So we all know there is a huge number of pro-Trump shills on Sup Forums but what many of us don't realise is that they are being payed by the Government and Trump team to churn out propaganda non stop. I remember FBI user telling us not to ask about the pro-Trump shills, I believe the reason for them is that they realise that Sup Forums played a part in the election, Sup Forums was essentially a large, Hugely effective, Unpaid internet campaigning team and they think if they can pump enough propaganda into Sup Forums they can lure some of the newer users to think Trump is the greatest. They realise that most of us won't be out there in 2020 shilling for Trump like we did because of him backtracking on all his major issues so they need fresh blood. The shareblue meme is likely also being pushed by them to deflect away from the fact that they actually are the ones paying people to shill. What do you guys think?
The /ptg/ conspiracy
Other urls found in this thread:
There is a simple explanation for /ptg/ and /sg/
Do you think any normal person would dedicate that in making daily threads like that?
This is what I'm saying, There is a US government equivalent of the web brigades pumping pro-Trump propaganda into this website
Nice try at d&c. You guys should go die in a fire
You're probably right.
Why not just rig the election for Trump then if he were in cahoots with the Government?
I'm not saying he was doing this during the election, I'm saying he did when he got into power
I think it's more likely that it's just the same group of autists circlejerking every thread.
you mean DNC?
Probably right. The Israeli lobby is pretty strong. I'm sure Jews have already figured out internet manipulation as well.
Fake flag, don't care about your opinions. Hidden leaf.
Seems to me most of the autists have given up on him, Just seems to be young kids and these shills I'm talking about
If they're young kids then they're stupid, they'll do it sans salaire, no shilling required. Just look at any other general
>custom flag
>stale copypasta
>same thread every 20 minutes
fuck off shareblue
Find me one other time its been posted anywhere
[b]I think Bull-Queers, Mongrel-Theists, Jews...[/b]
IS the problem.
>Muh Trump shills
This is Reddit tier garbage.
Why the fuck would they shill here
Thanks Shekelblue, really made me think
Literally reads like a shill accusing someone of their own deeds. Try harder.
>Why the fuck would they shill here
Like I said he wants us as his unpaid internet campaign team for 2020. The reason they're shilling here is to convince newer or younger users to do just that because most of the people who helped him last year won't after his U turns on everything
Shareblue went full denial.
You must be desperate.
I like where this is going.
They aren't U turns. Just by calling them U turns you have overplayed your hand and revealed yourself. Everyone knows its swamp obstruction that has stopped Trumps attempts to implement his promises.
Why not actually try to address my points rather than call me a shill. You're the same as an SJW saying "I don't need to argue with you because you're racist"
Well he did do a 180 on the dreamers. He used to say he would get rid of all the EOs Obama made about them, but now he says they don't have to worry and they won't get deported.
He also suddenly decided China wasn't a currency manipulator, Decided to get involved in Syria, Decided that Hillary was "a great woman" and wasn't going to be locked up etc.
He is deporting their parents. You think they are going to stay in a foster home in the US or go with their parents? This is politics now there is less obstruction because the kids can "technically" stay until further Obama era protections are removed.
Either you are a naïve kid or a shill. No one expects him to get everything done with zero opposition from the swamp and the dems. He doesn't even have his full cabinet. The fact he is actively trying to implement his promises is what is important. We still have 3 1/2 years for those promises to unfold. Pic related is an old graphic but it says enough.
>there are pro-Trump shills
You mean like the majority of this board?
You're retarded. He campaigned on getting rid of the dreamers and that's why people voted for him. It wasn't even like a 3 weeks into the presidency when he flip flopped on that. He didn't even try to do anything about them lol
>Doesn't understand politics.
>Thinks its done with a wave of the hand
I can tell this is important to you since you will be allowed to vote for the first time in 2020 but you should trust the adults here.
>Build a wall
Can't even get the funding
>Bomb the shit out of ISIS
He's bombing the people fighting ISIS
>Tax Reform
Hasn't done anything
Not to mention that list has left off things such as:
>Lock her up
>Defeat ISIS in 30 days
>Drain the Swamp
>Non Interventionist policy
>Complete shutdown on Muslims
You know, His major policies that he campaigned on
Most people don't give a shit about Trump after the election. Ptg has nothing to do with politics half the time, it's basically an /a thread. Pol was never loyal to a leader, this reaks of newfag subversion.
