I hate all of their kind since I was a kid
>ok, you're dismissed
>"Hey my fellow jurors, did you know we don't have to say guilty if he's guilty: we can say they're innocent regardless of the evidence hurr durr."
Congrats, you just ruined the jury and the court has to waste resources/time setting up a new one. Yeah, they'll totally not punish you for doing that. Google this shit and do your research if you don't believe me. Or better yet, tell coming jurors at a courthouse about it like the goddamn stupid North American Pavement Ape you are you tar-baby.
Dunno what it's like in roofuckerland, but here in burgerlardland, just registering to vote usually will get you dickslapped with a jury summons with in a few months. Also getting your driver's license transferred to a new state will often trigger it too from what I understand.
Im in a waiting room cunt. No where has it stated thats illegal.
and both cases were dismissed fag.
This has always been my plan. Haven't gotten called in yet though.
Is jury questioning under oath or subject to any penalty for being a twat?
Nope, only guilty verdicts. Once declared innocent, that's that.
Ask about jury nullification.
When I got called for jury duty, I told them if the guy is black i'm 100% saying he's guilty no matter what happens. They let me go 30mins later.
Ask about jury nullification.
Under oath, we already got sworn in
take one look at the person and say i think this fucker is guilty.
just say you dont like beaners and them damn niggers. not even joking.
Was he black?
West Palm Beach huh? If they ask you if you trust the word of a policeman say that you have a hard time believing them.
if ur in the jury start screaming out how the basis of the trial is unconstitutional(because its not based on a trial by peers) and ur just gonna relinquish the crimes of the criminal because the trail itself is unconstitutional
Not sure why it posted mid post.
>Boring as shit
>Mostly white trash, speeding tickets and teenage mischief
>Couldnt get out of it since salaried, no lawyers to question us.
Most court jurys are a formality honestly. You have a right to a trial by your peers but, at least in my backwoods community, there isnt really much to go by.
Whats the case for anyways? Sometimes its fun
that wont do anything in florida
stare at the defendant, i got let off because i stared at him with a dirty look
Talk about jury nullification. The faggots hate that you know your rights and will remove you immediately before you 'contaminate' the other people.
If you're going to lie, make sure they cannot catch you in it. If they catch you for perjury, that's a felony I think. Same rule when you're dealing with cops - don't. get. chatty. If you don't have to say something, shut the fuck up.
It's Florida, people would agree
Probably not
Havent been assigned to a case, just waiting to see what they dump me on
Knowing about jury nullification is not a crime. It is a legitimate civic practice for juries to show they find the law unjust.
The examples raised in your wiki link are ppl convicted of distributing fliers outside the courthouse without a permit
Op update, we got movies in this waiting room. We're watching The Martian (matt Damon in space)
Op here, other question guys, who should I advise that im aware of jury nullification
I don't get the problem. Don't you get paid for it?
Wow. That's more than they give you 'round here. All you got are whatever books or music you bring with you.
$15 a day is the pay, it jumps to 30 if you go over 3 days
I did jury duty last summer. Sat on two cases (burglary and some chad who raped some pissed up slag).
Beats going to work for 3 weeks.
When they ask you questions
Wait for them to question you during voir dire. Do NOT volunteer information, only speak when spoken to and speak only enough to answer their questions.
OP, don't listen to these faggots. Get on the jury and throw cases or talk people into finding someone guilty based on if you like the accused or not.
The more guilty they are, the funnier it is when you tell them that they are not guilty.
i would absolutely love to be on jury duty
seems like a ton of fun discovering the case and making debate/arguments with the other jurors (that's how it works right?)
You should do it.
How many hours per day?
Do what this guy said. >130526079