How can we stop Amazon from taking over every industry? More and more people will be put out of work every day.
Is Amazon evil?
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Cut their government subsidies of course.
It's like Rockefeller with Oil all over again
There is no solution. Wait for the economy to collapse
You could like stop buying things from Amazon.
I can see the responses to this post already.
>b-but boycotts don't work.
>t-too big to fail
People who make this excuse are just too lazy to find an alternative and deserve to be ruled by the Jew.
The beginning stages of capitalism are great, its longevity that is the issue.
Theres no reset button, which needs to occur.
Give a shit, I'm making 5 figures a month through Merch
If they take away jobs from "more people", then how will "more people" buy their shit?
I have 2 physical brick and mortar Amazon pickup stores within 5 minutes of me which means free same-day or one-day pickup on prime items and get free prime with my .edu email
I for one welcome our new megacorp overlords
amazon is owned by bezos
bezos also owns washington post
bezos also has a contract with the CIA.
Simply don't it will collapse just look at sony. They took over so much shit in Japan and look at them now.
>I am a whore for free shipping
>free shipping
>I am a whore
Love krang- one of the funnier guys on twitter
it works until all collapses
Always archive those
oh Shi... the archieve Nor. is here!
Do people not understand the grocery business? Bezos is a fucking idiot. Could have entered so many markets but picked one with razor thin cutthroat margins and gave it even more razor thin cutthroat margins. The reason people go to good grocery stores isnt something amazon can replicate. Who would shop at whole foods when you can get that delicious publix sub?
Walmart detected
It's a better experience in every way. Shipping prices were the only thing giving the objectively worse big box stores the advantage. Now I get a lot of things cheaper and the wait time and shipping fees aren't a factor anymore
Stay mad
Decentralized marketplaces without the middleman.
It's going to happen, and trusted companies like Uber, AirBnB, Amazon are going to have a hard time competing.
I don't mean it's going to be swarm citizen necessarily, but their concept is sound and if they don't get there, someone else will.
The future is blockchain, and away with the centralized powers!
More Jew World Order centralization and dystopian hellscape for the goyim construction.
It's simple. We need to stop fighting the flow of progression. We must "go with the flow" as they say.
>to lay the foundation of civilization, open trade and exploration
>to advance forward through technology and thrust into automation age
>once robots create new robots and take care of everything (food, shipping, resource collection, defense, etc) money becomes obsolete and we can begin our new StarTrek-like lifestyle
Free shipping on Soylent to your goy-favela and your UBI card will be accepted by your Jewish overlords.
>without the middleman
The average unanimously thinks their food and goods are created in the back room at Walmart, purchasing wholesale and direct doesn't even occur to them
Plus such vendors only distribute to commercial retailers who charge for the front end experience which people will never be willing to give up
says nothing about whats coming, just more fucking fear mongering.
Its like an old mmorpg with no more expnasions. All you get is inflation and an elite that control the good content preventing others from taking part.
Typing that out made me feel like a nu-male
Monopolies and inflation only exist where there is government intervention!!
Please connect your Amazon Prime Neural Connection Cable (TM) to your Amazon Prime Neural Connection Neck Port (TM) for your daily approved news and information upload.
Reminder, compliance is compulsory according to Federal Law. Refusal to integrate daily approved news and information is punishable by a fine of no less than $10,000 or up to one year of imprisonment.
Thank you for using Amazon Prime. Resistance is futile.
Aww but look, they have puppies working at Amazon, and they have names like Thomas. How could this company be evil with cute doggies who work there? /s Ha.. the idiot sheep masses actually fall for this retard-level manipulation and willingly put spy devices like Alexa in their homes just to appear 'cool and on the cutting edge.
Nationalize it.
Sadly, if anyone can pull this off and make money, it will be Amazon. The established grocery stores are simply not ready to compete with Amazon, unless they plan to fire half the workers and use automation for many more tasks.
No, Amazon is not evil.
The price of oil fell by 90% during the Standard Oil era and began to rise shortly after it was broken up
I think they overestimate peoples desire to use online shopping for food.
make a better product at a better price in a more convenient delivery system
good luck
The strange thing is that there are a LOT of people (esp. millenials and below) that literally want to sit in their house and order everything to be delivered. I know some guy who will not even buy toothepaste at a walgreens or grocery store. I he runs out, he will order 1 tube of it on Amazon. Some people are so gung-ho Amazon, and they are so proud of it because they can say they never have to go to a store or deal with people. It's just a sign of the times where no one really wants to deal with anyone else anymore if they can help it.
1998: We sell books online and dodge state taxes.
2016: We put everyone out of business who was stupid enough to pay state taxes and got 500,000,000 from the CIA to spread fake news.
