>wake up
>world is now pic related
Describe your day
>wake up
>world is now pic related
Describe your day
I'll jump into my Toyota and start drifting allday by music from Inital D
Go to sleep and try to wake up as Batman
I still get my NEETbux, r-right?
Where are you from? I thought eastern russia is mostly uninhabitated
Reconquer murica
got my lederhosen caught in the plowenshtein
low-density population ≠ uninhabitated
>wake up
>realise my country is now run by ary*n scum
>kill myself
"Oh boy, no niggers" I think to myself as I walk to the administration center, about to sort through Herr Klaus's daily paperwork. Frau Johanna greets me as I open the door, and I walk into Klaus's office. He hands me a large stack of papers, and I sort through it diligently, for 6 hours. I return the papers, sorted and filled out, to the Commandant's relief. He does a quick check through the stack, and then I start traveling home, thankful that the late Emperor Hitler has cleansed the world of Jews and other Untermensch.
Pray the Rosary
Get breakfast
Go to work
Go back to work
Shitpost on vierlaub.reich
Fuck gf
Go to bed.
Nothing much changes.
rice for lunch.
Its vierkanal you subhuman
The grammar SS is going to execute you
>Wake up in Shidoni
>don't leave shoebox apartment at all
>make plans to leave for glorious REICH
Grab SKS, go innawoods, join the Clapistani Jihad.
>Wake up
>Pay tributes to the Big Three
> Heil Hitler, Tenno Heika Banzai, Viva Il Duce
> Fly to Mars on the community spaceship
>Go to work
>Go home and bang the shit out of my wife
>I love this aryan world
>>doesn't know lexicon
>>executed by GRAMMAR police
Who rules Brazil desu?
it is beautiful
>Japan don't have Peru
Better to have them all together in one place where they can do what they want then have them spilled all over europe like they are now
I wake up to Nazis kick my door in.
They're dragging the rest of the Anglos out now.. they're moving in German families. They've been replacing us with Dietrichs and Frieda's for decades now.
They bundle all of us into the backs of trucks - we're being sent to Silesia to work in the coal fields as slave labour.
They looted all of the treasures of the British Empire and our culture has been systematically erased in favour of German supremacy.
>Literally run head over heels to the local recruit camp
>start rounding up every fucking kike and commie insight
>wake up in Nazi occupied Kentucky
>drink a cup of kaffee
>fly my Volkswagen to town and get breakfast
>watch small parade for local garrison, saluting them as they goosestep by
>fly to work listening to bluegrass rendition of Erika
>work mein shift as ein telemarketer harassing Reich citizens on Ganymede on their day off
>go heim
>drink bier and eat barbecue and sauerkraut prepared by qt aryan wife
>have maritals with my wife, as encouraged by the Fuhrer
>go to bed
overall, bretty gut day
probably dead because i'm an autistic neet who's just a euro mongrel genetically
I ask to be nominated as french ambassador to Tokyo
wonder wtf that striped part of Australia is suppose to represent and why the fuck did germany only take tasmania.
Mmmh, preparing to be a sex slave to first German, who storms my house and takes me.
Kek, someone put a lot of effort in that map. But I think Albuquerque should be translated to Weißeichen
Man this world looks awesome as fuck.
Now our future will consist of 4 billion niggers, 4 billion insectoid chinks and 100 million scattered whites.
thanks for the liberation america
>Start practicing German
Assuming there aren't food shortages, my life wouldn't change much
I kill myself
I'd jump into my car and drive to Germania to see what it looks like. Then I would read all the glorious stories they tell about winning the world war.
I would go to my grandpa's grave, salute him and shed a tear because I wouldn't know what stories he had to tell about his time at the Wehrmacht and how they won the war.
Wtf didn't you guys join the nazi's?
>Britbong forgets royal line was originally called House of Saxe-Coburg.
What are you complaining about? Your Royal Family have been Germans for the last 250 years.
Probs a saxon hating paki
When's the third season coming out, boys? I want to see my man Smith become the führer.
