Liberals are double standard faggots
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o rly?
Who fucking cares anymore? Stop putting yourself in fucking camps of Republicans/Trumpers and Libs and take a fucking stand already.
Fuck you, you spineless burgers.
Who gives a shit? Let the war just brak out, I'm not gonna live forever.
this noguns is right
>take a fucking stand already.
Time to deus vult?
That is all, pic related
time to blot
I'm just sick and fucking tired of the right and left being OBSESSED with arming up on Twitter to have tiny little word battles with each other to achieve nothing.
We expend so much energy on this stupid shit when honestly we need to pull these brainwashed white women back into church and load them up with babies before we are completely outbred.
We won't care we got a few re-tweets from fellow Sup Forumstards in 50 years when you're a minority.
Lel, at this point I'm glad someone finally did something about their children being nail bombs. #EnoughIsEnough
Meanwhile on Sup Forums
>muslim terrorist attack
>white terrorist attack
>"umm yeah let's not talk about it it's not really a big deal it was just a drunk guy losing control of his car heck he's probably not even white he's got 0.01% jew in his dna"
Fucking retard
>white terrorist
As opposed to a brown terrorist? When was the last time you heard anyone say "brown terrorism"?
Water is wet, repeat water is wet.
An ideology that literally prescribes violence of all kinds of things as a matter of law.
Skin pigment.
Mudslimes should be attacked. I hope for more terrorist attacks against the shitskin invaders.
>Get mad about double standards
On Sup Forums .......
DESU it's about time someone actually reacted to the invading army that is Islam.
None of you are ready to give your life in a racewar. If there was going to be one there would have been one. the fact is - you are cowards talking shit on the internet. Your basic survival instincts are strong and you are to comfortable.
None of you will fight.
None of you even have weapons to fight with...esp these "englishmen"
Snivling little girls.
fucking Do it or shut the fuck up
>if we don't fight back, we win
They make it seem like the bombings are accidental or something
>don't blame the poor Muslim who had an explosive emergency
agreed, either do something or stfu this larping has gone too far to not be called out
More at 10
Here you go instead, join us in /sg/ and stop this ceaseless faggotry OP.
That meme would be perfect with Jeremy Corbin's face replacing obiwons
Cheap food truck Mexican food?
Still gonna let em in. Fucking idiot.
Liberalism is a mental illness.
So the score now is 45616531 : 1?
Get gunned down by a feral wog amerishart.
top fucking kek talk about reaping what you sow
>Liberals are double standard faggots
And Sup Forums isn't? people are just shitty and think standards should only apply when it serves their agenda
Give examples plz. Also, see this:
In other news, water is wet.
>One white guy rams a car into people
>Tons of attacks, rapes, killings, and bombings by Islamists/Muslims
>These people dindu nuffin! They are just misunderstood! White people are the real terrorists! #notallmuslims #fuckwhitepeople #religionofpeace
See what I did there? I can also be an idiot too!
Did I say anything about white people?
Sup Forums is just as hypocritical but make excuses for their double standards. Crying about underhanded tactics and violent thugs being held up as heroes and not properly rejected by the community then pulling the same shit themselves. Describing any terrorist attack associated with the right wing as just a mental health issue with no possible connection to larger groups yet acting as if liberals doing the same is the ultimate evidence that they're wrong.
>we're only as hypocritical as the other side so that makes us better
This is what we've come to? Literally enthusiastic degeneracy in the name of fighting fire with fire.
Let him know...what else is twitter good for than showing people the shit they don't want to see; THEMSELVES.
>1 post by this ID
Dox him and then kill him. All traitors must be killed. Dont argue with them. Just kill them.
Oh. So you are talking about when a lib/muslim does some sort of politically motivated attack we say That person should be rejected" when others say "not all muslims" or "it's cause of the (insert excuse here)? But when right wingers do a politically motivated attack people say "fuck all republicans" or "White people suck" when we say "fuck the group that got attacked"? It's just cause of the numbers of attacks that affect how I respond. You see, leftist/ muslim attacks happen WAY more than right wing attacks. That causes my difference in reaction. Is it the right thing to do? I really don't know. Also:
Except the post you quoted is the truthful one, the hypocrites are those who defend Islam in the west.
dont get how thats a double standard?
The driver was a jew that moved from NYC to London - he wasn't even white
you degenerate fucking faggot
You might actually be retarded.
well you're not explaining it to me and just decide to insiult me so clearly you're just as stupid.
it's not okay to exploit over9000 terror attacks by mudslimes, because not all mudslimes
but it seems to be okay to exploit a jew in a van, calling him white and demonize every white person on the planet
how are you still alive?
>genderqueer texan + army vet
LOL what
>is gay
>defends Muslims
truly fucking stupid
Liberals are actual pedophiles and faggots with AIDS.
What I'm saying is that both sides do it and are hypocritic idiots.
At least in the US there has been more right-wing terrorism than muslim since 9/11 on a pace to beat them out overall with a lot more plots that were stopped like that irradiation plot that was the first to be charged under a 2004 radioactive material security law.
It's so obvious. If you can't see the double standard yourself, me explaining it wont help you see it. You're just that retarded, sorry m8.
Assuming he used to be in the US army that isn't really a surprise