>The suspect is not believed to have been harmed, and many have praised the heroic actions of those who restrained the man until emergency services were on the scene.
>The imam of the mosque reportedly told worshippers not to hurt the suspect, but instead to "pin him down" so he could be arrested.
> muslims never groomed and rape british children en mass, it's just right-wing conspiracy
Wew lad
Nathaniel Young
That is a kike move, muslims are learning fast how to trick the goys
Bentley Butler
There is video of them kicking him when he's on the ground. Fuck this propaganda
Parker Wright
show it
Justin Nelson
You're telling me, A guy killing muslims in an area predominantly muslim, was stopped by a muslim?
Ryder Campbell
Sadiq Khan is bitching over one fatality like he should have every other time. You can tell he cares now.
Asher Reyes
It's doubtful that this really happened. If it did, good on them. The majority of mud slimes still suck and the only positive outcome would be if we could get them to glorify anti terrorism by some astronomical chance. Wishful thinking though.
Luke Cox
thats not a sign of someone that should be in charge.
The mayor of our capital should aways be, and always have been at 100% at all times. anything else is unnacceptable
Henry Bennett
Yeah, he definitely doesn't look roughed up. These marks could also be explained because of the shock when he plowed them tho.
Sebastian Perry
there's video of them hitting him
Brandon Howard
>imam of the mosque reportedly told worshippers not to hurt the suspect >reportedly
Nice taqiyya shitskins
Matthew Young
If you find the original video, he has his shirt over his head on the ground and is kicked in the head
Parker Perez
you think someone is just gonna crash a van into some muslims and uses "kill em all xd" as a reason? its too stupid to be true.