"Wake up Hans! You were dreaming... saying something about a lady called Merkel... get ready and hurry up, we're about to take Moscow!"
What do?
"Wake up Hans! You were dreaming... saying something about a lady called Merkel... get ready and hurry up, we're about to take Moscow!"
What do?
This entire existence is merely the dream of a sleepy nazi soldier.
"Fuck Hans! Why are we speaking English?!"
Kommit jensen. Lets do this for the Reich
"H-hans und Hans what's wrong with der Flags"
freeze to death
>we're about to take Moscow!"
Too late to change history
Warum sprichst du Englisch? Bist du ein Ami Spion?
Take moscow you dumbfuck.
Иди нaхyй.
Probably die despite years more military training than most of these guys. The average lifespan in the largest military battles ever was pretty short
Take Moscow
Uhh... ein nict want to invade Russia today. You guys go ahead, I'll hang back.
Hurry up and take Moscow.
Is this a trick question?
...We need to go back...
Wake up an apologize to your father Hans. Or we will come rolling into Berlin and lock your barbarian ass in dictature for 70 years again.
Ich kennt keine Deutsch, bruder, aber ich will kampfe gegen der Juden und Bolshevists!
cry a single tear of joy before replying "endlich"
Hurry up and take Moskow
Jawohl, Fritz!
Aber warum sprichst du Englisch?
"Hey Walter, wake up! You were mumbling something about Islam. Cover me, I'm taking Moscow with user"
Пoбeдa Гитлepa cпacёт миллиoны poccиян oт бoльшeвизмa, Ивaн. Cмepть вceм жидaм.
Got blown up by a T-34
You make me sad
I as a russian wish our leaders were not that kind with you and instead jusr raping your mothers we would genocide all of you. Nothing of good ever came out of germany. But its good enough whats happening with europe now.
Bretty ebin :DDD
>we want a pincher on our capital by jihadis
Your leaders were not kind with you either.
>Be Nazi soldier.
>Disastrous attack on Russia.
>Reich falls apart.
>Years of anti-nazi propaganda.
>Country invaded by millions of Muslims.
>People call the West Soviet Union 'the fourth reich'.
>Live with family in sleepy rural village to avoid the thought police.
>Lay on bed with three generations of children surrounding me.
>Close eyes for the last time cursing the evil woman who leads Germany.
>"Wake up Hans! You were dreaming... saying something about a lady called Merkel... get ready and hurry up, we're about to take Moscow!"
Behold, der Untermenschen.
say what?
Probably an hero for being german
hehe sory pal
>Keeps giving financial and military aid to Soviet Russia
>Keeps sabotaging and destroying German shipping in the Baltic and North Seas
Pssht, Sorry old chap. Nothing personnel.
Why the fuck is Robin Hood and tea in Scotland? Do they have nothing else worth putting up there?
>Cherry picking pictures
Nope still Untermensch
Stop being scared of the winter.
>cherrypicking pictures
>nazi flag
>balkan turk or american 52% nation
Tell Hitler to hold the fuck off before he fucks up the entire war with a Russian invasion. dumbass. If he held off and Japan waited on pearl i'm confident Europe would be lost and Japan would still be in control of most of the pacific
You MUST take it.
för helvete.
Good job hans. Now we got the technology to level the Americans before they realise what the atom can do.
fucking kek the head coming off has to be some form of divine prank
Thats true. After stalin was done killing of all the enginners that rope job was the best they could do.
Does Sup Forums realize that it was literally straight up impossible to take Moscow or is its understanding of ww2 history really that terrible?
in a better timeline they couldve
> Look after doing these specific actions at a specific time with these specific consequences. Their is now way they could have done it. How stupid are you?
They could have if they done certain things differently
Dumb idea to try. Shouldve settled and focused on reparing relations and freeing the monarchs of Northern Europe.
Kill off hitler and his crasy clown possy.
Create massive wealth for Northern>Europe as intended.
Religiouse fanatics always ruin everything.