>implying Walmart didn't put everyone out of business before Amazon
Those are hispters and they cant support the entire thing themselves. Normal people wont buy produce or meat they cant see beforehand.
It is kind of funny.. Amazon out-walmarted Walmart. Only difference is Walmart corporate was run by unethical Arkansas good old boys, and Amazon is run by an unethical master strategist, using technology in a way that the Walmart corporate country boys could only dream about.
Has Amazon even turned a profit? At least Walmart is profitable.
Their cloud services are huge and I think their ultimate goal is to force innovation and sell their cloud technology to other retail companies.
Amazon just barely turned a profit a few quarters ago. Before that, they always had losses for many years, but investors were willing to keep pouring money in because they knew selling at below cost was taking market share from others and putting brick and mortar retailers out of business. It was all a market share conquest, incurring losses in the short term for benefits in the long term. In some ways I think it violated antitrust laws, but no one cares about that anymore as long as they can buy things cheap, and the Justice Dept. never pursues antitrust in anything anymore. Uber is trying the same approach.. lose billions each year, but take market share until such time competitors are destroyed, then jack up prices and create other barriers to entry. Uber should be investigated for antitrust violations as well, but we live in a time when our government does nothing.. just argues, fights, and tries to destroy the other side. Meanwhile, all the wealth concentrates in the 0.01% to 1% of people, and everyone else just lives a desperate and poor life. Gotta love progress!
It is.. they also have huge margins on their cloud services. Amazon in many ways is more of a tech co. than a e-commerce retailer.
I despise most Jews, but fact is, it's not Bezos' fault that some conservative entrepreneur hasn't started a viable alternative to Amazon. Until someone on our side does that, we really can't complain. Well, we can, but it is certain point it definitely becomes a "put up or shut up" type situation. I could say the same for a lot of liberal mega-enterprises. I mean look at Facebook, look at Google. Look at Twitter. We could have created popular, competitive alternatives to those. But we didn't. We need to start creating important things like that a lot more often. I know a lot of you conservative millennials especially are really good with programming, and very imaginative and creative. You've no excuse for letting liberal Jews dominate internet and social media discourse. Get going!!
Seattle companies taking over the world desu. Remember Costco and Starbucks in Idiocracy? Same thing but with Amazon
FUCKING EXACTLY. I hate our government so much nowadays. I never liked them, but the way I feel now is off the hook.
Oh shit. How legit is this?
Why doesn't he expect China to collapse as well?
Yeah, no thanks
>Theres no reset button
Actually, there is. We just need people brave enough to push it.
JFC Satan speaks truth. I repeat, it doesn't need to be this way. You young, conservative and creative GenZ and millennials with computer skills, Internet skills, social media skills, coding skills: get out there and create new, important companies of your own, ones which support our agenda and beliefs, MAGA and MEGA! Now is the time!
its time
People going out of work is inevitable. What we need to do is figure out Amazons shit that makes them so efficient and produce an open source version so smaller people can compete.
The problem is Amazon is a really good model not just for them but for us. They have fucking everything and are everywhere. They have a warehouse near you and algorithms predicting what you need so its on the shelves there.
Do they seriously get any? I dont see any reason they should.
There is a reset button but the problem is people are cowards. Shit would hit the fan for awhile even without violence food or other comforts could be disrupted and people like to just keep the standard MO.
Same thing with how capitalism gets out of control. Over time the government caves to business. They can even think they are helping the people by getting jobs.
No clue, but they're great for selling books.
I can get brand new copies of books over twenty years old on the cheap. If I went to a bookstore it would cost me hundreds.
amazon won't be able to sustain everything, any company that tries to appeal to everyone will appeal to no-one.
Wait for them to crash and burn and return to just their online wal-mart shit, we don't have to do anything.
Their secret is they're buying up all the best talent right out of university and paying them six figure salaries right after internships. My friend made $90k on his internship with Amazon. Everyone thinks they're staffing with dull-eyed poos, but if they were they wouldn't be successful. What they're really doing is recruiting young brilliant Americans and giving them some latitude to change how the company and its platforms work. The real pity is that the best minds of our generation are squandering their brilliance figuring out how to get people to click ads rather than developing spaceflight or curing disease. Too much money in the former.
>sharing the fruits of all that labor with buttskins
i'd rather starve
Alienation caused by forced multiculturalism. The modern neighborhood does not exist anymore. No telling who your kids might run into while they're out playing. No telling if you might get blown up going out for toothpaste. Like the black nationalists on twitter say, wypipo came from caves. We're just coming home.
That's what happens when there's no vibrant demographics around. When someone asks why your tech company is so white you can just laugh it off and say "haha only whites live here, darn it!".
Then they decided to make the neighborhoods around Seattle into Little Mumbai and throw it all in the garbage. There will be negative effects of this soon on these companies.