Is he autistic?
Wouldn't you take a picture?
Also that kid needs to start playing some sports fucking soon.
he was just thrusting inside mummy right before this while daddy watchd that can take a lot out of a young man leave him alone
He is a kid and probably not allowed to play with other kids. What do you except? He will become Sup Forums poster soon.
>will become
>thinking he isn't an expert
I don't doubt that he's already.
why is he still wearing that redneck cap?
Barron really needs to make some gainz
>b-but he's only11yo
so fucking what
He's 10 years old. If he was a baby your stupid ass would probably ask why he wears diapers. Fuck off now.
This, even his steam account is cucked by the SS and feds.
How will he be able to watch porn in the coming years?
What is it with you stupid children, always calling characters/anons autistic when they behave or think in a way you, a lowly nerd on the internet with a limited knowledge of psychology, deem to be even slightly strange? Why would you make this thread? Is claiming that a weird character is autistic your idea of a joke?
This is a good point. Would be watched and monitored consistently.
Wonder if the ss give him assurances his laptop and internet usage won't be judged
Who the fuck cares
Honestly, who cares
A dumb looking kid out of a fat, dumb, treacherous fake president
What's wrong with you people
fixating on some kid
when you don't have a job or excuse for existing
Baron keeping a "Growing Up In The White House" blog might be great PR for President Trump's brand. Imagine how many women and Sup Forumsacks would eat that shit up.
send me ur fanfic writing account dude
wtf how did the trumpsters didn't think of this yet? that would literally be a pewdiepie millions of dollars thing
Why would he need porn? If he gets horny enough he can just order an eastern european bride like his dad did.
that house is saudi-tear. is trump nouveau riche?
He certainly doesn't have any friends.
Kind of. He is just very gaudy. I don't believe in nouveau riche as a concept though. Plenty of newly rich people don't have such tastes.
I think Trump honestly does it as part of persuasion. Signalling wealth is part of what made him famous and therefore got more customers.
Trump's post about vaccines and autism was roughly the same time that Barron would have started showing the signs of autism.
It's quite clear that B Boy was diagnosed with spergers at the time, and Trump being Trump, he lashed out and tried to find any excuse as to why his son ended up an assburger.
His family have been wealthy for a while, he just has shit taste.
It's good to see him dressed casually, as a kid should be.
>You will shitpost with Barron in your lifetime
Truly this is the best timeline.
Because the wind would reveal that he's actually bald. I know this because it happens to my comb over too.
Low life back water scum OP.
Die in a fucking fire an take your family with you scum.
He is 10 emotionally but 13 in actually. It has been proven.
>according to a jackass, taking a photo of a helicopter makes you an autist
Barron is cute! CUTE!!