The Civil War has started in London
Would you join the fight?
I'm from Spain, but I have your back Britbros
The Civil War has started in London
Would you join the fight?
I'm from Spain, but I have your back Britbros
>I'm from Spain
It'll be every driving vans into each other
The Great Van War, with Projectile Crumpets.
Why did it take Sandnegros so long to realise how deadly trucks/vans are?
Hell yeah
Of course I would fight alongside my fellow brothers
Bring it on!
I mean, they still had car bombs and the like.
Interesting point though.
Disclaimer: This board is satire, please don't arrest me GCHQ
As much as the Brits on Sup Forums and people like Tommy Robinson say that the England of today isn't what the English want, I overwhelmingly see support from the 'real' English people I meet in real life.
Sadly, the guys who are trying to return England to what they believe England to be are no different from the terrorists who are trying to turn it into some Sharia zone.
As much as it pains me to say it, this is England's destiny and if you aren't onboard with what it's become then you need to leave and get out of the way rather than to impede the inevitable with pointless violence.
No. I'd be working to instigate a civil war here in my country. And that's just the beginning.
To the Spanish Centro Nacional de Inteligencia, we are just joking
Depends on the Right Wing group that's fighting.
If they're Nationalist and will remove all non-Whites (no exceptions) and International Finance, then yes.
>I have your back
Sad, because I don't have your's Moorblood.
Only if I get to Blitz the shit out of London.
I wouldn't fight against the muzzies. In fact, I even support the Mohammedan terrorism in Europe, because the docile natives that didn't rise up the moment the first pack of non-whites came deserve it.
but I would fight if the war is on all non-whites no matter how "based" they are
>"Berlin air lift part 2: free Bongistan"
Where do you want those pallets of AR-15's?
Obviously not Londonistan or Birminham
I'm a peaceful cute tender boy so too valuable to throw my life away but I'd definitely help by watching Ppl die.
I owe it to my English and Scotch-Irish ancestors to come back to help.
they wont even help the whites take back their land in south africa why would they even bother helping some anglos defend their shitty island
>Would you join the fight?
On what side though?
gotta step up my training, didn't realize it was fuck shit up o'clock
You gonna help the English in their time of needs or are you going to help the muzzies? I know you guys want Ulster but you have to think in the grand scheme of things what the best course of action is.
Fuck no.
Too close to a military base full of nuclear material in any form in any amount anywhere, so I don't want to die from radiation poisoning just because I'm near a military base.
Yes. 500 KM IS close.
Both bridge attacks and Manchester were hoaxes. The traitors in charge want to whip up a race war so they can roll out more of their police state, and clamp down on free speech. Don't believe their lies.
Yes. For Evropa
HQ Aussie shitpost
> MFW Canada, Australia and New Zealand all turned out better than the USA.