>blather a bunch of baseless ideas and ask what people think
kys shill
Let's do what did anon5 threads and do the same to ptg. It's literally a Reddit takeover of this board.
>Implying he can do it all on his own legally
Shills or children either way you have to go back.
>done with a wave of a hand
He didn't even fucking try you idiot. He got into office and was just like, "oh gee think about muh chillruns."
If you knew anything about DACA youd know it's not fucking toddlers, all these spics have to say is they got into the country before 16 and they'll get a work permit.
Kill yourself
I'm just explaining why that propaganda you posted is wrong, Can you not handle the fact you've been conned?
Doesnt that make way more sense?
Ptg is an anime thread, it was for the election and should be killed now if it was organic
It was organic but there IS a large number of pro-Trump shills keeping it alive and pumping it with propaganda
Because your original argument is just as shallow, all conjecture, no facts. Faggot.
Could ptg general could be killed while trumps in office or do think it's to far gone?
to be fair, an argument is typically two opposing ideas who's validity is determined after a debate. If one person believes that the world is flat, the moon is made of cheese and jews run the goverment. engaging this person in an argument about economics is basically pointless, and really only hurts YOUR credibility, because your suggesting that these other points have credence. they don't.
So, in a way, it only makes sense to avoid arguments with narrow minded fools who despise opposition. if that makes me a WARRIOR for social justice. fine, I've been called worse, frankly.
>FBI user
Stopped reading there. I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt, but your argument is less than dirt if you give serious credence to fucking larpers.
"Because your original argument is just racist, sexist and homophobic, Bigot"
If we can get concrete proof it has payed pro-Trump shills running it we can maybe kill it or at least make it irrelevant to the point they stop
> dude hates larpers
How's the weather in Kekistani today?
It's literally BASED! Epic win!
>who despise opposition
I'm actively calling for you to debate with me about this, If it's truly retarded then point it out using facts. By just saying "ur a shill" youre making yourself look 13 years old
This is the most obvious tactic of the liberal; attack the foundations of tradition in order to topple the tradition itself.
For example; Awoo posters are essential to the Trump Generals, damn near always have been, and long before teh_dahnald_amiright over at Plebbit was ever created. Yet again it's no surprise that liberal cuntbags are trying to remove the awoo posters as they're the most energetic part of Trump General.
Mods have clearly stated in the past, multiple times, that Awoos are permissible inside of TG and just because one fucking uppity power-tripping faggot mod tries to undermine the tradition doesn't mean they have established a consensus.
Take your commie, liberal tactics back to Plebbit.
Anymore epic TRIGGERING buzzwords you can muster there mr based pede
Ptg isn't tradition, it's unwanted redditors that need to leave
>Attack the foundations
What, Shills?
>Awoo posters
I never said anything about those autists
Trump is the Liberal, He's pro-gay rights and pro-nigger
I thought I was a liberal, There entirely different things
Liberal. Energy. Plebbit. I am a robot. I am a polbot. Please insert DUDE MEMES so I can repeat them over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over
I have literally, never called anyone a shill.
and, even at 13 years old I knew that hating an entire race because of vague catch-all platitudes like "their lazy" or "their greedy" was just a lame scape-goat for rich people to avoid having the poor cut off their heads like fucking Marie Antoinette. A racist person is a puppet, they dance for the super wealthy. thats it.
Christ that's weak reasoning. Good to see Shariablue getting out of the comfort zone though.
Getting paid? Where's my Gibs then? Oh ya I know now this is bullshit and the only ones paid are ctr and sharia blue shills
Those are cowardly tactics for self delusion mate.
>there's so many shills on Sup Forums when Trump stabs us in the back
Trying too hard, makes it obvious.
> United Kingdom over here schooling us on 'cowardly tactics' and being 'delusional'
Idunno. i think it's just a bunch of NEET autists who have nothing better to do than spam Sup Forums all day every day.
It goes for Trump and for Hillary. I believe all major parties have at least one propaganda machine. Influencing public opinion is nothing more than a statistical game. And you are the pawns of that game. So how do you act correctly? Your only choice is to use your own head every single time you absorb information. Do you have the brains to pull that off, or are you a sheep?
It's Jared Kushner's team and (earlier on) Trump's quadroon campaign manager was also involved.
>When you still had hope and then
>D&C means Divide & Conquer
I'm not a shill. Arizona user here and I post daily in /ptg.
