Like it or not, muslim men are the real alphas for their cause and this is why they will be winning in the end.
ps: me white male from germany with center political views
Like it or not, muslim men are the real alphas for their cause and this is why they will be winning in the end.
ps: me white male from germany with center political views
They know they won't be paid if they don't follow the shitty script
Its almost as if they would get arrested if they were to lay hands on a devout follower of the religion of peace, get stripped from citizenship and get raped and shank'd in prison for daring to lay hands on a follower of the religion of peace
that video is so fake it fucking hurts.
The odds that when you grab a white and try to hold him causing him to explode his bomb-rigged jacket are pretty low.
Yeah, and people wonder why we hate mudslimes. Muslims don't belong in western society
Kind of true, but you also have to consider that mudslimes generally act like hyenas.
If they have the numbers/advantage they will attack.
In this case it was an unarmed dude against a mob.
In the case of the London bridge attack it was 3 attackers with knives mobbing individual people, and a lot of white dudes actually fought them regardless.
The people that fight collectively will always defeat the individuals. Therefore it is likely that this forever quest towards individuality will lead to our downfall.
If the mudslimes win then nature takes its toll. The strong will dominate.
But never underestimate the European man when he is backed into a corner. And never underestimate how Europeans will fight once they realise their minority status. It will be a uphill battle, and victory is not certain. Thats why it will be great regardless if we perish or not.
I surely believe european men could be better fighters but we lost group mentality. We can't act collectively.
Natural selection/survival of the fittest takes populations/groups into consideration.
it doesn't matter how strong individually you are but what matters is how strong your group is.
Which is why this return to identity politics is good for us.
We are starting to recognize our tribe again.
>Muslims Catch the Attacker and Beat Him
I watched the whole video, not one single punch or kick thrown.
"Victim" lying in the road is casually looking around.
This shit is a false flag.
Its a jew. Thats why nothing have been stated about him yet.
Coulters Law should include a jew clause.
recent elections in europe proved that nothing changed much. right wing identity politics all failed.
2 million military age Syrian men fled to Europe because 1000 goatherders from Chechnya managed to occupy a rural corner of Syria with equipment from the 1960s.
Elections doesnt matter.
Culture, perception and the public matters.
What people think matters more than who sits in the parliment.
You have seen the shift within the public perception and within the media, right?
Society is slowly fragmenting.
People are self-segregating.
>Its a jew. Thats why nothing have been stated about him yet.
and also why noone in the video actually hit him.
>identity politics
Impling the FN has/had identity politic. That's why they critisised now, people complain about how they went so soft as to advertise themselves against some of their core voters.
I don't know about the other parties in Europe so I can't respond.
What if the attacker was actually secretly a Muslim?
Is there justification for 'sacrificing' your own in the name of Jihad in the Koran?
If he is a Turk, then maybe he was recruited to take the heat off Muslims in particular to preserve existing open borders stance re: Muslims.
Kind of hard to catch the killer when he's in 1000 different bits across the floor or shot dead. The fact it was outside the mosque means there were plenty around to attack him. They were just lucky the police weren't there so they could throw a few kicks in first.
Also pic related from a few years ago.
Pretty sure british police will allow them to behead him in jail.
Every single british person needs to be killed as soon as possible for enabling islam and muslims in general
Did this jew get out of the van with a knife and start cutting people like the muzzies?