How are whites the master race if Jews have higher IQ, lower crime, higher success, and made more inventions and scientific advancements (relative to population size).
Everytime the so called master race tries to rise up they are cucked by their masters.
The true master race?
Is that Kurzweil in the center?
if it is he has really aged
imagine a naked Jew, drowning in a vat of boiling feces, hopelessly flailing to get free
you call this your master race?
i have no love for the jew, but you have to be honest with yourself on which race are the true achievers
considering the power they have this graph only further proves how damn superior they are
the only thing the Jews ever achieved was fake getting turned into lampshades by the greatest Aryan who ever lived
and these people are your saviours?
Sup Forums is retarded, saying they are superior to blacks, but ignore their inferiority to jews and Asians
> quantity = quality
Completely unrelated?
what about getting so many nobel prizes?
being at the top of so many organisations?
controlling the very governments of so called white countries?
I have no inherent problem with the fact the jews run shit better than us and own everything. The real problem is that we're not allowed to talk about it without MUH ANTISEMITE NAZIS
It's Alan Greenspan
So? Want to read about what was done to whites in slave uprisings in the Caribbeans?
Also, true master races are gone, we are just a sad remnant of what the ancient civs were like before the barbarian germans took over in the west and arabs in the east.
Jews are ugly.
You can't be master race if you are a rat face.
They are the chosen people of Satan.
Jews infiltrate organizations then then award themselves with silly prizes. They use this a bling to impress the ignorant goyim.
All they have really achieved is sociobiological parasitism. Sterilizing all their females solves the problem for good.
Pic related is a fake, just like all the jews.
Israel completely BTFO'd the le chosen meme. Poorer than most post-Soviet countries despite having more foreign investment than Spain & Italy combined, ranks consistently among the top three in the OECD when it comes to corruption both perceived and convicted and it's the only country where immigrants are on average poorer after ten years.
They're parasites that wither without a host.
>Pic related is a fake
Plastic surgery or that they're all from the synagogue of satan?
They didn't contribute more. They did however contribute more per capita
That's not why Jews are superior though. Jews are superior because they are leaders. They always get the best deal and society is shaped around their existance
>they are superior to blacks, but ignore their infe
IQ isn't the only measure of a races attributes, nor is greed… but a combination of many things. That said, Asians and Jews have higher IQs right now because they are culturally encouraged toward scholastic achievement.. Whites culturally have been under assault for decades now, specifically targeted by academia, media, and taught to self flagellate and live in guilt.. we've been distracted and disincentivized and failed by our own political leadership…
Are you seriously telling me you don't think White people would do as well as in IQ testing Asians and Jews if there was a sea change in morals and values back to a traditional family values set, an education/achievement oriented society again?
Come on son,,,, we created the modern world…
People concentrated on rights and freedoms but forgot about responsibilities and obligations … in other words decadence did us in.
yes whites did very well in their golden age, and yet considering their population the you gotta admit the Jews are killing it
Parasitism evidently is working well for them, what about how they contribute so much to scientific advancement?
These prizes aren't dealt out by a jewish board. Secondly denoting the nobel prizes as silly just goes to show how much of an idiot you are, the accumulation of scientific data and creativity that goes into these discoveries awarding nobel prizes have significantly increased our understanding of the universe and the development of modern technology. But even considering your petty conspiracy, orchestrating this sort of scam on a global scam without hardly anyone noticing may be one of the most impressive feats of human capabilities.
>jews are ugly
ok here's the proof in a picture form that they aren't..
you're a literal child
When you use your disproportionate success to piss everyone off and destroy the world, even you lose.
Everyone outside the Western hemisphere knows their game and is sick of it, and many even in the West know, but are too scared to say it.
For the genetically superior "chosen people", they're pretty fuckin dumb. The only thing they've ever been chosen for is mass deportation and executions.
Anyone capable of doing basic math would be able to figure out that there are exponentially more intelligent white people in the world than intelligent Jews.
Assume there are about a billion whites in the world, and that, conservatively, 15% of the population has an IQ over 115. Now take the world Jewish population of 14 million, assume that 50% have an IQ above 115. That means there are approximately 150,000,000 whites with above average intelligence compared to about 7,000,000 Jews with above average intelligence. How can a group be the master race when they are vastly outbred by a group that is also smarter than them? How can a group be the master race when they are almost wiped out of existence and rescued by another faction of the group that shoah'd them in the first place? How can a group be the master race when their homeland is a third world shithole financially dependent on countries of another group it claims to be superior to?
Lmao. "God's chosen people" are a living meme.
I love seeing these kind of pics in history book and point it out to my students.
can you get in trouble for that?
the whites pissed everyone off in the 1800's, still worked out pretty well for them
population doesnt matter, average Jew IQ is still higher.
if it was about outbreeding then whites still wouldnt be the most successful race clearly
No, I cannot, I am only pointing out factual errors in history books.
You should hear me talk about Islam.