Hey Sup Forums, was wondering if someone can redpill me on why interracial marriage is bad?
inb4 ''muh superior race preservation'' shit
Hey Sup Forums, was wondering if someone can redpill me on why interracial marriage is bad?
inb4 ''muh superior race preservation'' shit
Racemixing=white genocie
because children turn into niggers
its like throwing your heritage into the toilet and mix it with shit.
who the fuck wants little nigger children that don't even look like you?
superior race preservation
>why is x bad
>inb4 the answer
>Why does mixing water and shit make an inferior drink?
>inb4 ''muh superior race preservation'' shit
Well, it's not just a white thing. Look at Amerindians. They have lost their identity in Mexico due to race mixing.
why white? ur actually ''killing'' the other races too right?
Fuckoff and Red pill yourself.
No, because there are a LOT more niggers and mulattos are actually brown, retard.
>spreading white genetics and civilizing the inferior races at the same time
not genocide
Depends which races mix. I fucking hate seeing white girls with mudslimes because I know they'll have to submit to the towel and have to give birth to four khadjias and seven ishtars.
Brighter skinned "black" people tend to be attractive so I'm all for that shit, same with based asians. At least their kids will be intelligent and not carry on toxic worldviews.
hehe i was thinkin bout it tho
Low IQs, always rabid leftists who hate their white side, high rates of homosexuality and transsexuality, even higher likelihood of being born out of wedlock than blacks. You also lose the heritage your ancestors literally died for.
This. Ever date a british black girl? Hands down the best dates I've ever been on have been with blacks.
>no daddy issues
>don't look fucking orange
No genocide here.
"Racemixing" isn't bad. Wanting to erase an ethnicity (oh wait, forgot this is Sup Forums) and the good diversity we have when it comes to physical traits, that's however pretty bad.
מוֹדֶה אֲנִי לְפָנֶיךָ מֶלֶךְ חַי וְקַיָּם שֶׁהֶחֱזַרְתָּ בִּי נִשְׁמָתִי בְּחֶמְלָה, רַבָּה אֱמוּנָתֶךָ.
Because they tend to identify as something other than white.
I agree dude, but most of the people here are basically saying that racemixing IS erasing ethnicity
Choosing to breed with people of darker skin colour isn't genocide.
>Hey Sup Forums, was wondering if someone can redpill me on why interracial marriage is bad?
Ask the jews why they frown on interracial marriages in Israel, and you will have your answer.
They will go to great lengths to explain why race mixing is bad.
Most people here aren't serious or they think everyone's serious and are the butt of the joke.
Racemixing is fine, as long as it doesn't threathen the diversity. Imagine having a couple of colors. It's fine to mix these colors, but if you mix them all, then you've only got a shitty mix of colors. As long as the retarded people trying to "promote mixing", usually as some means to ending "whiteness" or white guilt disappear, then I doubt we'll all mix, making mixing increase our diversity instead of screwing it up. That's why nation states are important as well, since it creates borders.
I would have not expected someone with a pretty different ideology from me (commie flag) to be the only person in this fuckin thread to make sense.
I'm an ideotrender, depending on my mood and the position of Jupiter I identify as many things. Don't put me in a box! You don't know my struggles for acceptance, shitlord.
u wot m8? ALL of them are overweight, loud and dumb
I know right? Who the fuck would prefer watered down shit instead of pure shit.
I don't know about anyone else, but I'd fuck both of those people senseless.
>interracial shilling thread no. 1524532
Fuck off kike.
they aren't, most are pretty fit, i think in slavery we only let the hot ones in whereas america only let the strong ones in.
only problem is they are hard to bed unless you have a good sense of humour and are confident/outgoing
shilling? wow...u guys think everything is a conspiracy. I just wanted to know why people think fucking a person from another ethnicity is bad u fuckin moron. Guess asking for opinions is not fuckin legit in this board.
wow that "chick" has a manly face
>we have 40 of these threads every day
>not shilling
most interracial men are complete nutjobs and interracial women complete sluts
srsly dude i have no clue, i rarely browse Sup Forums, i spend most of the time on Sup Forums and /jp/.
Lurk more.
There is literally nothing wrong with racemixing as a white man. Most white girls are simply casual relationship material and that's about it.
For proper relationships, black, Asian and Mediterranean women are much better.
k :)
this is a slide thread
kill yourselves
I've noticed children of WMBF parents turn out to be more respectable members of society than BMWF children.
How about this one to call OP a faggot?
Learn about behaviour patterns and IQ in races then you will find out those who are non-white are inherently immoral
because it destroys your heritage,is it so hard to understand??
lol pink narcissus
mirin rice niggers bulge
>Muh toxic Muslim worldview
>Blacks and Asians are OK though white women can fuck them
Race mixing does erase ethnicity
No, most people here don't hate it ironically as a joke stfu.
by saying ethnicity, are you refering to cultural, religious and linguistic features, or just anatomical traits?
hey guys can you give me some arguments for this?
>inb4 the argument for this
You will be all wiped out with the biological weapons
>Hey Sup Forums, was wondering if someone can redpill me on why interracial marriage is bad?
This whole sub-continent
So everyone is throwing away their heritage... not just you. How is this "white genocide"
why is Sup Forums a place where people come to pose obvioulsy opposing views that we are supposed to denounce? do your own thinking faggots don't troll us with your retardation. I hate seeing threads like this. " hey guise are you shure racemixing isn't based" " this time it's cool rite?" "hey look islam is pretty based" "hey do you think eva braun would look kawaii in a niqab" "i ship hitler and sharia, have you taken the red pill yet, pol-chan?"
fuck you
No. White+brown= still brown.
Because your children won't feel like they belong to both sides of their fsmily, this is especially true for part black children.
I dunno if you guys see it differently, but in English-speaking countries, South America is generally considered a proper continent, as is North America.
How does pol feel about mixing Asians and blacks?
This would result in a black race which is higher IQ , and more capable of handling living in America.
The only downside would be this race would be smart enough to harm whites and move up politically / systematically. Kind of like how the ashkenazis did when they were Aryan-ized.
That's because the kids don't have to grow up knowing their mom is a white woman who sucks black guys dicks and grows their children
As a half african half polish guy I can say that being racemixed is the true master race.
I can jump high and run fast, things that white people can not do. Also, I can read, write and swim, things that black people can not do. I am not too white nor too black. I can listen to rap and country at the same time.
I have perks of both races.
Back in reality you are genetically inferior even in comparison to already subhuman negroid race
>Some species that aren’t even in the same genus can interbreed.
>The average rate of success for mixed race couples is around half that of same race couples, 0.127 compared to 0.213.
>There is evidence that the more similar the two people are, the happier their marriage tends to be.
>A study in Iceland showed that 3rd cousin marriages are the most fertile and successful. Suggesting that mating within one's ethnic/racial group would be more beneficial than outside of one's ethnic/racial group.
>tfw no jewish gf with cute nose
- your children are prone to have identity issues
- chance that your children won't inherit useful adaptations which are normally native to your homeland (think lactose intolerance)
- finding blood donors for your children becomes more difficult, sometimes impossible
- average IQ of most non-White and non-Asian races are low, so unless you can find a particularly gifted individual to marry, you're dumbing down your children a little
>The eternal BraziliANO promoting degeneracy
I wanna fuck a black girl and then live my life as a nazi again.
I'm mixed and my mummy says I'm a good boy!
It's essentially promoting genocide
>polish nigger
Really made me go hmmm
holy shit cumskin, you litteraly gave me the worst arguments possible against racemixing,congratulations.
hello peru
Good lord that thing could sink ships