>Nazis gave Australia to the Nips
>Still hurts White Australia to this day
>Why didn't you love us heir fuher ?
Really wish that we win WW2
Probably gonna get ass-raped by a Japanese officer for forgetting to bow down
I think there are several versions
That's where things went wrong for us.
>TFW staunch monarchist, but don't like the Saxe-Coburg Gothas
It's not looking good.
We did, though there were plans to assimilate us into Germans later. Being with an Aryan man and teaching my children to speak German or resisting and getting killed. Not hard to choose.
>143 KB
So apparently I will be the Italian ambassador to Tokyo.Those fucking greasers took my city.
Latin pride.
>According to captured German documents, the commander-in-chief of the German Army, Walther von Brauchitsch, directed that "The able-bodied male population between the ages of 17 and 45 will, unless the local situation calls for an exceptional ruling, be interned and dispatched to the Continent". This represented about 25% of male citizens. The UK was then to be plundered for anything of financial, military, industrial or cultural value and the remaining population terrorised. Civilian hostages would be taken, and the death penalty immediately imposed for even the most trivial acts of resistance
>The deported male population would have most likely been used as industrial slave labour in areas of the Reich such as the factories and mines of the Ruhr and Upper Silesia. Although they might have been treated less brutally than slaves from the East (whom the Nazis regarded as sub-humans, fit only to be worked to death), living and working conditions would still have been severe.
>In late February 1943, Otto Bräutigam of the Reich Ministry for the Occupied Eastern Territories claimed he had the opportunity to read a personal report by General Eduard Wagner about a discussion with Heinrich Himmler, in which Himmler had expressed the intention for special forces of the SS to kill about 80% of the population of England after the German victory. In an unrelated event, Hitler had on one occasion called the English lower classes "racially inferior".
Hitler wanted England and the English dead and gone forever.
honestly having a giant continental superstate sucks
it would be cooler if there were a million little, monarchical dependencies, all with their own insignia and dynasty (basically a global HRE)
>Why did we annex Paraguay and Bolivia again?
I secure the exsistance for the white race and a future for white children
>Australia is Asian
Nothing has changed
B-but Hitler wanted to save the white race! He was only defending us from the joos!
>live in Italian-occupied southern France
>doesn't matter, powerful latin race
>marries oneitis after graduating from Milan university
>women are taught to obey their men and thus she very easily accepted me
>no depression
>the pride of my white city fills me with hope and enthusiasm
>becomes representative in Rome
>ascend into government with Italian name
>dispatched to Tokyo as ambassador
>buy Australia from Emperor Naruhito
>retire in nice seaside resort there
>die at the glorious age of 121 just as news break in that the interstellar battlefleet met with intelligent aliens
>since winning the war, germans are now restless and without purpose >soon the autism becomes more and more apparent
>German birth rates plummet
>the reich is quitly and gently overtaken by dutch people at the highest echelons
>remaining germans are in their basements shitposting about their glorius reich
>be foreign diplomat for il duce silvio berlusconi
>muster roman legions to wipe out the swamp nigger plague
> implying we wouldn't slay the eternal Aryan when his retarded ideology collapses in 20 years tops
>japan has 2/3 of the world population
Fuck off, the wirld will never be yours.
>wake up
>be nazi
>tfw everyone else is nazi too
>it's just like in my dreams
>realize I have nothing to shitpost about
>no degeneracy to criticize anymore
>tfw I got what I wanted but now I have no idea what to do with my new life
>wake up
>no mudslimes niggering in front of my home in europe
>drive to my well paid job, contributing my part to our hard working, well educated society
>enjoy living in a world where there is no more war
>watch humanity achieve shit that would take 100s of years in our current world
>fall asleep
>wake up in nigger europe again
>kill myself out of spite
>According to fabricated German documents...
Fixed it for you.
