I just fixed Europe

I just fixed Europe

w-where did sweden go

breddy good

Typical untermensch way of fixing things, by imagining it on a pasta making board

nice you took out any country with a GDP per capita higher than $5

true europe spotted

donald is proud for you !

let me try this

Can't believe that you left us in kek

>massive waves flood in and destroy the new coastlines of Eastern Europe.


As a finn I approve. Eastern Finland needs to be given to russia, nuked or connected to the sea. That unsalty lake water has bloated their brain and made them into retards that produce more retards. They can't sail or speak swedish ffs.

I for one welcome our new trading opportunities with Syria and Iran

Kek. OP is a polack so what else could we expect

>Denmark is still there

You didn't fix shit, you drunk cunt

Gib independence to us Basques, and it's a deal.

>no germany
>no france
>no sweden
>no uk
>no roachistan
>no one left to coddle the semites and saracens


Why have you removed Russia, Bartek? They are Slavbros.

Yeah, we kind of need a testing ground for fucked up political ideologies and engineering that's free of regards to human safety


Just one problem, Jakub. Who's gonna pay for all your EU gibs?

I just fixed Europe. This is unironically best solution. Overtional decentralized confederation of independent city-states would be the best.

Remove poland and ukraine, bring back germany and sweden.

>Europe's Butthurt Belt living up to its name

But France is still there you retard.

maybe not best but pretty good

nuke sp*in then we talk!

>No Ireland
>Portugal is still there

Connect Binland and Eestipois by land, and DELET North Afreaks, and were good.

if the countries you removed from the map moved to an alternative earth without the shit you kept i'd be game.

>specifically removing Albania

I wonder who could be behind this...

>muh GDP

>Brown manlets, nordick cucks, and Eastern European toilet cleaners
Yeah, good job making Europe even less relevant than Africa.

Remove border between Poland and Królewiec.

>have to swim to get to Spain


It would be dug out anyway. Just a matter of nubraltar vs. nunama


Literally perfect

C'mon man, wales did nothing wrong.


Then who will pay for all your welfare?

Poland, why did you kill Scotland? Who will you drink with now?!

But where are you going to clean toilets now Poland?

I like.

You keep posting this image, it's from the UK, not Sweden

looks pretty good. how about a bomb