It's not that hard to believe. Look at the number of posters. It's only a few hundred people at most. A few hundred out of the over 62,000,000 people that voted for him? And there are a lot of foreign anons.
So it's really dumb to think there are Trump shills.
This thread is a pedogandist's chat room
Evacuate to this one:
It'really dumb to assume there aren't when his campaign manager posted here with time stamp and you can get all the info you need on Jared. Fuck off back to r/the_donald please
really edgy mate... your just like alex jones. now kys
t. Shekel miner
Just another branch of the JIDF.
The election was a big show, it was decided from the start who would win. Maybe the candidates themselves didn't know, but (((they))) had made their pick.
>Calling anyone a Jew
>When Trump has Jew kids, Jew business associates, his dad was pro-Israel, etc
From a heeb's mouth.
/ptg/ are just a bunch of r/the_donald cuckolds who reverse-colonized Sup Forums with their bullshit. But then they got pissed/scared because "liek omg there is REAL racism and antisemitism here!" and so they hole up in their little containment thread while still pretending that they're "real Sup Forumsacks"
It's also important to make a distinction between /ptg/ cult-of-personality trump-dicksucking and others on Sup Forums being trump supporters. I support trump too, but I'll still fucking criticize him when he or his administration fucks up (ie, shooting down Syrian jets, training "moderate terrorists", etc). Because on the other hand, there are ALSO D&C shills who try to convince everyone that Trump is nothing but a disgrace. These are the guys that post pictures of Trump touching the Kike Wall or holding swords with Saudis, as if these things are legitimate arguments. A lot of fine lines here.
You're bad at this. Under budget, ahead of schedule, no more political correctness, etc etc. His hold mantra is to let the results speak for themselves, you think they'd waste money influencing a board full of people who helped meme him to the presidency? This is the big brother - eye in the sky frivolity that cost the left millions. Is it hot in your office?
literally been saying this for a year.
When you spam this image they suddenly get real quiet.
> These are the guys that post pictures of Trump touching the Kike Wall or holding swords with Saudis, as if these things are legitimate arguments.
Go back to Israel, rabbi.
Right because we can go back in time to last night. Honestly if the ctr payroll isnt enough evidence that paid shilling is anti trump then you are a mockingbird.
Rachel Watson is that you? You know your daughter is ashamed of you.
Find an archived thread or the "copypasta" anywhere else on the internet at all.
We need to connect the dots and find solid proof that CA was involved in pro-Trump shilling here. It's the only way to get rid of /ptg/. They need to realise that the effort they put into backing Trump up needs to be put into actually fighting the establishment. Trump was put there as "anti-establishment" so people voted for him when in reality he's just the same. They saw the tide was turning against them and found a way to keep the people voting for their puppets. The election is nothing more than an elaborate show aimed at pleasing the public
There is no organized conspiracy either way. There are plenty of government employees (not even agents) just filling up these pages with opinion. The government is equally split between the traditionalists and the FreeShitArmy.
There are just as many pro-DNC shills as Trump shills. Sometimes, they are working side by side.
We have the most sclerotic, corrupt, petty little shits running our government. There is 10X more corruption on the Left, so that is where the huge money is.
And...yes, we noticed Sup Forums because you turds were pretty fucking effective last year. Now go masturbate and pop your zits.
>/sg/ babies at it again
>Sup Forums played a huge part in the election
Stopped reading there. Minimal at best
Lmao dude get your retarded conspiracies out of here.
Keep telling yourself that, shareblue
>pro-trump shills
>Trying this hard to astroturf and misrepresent Sup Forums as a lefty board.
Subversion doesn't work here, Golem.
Why wouldn't the Trump campaign pay hire astrotufers? My local coffee shop has an astroturfing campaign.
>what do you guys think?
I think you're a commie nigger faggot.
this is such an obvious divide attempt, and the people bumping it and supporting it are paid by the left
such as
>tfw you are stuck phoneposting and can't filter shitty circlejerk generals like you could on desktop
Yeah because Clinton was so great...she literally had slaves! Wake up people the democrats are manipulating you and are just as bad as the republicans. Drain the swamp!
I am green completly op
I made this .gif
can I have job now ?
pay me to shitpost on 4chinz all day .
Bwahaha terrible thread m8
Trumpflakes do it for free. Because they are basement dwellers and they think Trump is a win for them. Let them be retards.
Almost got me. Pretty creative, playing to Sup Forums's paranoia. Saged
>Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.