Do we all want to fuck her?
Is she right?
If (s)he's post-op, it's worth a go
post-op pussies are disgusting wtf
How feminine is his penis?
have you tried them?
No. He only looks passable at certain angles. And not this one.
Ew, id rather fuck a pre op than a post op with a nasty hole between his legs.
And I'm pretty anti tranny, don't really find Blaire white that fuckable
blair is sexy lil slut
Not gonna lie, she is hot.
>Do we all want to fuck her?
I would respect her pronouns, if you know what I mean.
I do, would marry too.
I don't understand. What does it mean???
when did she get so fat
Correct timestamp is 4:44 not 4:00. But yes it's clear there are a lot of people who want to fuck Blaire and I would not be surprised if some of those people are also alt-right.
But that doesn't mean much, I'd fuck Katy Perry too, doesn't mean she won't get a trip to the gas chamber afterwards.
does anyone has ass pic?
idk whts goin on but after a minute i had enough for a lifetime
is it two trannys or something
or a tranny and a hermaphrodite?
She's bulking
Stop calling it a,"He."
>Do we all want to fuck her?
I'm sorry, what?
kill yourself
those who go through with the surgery deserves death
>i'm now a qt girl with a feminine penis
>now i'm a girl but worse since my gash is LITERALLY a gash
I'd only fuck a tranny again if they had a decent pair of fake tits.
I love traps but she has downs. I don't like downies
Yeah, I get it, he passes. But that is still a man, and will die (suicide) as such.
>I too remember hurricane KKK
I would ravage her with sexual pleasure until she fully embraces the alt-right. At the moment she's basically alt-lite.
I can't watch these abominations.
>fucking deranged men with mental problems
traps > trannies
Christ these trannies are horrible they all need to be gassed
Implying you wouldn't, kikestani.
No kidding, dat ass is getting spankable.
nope she passes but trannies are gross
I mean She
>No dating/mating/breeding/sex/relationship/mixing threads
These threads belong on and
Id rather suck a trap dick than fuck a post op pussy. Those things are aweful
She'd definitely look passable from a doggystyle pov angle.
heh heheh thats gay
Ancaps need to be gassed along with this degenerate faggot.
But no, I don't want to fuck a mutilated guy who dresses like a woman. Not really my thing, m8.
Who is this freckled dude/chick people keep posting on here… Im outta the loop.
Yes i wanna fuck her & i don't hate her
Anyone who says they won't fuck her is a massive faggot
Implying you wouldn't smash her boipucci
Just so you all know she has a benis
A feminine benis
Blaire cutting off her qt feminine benis would be so tragic.
Gas all trannies, NOW.
Is there a difference between a trap and a tranny?
The face is okay, but not only do I hate the voice - I really don't like chubby girls or what virgin retards refer to as "thicc"
Who is that fat guy?
one wants to cut their dick off because they think they are a girl
the other just likes to look cute and wants to be a cock slave
This picture is a great motivation to turn off my pc for the rest of the week. Holy moly.
So a trap is still a dude right or are they usually hermaphrodites or sumthin
>tranny holes that can grow pubic hair inside and require constant medication to keep from closing
>better than feminine penis
Both are gay.
see you in an hour
If I was really drunk and nobody would know I would let it suck my dick but I'm not putting my dick anywhere near another MANS dick, whether you like it or not ITS A MAN. ITS HOMOSEXUAL BEHAVIOR. You should all be ashamed of yourself no less mentally ill than cuckolds
hes only the cutest trap going!
>wants to fuck a guy
>calls other people faggots
No. Knowing that it's Blaire White, I'm not getting hard and thus don't want to fuck him.
>>If (s)he's post-op, it's worth a go
>effectively skin a penis shaft
>dig a trench into the pelvis
>contort the penis head into a clitoris
>effectively turn the rest of the penis inside out to line the trench you dug into the pelvis
>use the shucked skin to build a labia
Post op is some god-damn Hellraiser cenobite shit. Pic related would absolutely do this.
A qt tranny is a higher form of trap since she looks cute in far more situations.
no thanks, I like vaginas (real ones).
WTF is this shit?
I never cared about alt kike celebs, I thought calling her a tranny was just a meme but it's actually a guy. With lots of make up it looks pretty convincing in most angles
not bad, not bad. too bad theres no nudes though
i love you guys
i totaly would
To my eternal shame, I would.
absolutely not
>turns up gas
would motorboat her tummy, if u know what i mean
Good to see nu-Sup Forums is also in need of a fucking gas chamber
This is possibly the most fucked up shit I've ever seen.
Hate her but want to fuck her
I'd take that boipucci to pound town though
You would have a nice sight while he fucked u in the ass
yes shes right. i want to. if shes lurking in this thread, im free, honey. hit me up :))
she has black boyfriend btw
id sooner fuck riley than that puffed up thai-doll that has no opinions of her own
We can all see what you're trying to do there. It's that transparent.
Fuck off, Riley
>Gross lips
>Gross skin (not the good kind of white)
Would rather fuck that dude with the mental illlness and cock rather than that real doll looking cunt. I'd rape her, yeah. If I saw that chunky bitch walk down the street, I'd force her to take her clothes off at knife point and cut her a bit. I want her to try talking with that annoying fucking voice while my cock is deep in her throat. I'd take her back to my place and rape her repeatedly. I'd finish on her tits and force her to lick my cum off my cock.I'd keep that little slut as a sex slave and force Cher to stay as chubby as she is now. God I want to rape the shit out of this bitch.
>tranny holes that can grow pubic hair inside and require constant medication to keep from closing
wait is that really true?
why would anyone do that to themselves
yeah someone doesn't agree with dumb ass alt-light populists that have no opinions of their own beyond "regurgitate what my audience thinks for money" is obviously riley or some other kike
you really are no better than kikes, no wonder you're tools to kike overlord putin
As if to prove my point that you are infact Riley, you come back triggered to all fuck.
Fuck off, Riley
Lmao untrue they require dildo insertions for a few months post surgery during the healing process so their vag doesn't seal off, but actual women have this too
It's obligatory to have pubic hair removed permanently by means of laser or w/e u like before you invert your dick
>Is she
Fuck off fucking kike
nice bait retard, heres a (you)
In the mouth maybe... Is that gay?
>le smug anime girl response
how can you make this shit up