It's time to admit it Sup Forums.... WHITES ARE EVIL

The evil white man has haunted and exploited people of color for centuries and it's never going to end. The white man is dangerous, ruthless, and his hatred for people of color cannot be contained.

It's not something that society or movements can change, the white man is filled with murderous rage in his DNA, he was born flawed and hateful.

In order to protect minorities, whites must be isolated in their own countries and minorities should not be allowed to enter for their own good. I know it's hard to admit Sup Forums but the SJWs were right.

you should post this on social media and watch it get a ton of internet points.


fixed that for you.


>ethnostates to let whites live isolated

Sounds good to me.

It's a shame few will read to the end

Anywho, which people has domesticated the most animals? I'm curious


This is not a white ethnostate, it's a minority safe space. Minorities are kept safe by not being allowed to enter.

Sup Forums will never have a white ethnostate, their simple desire for one proves whites must be isolated.

I agree completely


Is this how we get our ethnic state?

as a nonwhite it will be sad to see you go, but its for the minorities good. you will have to go live with your own kind and face the constant violence that whites always create, and you are no longer allowed to steal technology from minorities

Yea sounds ight man.

Yep, my Brit DNA is psychopathic
Born in me
Likely to erupt at the slightest provocation
using anything to hand on anyone within my reach
My family is all like that
we're killers going back thousands of years
Blind rage and strength of ten men
Not much I can do about it
it's in my genes
Invaders in my land should run for their own protection, run far, don't look back

What tech are you talking about anyway?

>d-d-don't call it segregation, guys

I agree our lives would be a little harder without the minor benefits of non whites being. Like cheap food and less low skilled labor but we'd be better off for it.

If whites are so evil, just get out of white countries. It is that simple. I believe in you, commie, you can do it. ^^


>In order to protect minorities, whites must be isolated in their own countries and minorities should not be allowed to enter for their own good.
I couldn't agree more.

Yes we are. All non-whites better stay the fuck away from us. But of course they won't. They will come to live in our countries and bitch and moan their entire lives how bad we are.

>In order to protect minorities, whites must be isolated in their own countries and minorities should not be allowed to enter for their own good.

I couldn't agree more, my Communist friend. Lock us up in an ethnostate to protect the helpless minorities.

all major developments were by nonwhites. egypt invented electricity and shakespeare was black. before the white man, we wuz kangz

This, we PoC need to go back to africa to get away from white oppression

White man come home
Mars is the war planet, your planet
Leave Earth behind, China will take care of it

reluctantly, I must agree

hmm, it's probably not safe for homos or jews either


Fucking nigger

As a side note, lets say liberals and shitskins get their wish and The Evil Whitey disappears. What exactly do they think will happen when, after an initial period of destabilised chaos, the inevitable happens and China, now no longer restrained, takes over everything it's hundred-million strong army can grasp?

They're the superpower with the means and manpower to do it. What does the Fuck Whitey Brigade actually think a nationalist, homogenous people who number in the BILLION and who value THEIR culture before anything else AND with an authoritarian government to boot, will do when confronted by silly little things like freedom of speech, human rights and uppity shitskins?

>Protip: It involves flamethrowers

Don't ask micro-oriented people to look at the macro scale


>The evil white man has haunted and exploited people of color for centuries
No that's the jews. White people have a savior complex that try to uplift minorities like us niggers and try to make us better people but we only care about the gibs.