Remember when we all unironically thought Trump was an outsider and a real reformist? KEK
Remember when we all unironically thought Trump was an outsider and a real reformist? KEK
No, I never did because I am not retarded.
Remember when you have to win an office by getting votes, and getting votes means you have to play their game. Remember?
At least he put off fellating the holy Wall until after the election.
Tfw to intelligent to vote for Drumpf
He did that so all his stormfag supporters wouldn't realize he's playing them like a fiddle until they put his name into the ballot box
no, i always thoguht he was a con man and thief.
Please archive it
Hey faggot, Trump IS an outsider.
It's YOU who is too retarded to understand what an outsider president fighting against the deep state looks like.
Hint: it looks exactly like what we have been watching for 6 months.
Always knew he was a kike lover
Fat old pussy boy has been owned all his life
No amount of money will buy back his soul
His young son looks as if he's already tainted like the rest of them
Bad genes
Exactly, if he wasn't an outside - why spend months, and YEARS trying to take him down. Only to replace him with someone far-far-farrr worse.
Someone is being played like a fiddle, and it isn't republicans.
By this logic, Bill Clinton was an outsider too, but we all know that to be ridiculous.
>By this logic, Bill Clinton was an outsider too, but we all know that to be ridiculous.
Bill Clinton had the entire media empire trying to shut him down day-in, and day-out? How old are you?
I never did, i only supported him for the meme`s and leftists rage, their pain sustains me
If trump were a kike puppet the (((media))) wouldn't attack him constantly
That's exactly what they want you to think
Don't expect Trump to do in 3 months or 4 years what you americans didn't do in the past 60 years
You literally watched your country being destroyed and you spent all your time and effort in accumulating money to buy electronics from china
2 award winning american-israeli journalists
avoided watching his speeches so istayed redpilled
It was just a meme.
Trump never lied about how much he loved Israel and the jewish people
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Notice the colors of Trump's tie. He's still with us, but he needs to get dirty in order to clean shit around.
It's what they want you to think. In fact, they're just making a show to keep the goyim entertained.
So, are you mad because he's made some astonishingly stupid decisions, or because he isn't raving about kikes all the time?
In the real world things don't change overnight
Oh I remember
Still not tired of winning btw
Do you seriously think the media is anti-trump? They are trying to stimulate identity politics and drive the left against the right. They need political violence to prevent an alt-left alt-right cooperation since that could potentially threaten their power.
except they invented both of those terms to identify people who even before would not agree in any way naturally...
Only a retard would believe in that
not really, I could always read that faggot orange kikeworshipping fatty like an open book. hes a snake oil salesman
>who even before would not agree in any way naturally
They have similar common goals, it's why millions of Bernie supporters voted for Trump.
There will be no wall and immigration will continue and trumpshits will still find a way to rationalize it.
>Muh 4d chess
>Muh memes
>Muh dog emperor
Because losers will be losers.
I member
>t. Socialist Brazilian
He is , the media hates him so he must be doing something right.
He's just not anti Israel / big banking, the Jews would never let a person against them run for president
Can't stump the trump
No m8 they did that because the left fucked over bernie...are you fucking stupid?
name a goal they share besides being alt to their main party in opposite directions?
but we won.
>name a goal they share
Anti war / oppose the US
Anti corruption
Anti lobbying
Pro transparency
Pro free-speech
Yea sure buddy
if you ask any group this they will say they share those. name a group besides neo cons and neo libs that dont support pro transparency or pro free speech min as well say they both dont support need to try harder shill
>Bernie sanders free speech and not talking the same shit about speech being responsible for hate/violence and the left
The joke your boss played on you is not explaining the alt left is father left than shit Hillary was talking.
Anti establishment
so you think nazis and commies will work together if the media does not demonize trump?
Wow, Trump said a million times during the campaign he liked Israel. Most of us agreed it was a bad thing, but not bad enough to justify voting for Hillary or Cruz. But you retards chose to ignore him
so the media establishment is against things farther left than Hillary?
What if they're not all nazis and commies but are being painted as these obsolete things?
The establishment is extremely anti communist when it needs to be, such as when there's a huge communist power across the atlantic and a movement of hippies sympathetic to them
I think its time to lay off the black pills there bud.
I'm never voting again
I was one of those retards.
You have to start just hiding threads. There's no point replying, just hide them.
50, 75 threads at a time, just hide the shitposts.
Glückwunsch, Martin Sellner
>ever actually expecting Trump to name the Jew
why is this tiny hat so funny?
пoчeмy этo мaлeнькaя шaпкa тaк cмeшнo?
Who said I am a socialist?
correct translation:
пoчeмy этa кpoшeчнaя шляпa тaкaя cмeшнaя?
Anyone who thought they were voting for an antisemitic national socialist is a fucking retard.
You are literally retarded if you believe this.