"No sacrifice should have been too great to win England’s friendship. We should have given up all thought of colonies and sea power and avoided competition with British industry if that is what was needed. Only absolute clear-sightedness could bring success along with abandoning world trade, colonies, and a German navy." - Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf
Had she so wished, Britain could have put an end to the war at the beginning of 1941. In the skies over London she had demonstrated to all the world her will to resist, and on her credit side she had the humiliating defeats which she had inflicted on the Italians in North Africa. The traditional Britain would have made peace. But the Jews would have none of it. And their lackeys, Churchill and Roosevelt, were there to prevent it.
Peace then, however, would have allowed us to prevent the Americans from meddling in European affairs. Under the guidance of the Reich, Europe would speedily have become unified. Once the Jewish poison had been eradicated, unification would have been an easy matter. France and Italy, each defeated in turn at an interval of a few months by the two Germanic Powers, would have been well out of it.
As for Britain, relieved of all European cares, she could have devoted herself to the wellbeing of her Empire. And lastly, Germany, her rear secure, could have thrown herself heart and soul into her essential task, the ambition of my life and the raison d'être of National Socialism - the destruction of Bolshevism." - Adolf Hitler, Last Political Testament
I need to edit that map sometimes, say that America joined the Axis. I need a nazi pax americana. Also splinter the far-off colonies into puppet states
Get a job.
And you better not be 5% negro
yes blease :-D
Are irrelevant tranny countries allowed to have national pride?
start the uprising against the evil nazi regime because they're evil
>Get a job
Well yeah lad, that's a given. I meant, as in, what to do with my life on Sup Forums. How would this site function without degeneracy to mock and without the need to redpill anyone? Would anyone even come here anymore?
Fug, meant to reply to the eternal ruskie.
Sup Forums most likely wouldn't be made by moot
>bluegrass version of Erica
I want this so bad
>Wake up in wholesome, stable family home
>kiss mother goodbye and grab my homemade lunch
>travel to universita' by landship
>attend 7pm mass with the rest of the students at the department
>salute il duce's portrait on the way in for lectures
>travel to Valletta to work at my great uncle's jewellery store doing the accounts part-time
>return home to secretly read my grandmother's English colonial books to learn the language
Fuck, this would have been a great timeline for me
>How would this site function
It wouldn't exist. Too much free speech for a Nazi state. Or it would exist, but in the Western states (Japan), but it would be blocked in the Reich.
>We beat Germany all by oursel...
"The total lend-lease supplies which we furnished Russia in round numbers amounted to 16,523,000 tons, worth $10,670,000,000. Among other items, there were included 375,000 trucks, about 52,000 jeeps, 7,000 tanks, some 6,300 other combat vehicles, 2,300 artillery vehicles, 35,000 motorcycles, 14,700 aircraft, 8,200 anti-aircraft guns, 1,900 steam locomotives, 66 Diesel locomotives, 11,000 railway cars of various types, 415,000 telephones, 3,786,000 automobile and truck tires, 2,670,000 tons of oil products, 4,478,000 tons of foodstuffs, 15 million pairs of army boots, 6 oil refineries, and a factory for the production of motors, tires, etc. Total British deliveries ran to a value of £312,000,000 (the equivalent of $1,248,000,000) bringing the joint worth of American and British aid, not counting Canadian help, to $11,918,000,000." - Herbert Hoover, Freedom Betrayed
I never said that.
Also, fuck Stalin, his utter stupidity and naivety is the reason the Nazis fucked our shit up so badly in the beginning of the war.
id say a reason is also being slavic,because you know, smaller braines and thicker skull
Like orcs,russians are orks
>Namibia not part of boerestaat
guess my day will be just like all the soldures fighting against the middle africa nazies.
I'm turkish so i guess I'd be complimented for my swastika tatoo.
t. moor
Join millitary, climb the power ladder, as much as a not German can !! Start urging or joining idea of fast military takeover of Japan !
>Instantly book flight tickets to Berlin to experience Welthaupstadt Germania first hand, especially the Volkshalle
>Shave off my beard, get a Hitler youth haircut
>Apply for service in the SS
better map